ANNOUNCEMENTS – January 29, 2017
- STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING Thursday, Feb. 2 at 11am.
- COUNCIL MEETINGMonday, February 13that 3pm-- one week earlier than usual.
- ANNUAL MEETING Sunday, February 19thfollowing worship.
Yesterday, Today Tomorrow celebration – Feb. 11th
RSVP deadline fast approaching. We need to know by this Thursday, Feb. 2, if you plan to attend so that the caterer can be advised.A message can be left at604-324-7444 or email .
PHOTOS NEEDED of the life of the church, including St. Giles and South Hill, for the above celebration. Please write your name and phone number on the back of any pictures you want returned. Photos can be given to Lillian Autin, Moyra Dhaliwal, or left in the church office.
SALE ITEMScan now be found in the Upper Hall. Folk are encouraged to take what is there for a small donation. The items on the shelves should be only those from within the Church that will not be going with us to Marpole, or will not be put in storage.
BIBLE READINGS forFebruary 5:
Isaiah 58:1-9a (9b-12)Psalm 112:1-9 (10)
1 Corinthians 2:1-12 (13-16)Matthew 5:13-20
Pre-reading these passages and giving them some thought will deepen your understanding of these readings, the prayers of the day, and the sermon.
FIRST FOR FIRST is next Sunday when we invite you to bring donations for First’s mission work on the downtown eastside. They are still in need of
glovesand mitts, shampoo, and of course non-perishable food items.
DID YOU KNOW? Last year we had 210 walkers and 80+ volunteers raise over $42,000 for our annual Coldest Night of the Year walk. We would love for you to join us:
What:Ttsilhqot’in Fundraiser in support of the legal defence fund to protect Fish Lake
When: Tuesday, January 31 from 7-10pm
Where: Wise Hall, 1882 Adanac Street,
You are invited to join Indigenous communities in their legal efforts to protect Teztan Biny (also known as Fish Lake) from being destroyed by Taseko Mines’ toxic mining waste.
This fundraiser is to benefit the Tsilhqot’in Nation’s legal defence against Taseko Mines. The federal government has given the mining company permission to use the lake as a
“tailings impoundment area” for waste under a provision in the Fisheries Act.
Grand Chief Stewart Phillip, Xeni Gwet’in Chief Roger William, and Yunesit’in Chief Russell Myers Ross will share the story of the fight to protect Teztan Biny. Indigenous peoples rely on the water for fishing and spiritual purposes. Susan Smitten, Executive Director of RAVEN, will emcee the discussion and video presentation. There will also be a loonie raffle and a silent auction. Co-hosts are the Wilderness Committee, the Council of Canadians, Amnesty International Vancouver and Friends of the Nemaiah Valley.
Tea/Coffee bannock available. Admission is suggested at $10 per person, but no one will be turned away for lack of funds. Please invite your friends and neighbours and anyone you know who is concerned about Indigenous rights and the impact mining is having on the lands, water and people.
Join us forWinter Wander - Feb 4
Visit Vanier Park Saturday (4th) from 10am to 5pm for Winter Wander. For $5 you can visit the Museum of Vancouver, H.R. MacMillan Space Centre, Vancouver Maritime Museum, Vancouver Academy of Music and City of Vancouver Archives. Enjoy performances from some of our Young ShakespeareansandRiotous Youth, play ball hockey, learn to fold origami and more - bring the family! You might want to bring a car load.
Greeter:Leslie Alexander
Reader:Diane Wyllychuk
Hospitality:Men of the Congregation
Birthdays: Bertie Jackson (Feb. 4th)
Local – Joanne, Pat Marchant, Norma, Lynn, Effie, Roy, James, Duncan, Brenda, Rob, Isobel, David, Cathy
OUC Ministries – Vice Chair - Janice Douglas
Van. South Presbytery – Richmond United Church – the Reverend Warren McKinnon
Ecumenical –Cyprus, Greece, Turkey
Oakridge United Church
305 W. 41st Ave., Vancouver, BC V5Y 2S5
Tel. 604-324-7444
Clergy – The Reverend Neill McRae -
Music Director – Danielle Marcinek -
Office Administrator – Sharon Morrow –
Tues-Fri 9-1:30
Building Maintenance Co-ordinator - Dave Autin
Mon., Tues., Wed. mornings