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World HistoryChapter 10 15 Study Guide Early China

Part One: Vocabulary Terms Directions: Match the vocabulary terms word with the correct definition.

  1. This philosophy taught that people need a strong ruler to maintain order: ______
  1. An appointed officer who makes sure that government workers do their job: ______
  1. This person reformed and improved the government by changing civil service hiring practices: ______
  1. This person was the founder of Daoism whose name means “the Old Master” :______
  1. The responsibility of children have to respect, obey and care for their parents: ______
  1. People who share a similar position in society: ______
  1. A Chinese medical practice that eases pain through the use of needles stuck into the patient’s skin: ______
  1. Cuts on blocks of wood the earliest printing process: ______
  1. This philosophy taught that people should give up worldly desires: ______
  1. This person wanted to unify China: ______
  1. A vast network of trade routes for Chinese goods stretching as far as Greece and Rome: ______
  1. This philosophy taught that if a person does his or her duty, society as a whole will do well: ______
  1. The Chinese discovered that they could use this substance to heat things and make steel: ____
  1. What farming method did the ancient Chinese develop to prevent soil erosion and to cultivate crops? ______

Part Two: Chapter Review Directions: Use your book, Chapter 10 outline notes, and vocabulary definitions to answer the following questions or statements below:

1. The Mongols were known for:

2. Under the Tang dynasty, rulers carried out what type of improvements?

3. What was the principal the Zhou dynasty claimed that gave them the right to rule?

4. Despite restrictions, what European missionaries continued to travel to China?

5. What leader unified the Mongol clans, built a large army, and created a legal code?

6. It was an artificial boundary but it did not limit early China’s interaction with other regions and cultures:

7. This period of time looked for ways to restore order in China:

8. Why did Wu Wang lead a rebellion against the Shang government?

9. In chronological order what was the first, second and third country that Buddhism spread to in Asia?

10. Why was the Chang Jiang so important to the people of ancient China?

11. Of all the empires the Mongol empire is considered to be the largest:

12. During the Tang period trade improved because of the Silk Road and what else?

13. Empress Wu increased the size of the government and she:

14. Many people became Buddhists in China during the A.D. 100s because:

15. During the Song dynasty what method of painting was very popular?

16. What new technology was developed during the Zhou dynasty?

17. During the Tang era, what were some of the new crops they developed to grow in poor soil?

18. What was an outcome due to Zhang Qian’s exploration of the West?

19. Who was the leader that wanted the best minds to work in government and he created a civil service examine?

20. Why did Confucian officials want to end Chinese voyages?