Pentecost Sunday, 20th May 2018.

Priest on duty this Sunday for the Corca Dhuibhne Pastoral Area:Fr. Seosamh Ó Beaglaoí, 066 9151208 / 086 2498967

We pray for all who died recently.

Masses at Church of The Sacred Heart, Annascaul

Sat. 19th / 7pm Vigil / Breda Russell, Cork & Main St., Annascaul. Anniv.
Tues. 22nd / No Mass
Fri. 25th / 7pm
Sat. 26th / 7pm Vigil / Tom Lynch, Dublin & Annascaul. Anniv.

Adoration of The Blessed Sacrament: Friday from 6-7pm.


Masses at St. Mary’s Church, Camp

Sun. 20th / 12noon / Patrick & Kathleen Curtin, Essex, U.K. Anniv.
Mon. 21st / No Mass
Sun. 27th / 12noon / Pádraig Kennelly, Scrallaghbeg & Tralee. Anniv.

Adoration of The Blessed Sacrament: Thursday 7-8pm


Masses at St. Joseph’s Church, Inch

Sun. 20th / 10.45am
Thurs.24th / No Mass
Sun. 27th / 10.45am / Michael Foley, Lack. Anniv.

Adoration of The Blessed Sacrament: Thursday 3-4pm


ANNASCAUL Readers Ministers of Eucharist Altar Servers

Vigil-7pm Donna O’Brien M. Falvey & C. Rohan E. McCarthy & J. Lyne


10.45am Máire Ní Riain Pádraig Ó Fóghlú Daniel Kennedy


12noon Breda O’Dwyer As arranged

If you cannot attend as above, please arrange a substitute to take your place.


1.Buiochas leat foryour contribution to the €1,120 offered at the Masses in the parish last weekend.

2.Diocesan Collection for Education of Clergy is taking place at all Masses this w/end.

3.‘Choose Life’ – weekly Newsletter is available on

4.Day of Prayer for Lifewill take place this Sunday, May 20thin St Brendan's Church, Curraheen; Mass at 11am celebrated by Fr. Francis Nolan, followed by Adoration from 12 noon to 6pm with Evening Prayer at 5.30pm. (Kerry Right to Life)

5.ARDFERT RETREAT CENTRE(0667134276) –(1)Guided Holy Hour & Mass: New Feast of Mary Mother of the Church announced by Pope Francis. Celebrant: Fr. Seán Sheehy, Mon. 21st May, 11.00am-2.00pm. (2)Self Care Day:"Tools to manage life's every day stressors", Offeringwellness skills that can be readily incorporated into one’s life to nourishour physical emotional well being. Facilitated by Anna O' Donoghue &Betty Garnett, Sat 26th May, 9.45am-4.00pm. Contact Anna 879447105.

6. An Evening with James Kilbane, songs of faith, life & family will take place in St. Mary’s Church, Dingle on Sun. 3rd June at 8pm; Tickets: €15, available in Annascaul Presbytery.

A Word of Thanks and Encouragement. The right to life of the unborn child.

(Bishop Ray Browne, Diocese of Kerry, Pentecost Sunday 2018)

I thank the people and parishes of our diocese for the positive response I received to my Pastoral Message released two weeks ago. I am full of admiration for all who are involved in campaigning for the right to life of the unborn child. Also thanks to everyone for debating and discussing the issue gently, respectfully and sensitively.

In recent weeks my thoughts have returned again and again to what “Doctors for Life” are saying. I believe it contains the key to this Referendum: “In every case I am dealing with two patients, the pregnant woman and the unborn child. Both are my patients. I cannot be involved in the death of one of them. Termination of pregnancy is not health care.”

If the Referendum is passed the government’s proposed legislation is extreme. I believe it will introduce a system similar to Britain where many claim that 90% of babies aborted are healthy babies.

I am voting ‘NO’ next Friday. I encourage, you to do the same. Please pray that the people of our country will choose to vote ‘NO’, thus honouring and defending the life of every unborn child.

I conclude with the words of Pope Francis: “no alleged right to one’s own body can justify a decision to terminate the life of an innocent child growing in the mother’s womb”.


1.Annual Cystic Fibrosis 4 Mile Walk, Bank Holiday Mon. 4th June, Leaving the Junction Bar Camp @ 11am.Refreshments afterwards in the Old School.

2.Open Information Morning in Tralee VTOS, Clash, Tralee on Wed. 23rd May, 10am to 1pm. Free adult information programme for S. W. recipients. Info.: Breda O’Carroll, 066 7121041.

3.Moving On is a new employment programme for women in Kerry – Free Information Sessions: Tralee: Árus an Phobail, Wed. 23rdMay, 10am-12noon & Dingle: Áiseanna na hÓige, Wed. 30thMay, 10am-12noon. Info.: Lisa O Flaherty,NEWKD, 087 764 7446.

4.Thanks to the 97 Blood Donors who attended the recent clinic in Pobalscoil Chorca Dhuibhne.