University of Hawaii-Co-curricular Activities, Programs & Services


1. Name of RIO, University Program, or Departement______

2. Name of RIO, University Program, or Department member in charge of the event______


3. Date, time, and on-campus location where food will be served/sold:______



4. Describe what food items will be served/sold and the estimate amount of pieces (eg: about 200 whole chickens will be prepared

for sale):______







5. Before any person or organization may operate a temporary food service establishment where food is served or sold, a permit

or certificate or approval must be secured from the Sanitation Branch. Environmental Protection and Health Service Division,

State Department of Health. Telephone number is 586-8000. Address is 591 Ala Moana Boulevard behind the U.S. Immigration

Service Building.

a. Sanitation Branch requires that an “Application for Temporary Food Service/Food Establish Permit” be submitted for

approval at least two weeks in advance of the food service/sale. A separate set of Public Health Regulations may be


b. Attach a copy of the permit of certificate of approval, or a copy of the approval, or a copy of the approved “Application

for Temporary Food Service/Food Establish Permit.”

6. Indicate where the food will be purchased:______


7. Indicate the name, telephone number and contact person of the licensed facility preparing the food or supervising the food

preparation/serving: ______


8. If the food is to be transported to an on-campus site from a licensed facility, describe the procedures to be used for the storage

of the “for sale” product______



9. If the food required special temperature control, describe the methods for maintaining proper temperatures:




10. If circled below, obtain permission from the following offices in the order in which they are listed. Permission should be

obtained no later than 3 weeks prior to the date of the service/sale:

a. Parking Office, Raymond Shito, Bldg. 149-C, 1980 East West Road, 956-9290


Signature of Parking Office

b. Campus Security Office, Chief Kyle Cockett, Bldg 149-B 1980 East West Road, 956-8211


Signature of Campus Security Office

c. Co-curricular Activities, Programs & Services, Leadership Development Staff, Campus Center 208, 956-8178.


Signature of Co-Curricular Activities, Programs & Services

11. Co-curricular Activities, Programs & Services will forward a copy of your organization’s request to Sodexho Food Service

at Campus Center 220A


1)  When the use of University facilities involves the sale or service of food you are required to complete the “Request to Serve/Sell Food on Campus (rev 8/2) and obtain prior approval from the University. Forms are available at the CAPS Office in Campus Center 208. This must be completed at least three weeks prior to the scheduled event.

2)  Fill in items “1 through “9 on the other side as completely and thoroughly as possible.

3)  Be sure to secure and attach copies of permits as described in item “5 on the other side.

4)  Sodexho has been granted exclusive rights to all catering at UH-Manoa as part of the University’s food service, however some allowances have been made for student groups who serve (not sell) food on campus as described as below. Obtaining food from Sodexho offers convenience and quality taste. Menus, service, and pricing are available from Catering at 956-2186.

5)  Groups, chartered and registered, may provide food their meetings, events, and functions in Campus Center facilities (except Campus Center Executive Dining Room and Campus Center 203 dining hall meeting rooms), from vendors other than Sodexho. In order to do this, groups must obtain prior approval from the University who must then inform Sodexho. In the provision of this food, groups may have vendors other than Sodexho bring the food on campus to Campus Center facilities to drop off the food and return to pick up pans, utensils, etc. At no time shall such vendors engage in any full service catering activities, including setting up food, serving food or cleaning up. Nor shall such vendors utilize food service preparation areas of Sodexho.

6)  Groups serving of providing food for their meetings, events of functions in University facilities other than Campus Center facilities must also obtain permission from Sodexho as noted below. Permission should be obtained no later than three weeks prior to date of food service.

a. Sodexho, Food Service Director, c/o Campus Center 220A

Signature of Sodexho Date

7)  Groups selling food or food products as fundraising or as part of their meetings, events and functions on campus must obtain permission from Sodexho as noted below.

Permission should be obtained no later than three weeks prior to date of the food sales.

a. Sodexho, Food Service Director , c/o Campus Center 220A

Signature of Sodexho Date