Serving the Village of Rowhedge

The Clerk, East Donyland Parish Council

The Crow’s Nest, 1 Regent Street, Rowhedge CO5 7AE

Tel: 01206 729200 e-mail:

New fees Relating to Mooring alongside Lion Quay and Pearson Quay

Operative from 1st May 2017

  1. Quay Side Mooring Fees for Rowhedge Residents

10 Permit Tickets … £25 Permit tickets can be purchased from the Water Bailiff.

  • Permit tickets will be issued following payment of Fee. Each ticket will state boat name/owner’s name.
  • Boat owners will be expected to hand to or post these tickets through the Water Bailiff’s letterbox to cover the number of nights mooring to be used.
  • These permitted moorings are for a maximum of 10 consecutive days.
  • Extra days can be negotiated with the Water Bailiff for urgent or unplanned needs.
  • The tickets purchased need to be used within 2 years of issue.
  1. Quay Side Mooring Fee for non-Rowhedge Residents who have a Rowhedge Mud Berth.

Overnight mooring fee £7.50 5 permit tickets £30

Permit tickets can be purchased from the Water Bailiff in blocks of 5 up to a total of 40 at any time.

  1. Overnight Mooring Fees for Visiting Boats

Non-commercial craft (Sail boat/cabin cruiser size) … £10

Commercial craft including privately owned barges… £30per night

  1. Boats invited to take part in the Regatta or any other Parish Council approved river event will not be charged for overnight mooring. The Water Bailiff has the right to remove all other boats away from the quayside while such events are operating.
  1. The Council reserves the right to move and re-moor any vessel at the discretion of the Honorary Water Bailiff. The Honorary Water Bailiff’s decision is final as to where and how a boat may be moored with consultation with a member of the Council.

Water Bailiff – David Slavinskas,

6 Oxton Close, Rowhedge, CO5 7JJ

Phone No.07472043784

Quay Side Mooring Regulations

All boats at the Council’s Moorings are moored at the owner’s risk and subject to the following conditions:

  1. The Council accepts no responsibility for any damage incurred to craft whilst moored.
  1. The users will be responsible for any damage to the quay resulting from negligence or incorrect mooring.
  1. It is the user’s responsibility to ensure any ropes, spars or other equipment are not overhanging or left on the quays in such a way as to endanger or interfere with other quay users or members of the general public.
  1. All craft must be tied up using only the purpose provided anchor points. Boats must not be tied up to seats or litterbins.
  1. It is the responsibility of any person mooring a boat to ensure the proper use of fenders in order to avoid inflicting damage to adjacent boats caused by bumping.
  1. The Council reserves the right to refuse mooring rights at their discretion and to amend these regulations as they consider necessary. Boat owners will be informed of any changes.
  1. The Council’s Water Bailiff has the final decision as to where visiting boats might moor.

1 / Mooring Fees & Regulations 2017