The Human Game Board

What is your favorite color and why?

My favorite color is ______because………..

Compare and Contrast the seasons summer and winter

One comparison between summer and winter is…

One contrast between summer and winter is….

Name as many states and their capital cities as you can.

Describe the water cycle using the following words:

precipitation / evaporation
condensation / Surface run off
accumulation / cycle

What is something you like to do for fun?

I like to______, ______and ______.

What is something that you like about your town?

Something that I like about my town is………….

If you could describe your personality in 3 words...what would they be?

I am ____, ____, and _____.

Describe your town or city to a complete stranger using this:

The name of my town is ______.

Itis……….; it’s ……….; My town is also…………

Use as many of these words as you can and talk about what you did yesterday.

Carefully / Seriously / Happily
Excitedly / Sadly / Hungrily
Quickly / Slowly / Gently

Use as many of these words as you can and talk about what you did on Saturday:





Count to 100 by 3s:


Say the alphabet backwards:


What are 5 words that rhyme with Dog:

Make up a story about the picture. Make at least 1 sentence per person:

Use the following word in as many sentences as you can for 10 seconds:


Look around the room and find the following shapes:

Circle, Square, Triangle, Rectangle

As a group, beginning from A and ending at Z, come up with a fruit whose name begins with each letter of the alphabet in order.

A is for apple; B is for ______
Describe what’s going on in the picture. Make at least 5 sentences:

Use the following word in as many sentences as you can for 10 seconds:


Describe the life cycle of a frog using the following words:

  • Eggs
  • Tadpole
  • Froglette
  • Frog

Sing the chorus line (the main part) to your favorite song…..

Tell your friends the synonym of these words using the phrase: ‘the synonym of _____ is ______.”

Vocabulary / Synonym
Miserable / sad

What number is missing?

1, 2, 3, ______

What number is missing?

2,4,6,8, ______, 12
Say your 6 times tables from 1-10:

The product of 6 times 1 is….

The product of 6 times ___ is…

John Kongsvik TESOL TRAINERS, Inc.

The Human Game Board

Show why these are fact families:

  • 2,3,5
  • 9,8,1

John Kongsvik TESOL TRAINERS, Inc.

The Human Game Board

Solve this problem

If Baby bear has 7 mangos and gives 1 mango to each of his 3 friends, how many mangos does he have left?

Solve this problem

Alexa had 42 nickels in her piggy bank. She gave her sister 32 nickels. How many nickels did Alexa have left in her piggy bank?

John Kongsvik TESOL TRAINERS, Inc.

The Human Game Board

Solve this problem:

Mr. Tyler is going to have a pizza party for his class. If he has 18 students and one pizza feeds 4 students, how many whole pizzas does he need to buy?

John Kongsvik TESOL TRAINERS, Inc.

The Human Game Board

What is the area and the perimeter of this shape?

Do 10 jumping jacks

John Kongsvik TESOL TRAINERS, Inc.

The Human Game Board

Sing a line of a Beatles song

John Kongsvik TESOL TRAINERS, Inc.

The Human Game Board

Give each person in your group a compliment:

“I just wanted to let you know that……”

John Kongsvik TESOL TRAINERS, Inc.

The Human Game Board

Oh no…you are sharing enough as a group….go back 5 spaces.

John Kongsvik TESOL TRAINERS, Inc.

The Human Game Board

I’m sorry; I think you could answer that last question better. Go back and answer it again.

John Kongsvik TESOL TRAINERS, Inc.

The Human Game Board

Your group is so good at taking turns!! Give everyone a high 5.

John Kongsvik TESOL TRAINERS, Inc.

The Human Game Board

Run in place for 15 seconds

Play rock, paper, scissors, the loser does 10 jumping jacks.

Did I hear you say, “boring?” Well, get excited, ‘cause you’re moving back 2 spaces!

Your intelligence brings yet another reward; switch places with any other team.

John Kongsvik TESOL TRAINERS, Inc.