The ‘ISBP’ principle can be applied at many levels of a bid, tender, proposal or grant application: / Use this principle, in the ISBP order, as you start to writea first draft. Articulating your thoughts will be much easier, and have a whole lot more meaning in your submission. It is client focused, and benefit driven. This is not necessarily how the final response will look, but it will help you to provide the main elements needed in a good response.
  • When forming the overall bid strategy (and a good start for Executive Summaries).

  • When structuring a major section.

  • When responding to a specific question or evaluation criterion.

  • When responding to a component of one section.

What you need to consider / Which party? / What it means
Issue / For your Client / What really matters to your Client?What are the key drivers?Get behind the words written in the Client’s request documentand get to the heart of what your Client believes will really make adifference. If you do not know what matters, how can you providethe best solution? Then articulate the issue in your submission in your own words so that your Client knows you understand it.
Solution / By you / How will you address your Client’s issues? Write in terms of what will directly solve the issues, not what is convenient for you. Outline / describe the features of your solution that directly address the issues. Too many losing bids give a boilerplateanswer (solution) based on what is good for your organization and not necessarily what is good for your Clients’ organization. This is lazy and arrogant, and a sure way to score poorly.
Benefit / For your Client / Highlight the benefits that your Client will receive from yourissue-driven solution.Don’t assume they are obvious and don’tassume your Client will know. And don’t get a benefit mixed upfor a feature. For example: power steering on a car is the feature, easier parking is the benefit.
Proof / By you / Prove that the benefits of your solution will really solve yourClient’s issue.Demonstrate how/where you have used thissolution before. Provide the evidence. State previous contractsuccesses, give examples or case studies, or provide third partytestimonials/references. This will all provide a feeling of comfort.