Consent Form for Research Investigation involving Human Subjects (Continued)
Consent Form for Research Investigation involving Human Subjects
Project Title: Work-family Spillover: Working Professionals Caring for Their Aging Parent(s)
Research Project No. A11-037
- I have been invited by Kimyatta Divinity, a doctoral candidate in Organizational Leadershipat Argosy University, Washington DC, to participate in a research study to examine if experiences with work-family spillover and eldercare influence job satisfaction, life satisfaction, and psychological distress. I was asked to be a possible participant because of my experiences as a working professionalin balancing work, family, and possibly eldercare. There will be approximately 300 to 600 individuals like me who may participate in the study.
- If I agree to be in this study, I will be asked to complete an anonymous on-line survey with a series of questions pertaining to my feelings and experiences with balancing work, family, and caregiving responsibilities. I will also complete a demographic form. This study will take approximately 25-30 minutes.
- My participation in this study carries the risk that I may feel uncomfortable emotions in answering some of the questions. I am free to skip any questions or stop participation at any point.
- I am not likely to experience any personal benefits by participating in this study. There is no compensation for participating. The results of in this study may add to the literature of work-family spillover.
- This study is anonymous. The on-line survey software is protected by a password and network firewalls.Research records will be stored securely. Because the data are collected anonymously, there can be no link between any report of the results and me.
- My participation is voluntary. My decision regarding my participation will not affect my current or future relationship with ArgosyUniversity or any other entity. If I decide to participate, I may refuse to answer any questions or withdraw at any time without any consequence. If I choose to withdraw before completing the study, all my information will be destroyed.
- I have the right to a summary of the results of this research. I can obtain a summary by asking Kimyatta Divinity at .
- This research has been certified by the Argosy University, Washington DC Institutional Review Board (IRB) for the period October 13, 2011, to October 12, 2012. For research-related problems or questions regarding participants' rights, I can contact the IRB Chair, Dr. Edward Shearin, at (703) 526-5811 or .
- If I have any questions about this study, I can contact Kimyatta Divinity at or Dr. Sean Robinson, the research supervisor,at (703) 526-5872 or .
I have read and I understand the explanation provided to me. I have had all my questions answered to my satisfaction, and I voluntarily agree to participate in this study. Clicking the agreement tab means that I voluntarily give my consent to participate in this study. After doing so, I may stop at any point without any penalty.
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