Study Guide TEST 2 – ORIGINS - Olmec and Early Maya Civilization

The Olmec culture

-first great Mesoamerican civilization, developing along Mexico's gulf coast (200-400 B.C.)

-were talented artists andsculptors he massive colossal heads found at four Olmec sites are a goodexample. Most surviving Olmec art seems to have had a religious or political significance

OLMEC Agriculture Basic agriculture using the "slash-and-burn" technique in which overgrown plots of landare burned: this clears them for planting and the ashes act as fertilizer. They planted squash, beans, manioc,sweet potatoes and tomatoes. Maize was a staple of the Olmec diet.One of the Olmec Gods is associated with maize.

Olmec Tools: Used clay, stone, bone, wood or deer antlers.

madepottery: vessels and plates used for storing and cooking food.

Tools were mostly made of stone and include basic items such as hammers, wedges, mortar-and-pestles

ORIGINS of MAYA CIVILIZATION– 3 Key Sites in Belize – Cerros, Lamanai and Cuello

CERROS - In northern Belize Corozal District. A pre-classic site where there is evidence of TRADE withOlmecs. Place where early form of Kingship (Kings/ Royalty) developed.

Pulltrouser Swamp (Northern Belize, Orange Walk District) People likely settled around swamps because

of the rich, plant, soil and water resources this environment made available. Early Agriculture -CORN/ Maize

appears at the site around 890 BC. Pollen records show mass forest disturbance around 2500 B.C., This is

evidence for a rapid and extensive expansion of agriculture with maize as an important crop.

CUELLO: location: Northern Belize near Orange Walk Town. A farming village .It also features the remainsof a steam bath dating to approximately 900 BC, making it the oldest steam bath found to date in the Mayalowlands. Human burials from 900 BC onwards accompanied by offerings of ceramic vessels.It participated

in regional trade networks with obsidian (volcanic rock/ like glass) being imported from the Maya highlands.


  • chocolate = gift from the gods
  • cacao seeds = money.
  • The Maya considered crossed eyes, flat foreheads, and big noses to be beautiful features

Jade = Precious rock used to make jewellery

Basalt = types of rocks used to make giant sculptures

Obsidian = Volcanic rock traded by the Maya