28-Tuesday: 6th Commandment & meaning up to do
30-Thursday: rest of meaning
31-Friday: 6th Commandment & all of meaning / Religion:
Unit 4: Jesus Brings Salvation
As Jesus has fulfilled His promises throughout history, we can trust Him to return on the Last Day to give all who believe in Him glorified bodies and take us home to heaven.
(Matthew 25:31:46; Luke 1:57-80)
Math:This week we will finish Topic 9: Understanding Fractions. Throughout this unit we discussed dividing regions into equal parts and fractional parts of a set. We also discussed locating fractions on a number line, benchmark fractions, and fractions and length. Wednesday of this week your child will take their twelfth multiplication timed-test! Please help your child study their multiplication facts!
Monday: No homework
Tuesday: Study for timed-test
Wednesday: Timed-test & Study for Topic 9 Test
Thursday: Topic 9 Test
Friday: No homework / Reading:
Story: “The Go Around Dollar
Vocabulary: circulation, tender, official,
formula, emblem
Realistic Fiction & Non-Fiction
Realistic Fiction: The story could happen in real life. It has real people, places, and events. Non-fiction: Non-fiction is used to explain, describe, or inform the reader.
Monday: Read “The Go Around Dollar” to a parent
Tuesday: Test over “The Go Around Dollar” &
Read 15 minutes
Wednesday: Read 15 minutes
Thursday: Read 15 minutes
Friday: No homework
No Spelling this week!
Lutheran Schools Week! / Science/Social Studies:
Unit 4: History of Communities
Chapter 8: Technology Changes Communities
Throughout this chapter we will discuss how individuals such as Meriwether Lewis and William Clark contributed to the expansion of communities. We will also identify scientists and inventors who have developed new technologies and explain their impact on daily life.
Praises & Petitions:
*Give praise for birthdays Jordyn Ledley (Jan. 3rd), Leah Nicol (Jan. 10th) & Matthew Griffin (Jan. 10th)
*Lutheran Schools Week is January 27-January 31.
*Please note parent/teacher conferences are scheduled for Tuesday, February 25. This conference is optional. / Contact Information:
*School (937) 644-5540
Extension 128
Website: www.quia.com/pages/misscline.html
Mrs. Monroe’s Weekly Newsletter
Monday, January 27, 2014- Friday, January 31, 2014
Student of the Week: Jaxen Phelps