Council Minutes 2 October 2012

25.1Strategic Assets Property Purchase

Moved Cr Oliver, seconded Cr Gardner that pursuant to Sections 90 (2) and (3) (b) (i) of the Local Government Act1999, the Council orders that the public be excluded from the meeting with the exception of the Chief Executive, Governance Administration Officer, General Managers, Minute Taker and the officer responsible for the report, on the basis that the Council considers it necessary and appropriate to act in a manner closed to the public in order to receive, discuss and consider information by way of a report and associated documents in relation to agenda item 25.1 – Strategic Assets Property Purchase and the Council is satisfied that the meeting should be conducted in a place open to the public is outweighed in relation to the matter because receiving, considering and discussing the report and associated documentation contains/involves:

3 (b) information the disclosure of which -

(i) could reasonably be expected to confer a commercial advantage on a person with whom the council is conducting, or proposing to conduct, business, or to prejudice the commercial position of the count; and

(ii) would, on balance, be contrary to public interest;


Council’s administration is currently in discussion with the owner of the property at 9 Crocker Street Goolwa. The owner is in business with a number of business partners and prefers that the information relating to the sale not be publicly available until firm arrangements have been agreed and business partners have been consulted.

File Ref: 9.24.1

Officer Resp. For Report: Peter Dinning (Chief Executive)

ACF12274Moved Cr Gardner seconded Cr Oliver:

1.That pursuant to Sections 91 (7) and (9) of the Local Government Act 1999, the Council orders that the minutes of the Council meeting held on 2 October 2012 in relation to confidential item number 25.1 and titled Strategic Assets Property Purchase and the information by way of a report and any associated attachments thereto remain confidential and not available for public inspection (except for the purposes of advising the owner of 9 Crocker Street, Goolwa), for a period of 12 months from the date of this meeting or a lesser period as determined by the Chief Executive.

2.That Council authorise the Chief Executive or his representative to proceed with the offer to purchase the property at 9 Crocker Street, Goolwa for a price of $1,800,000.

3.That Council's loan borrowing program be utilised to fund the purchase of 9 Crocker Street, Goolwa.

4.That Council's administration prepares an options paper for consideration by Council which identifies land or building assets that can be disposed of, to reduce Council's asset holdings to ensure optimal utilisation of Council assets.