Newcastle Allotment Working Group(NAWG)
Minutes of Meeting Thursday 9thMarch2017 @6.30pm in Room 300 Civic CentrePRESENT
Keith Rogerson (KR)Chairman, Donald Robinson (DR) Vice Chairman,Mark Todd (MT)Newcastle Allotment Officer,Paul Herbertson(PH)Secretary (minutes),Matty Hall (MH) Funding Officer,Vanessa Robinson (VR),John Tucker(JT) ,Sue Johnson (SJ),Susan Pownall (SP),Michael Armstrong (MR).
Sue Cumming, AngelaFoster.
MINUTES of the9th February2017 were agreed as a correct record.
Matters Arising not covered by main agenda:
NAWG Constitution.
(MT) circulated a draft constitution for the NAWGs consideration.(MT) made it clear that it had been sometime since the constitution had been reviewed. He requested feedback from the NAWG and any commentsshould be forwarded to him.
The meeting had a short discussion around the issues and agreed that a number of procedural concerns being expressed would need to be clarified. For example the timing of the NAWG AGMand its relationship with the forum, election of area reps and other NAWG positions.
The end date for the NAWG financial year was confirmed as 31st March following a request from (SJ) for clarification.
Fund Raising.
(MH) made the draw for the St James Park raffle. The winning ticket number was 198.
(MH) also reported a profit of £28.00 raised from a raffle in partnership with the Lemington Centre.
(MH) went on to update the meeting on thenext opportunity he had secured to raise funds, an overnight stay for two with evening meal at the Sandman Hotel.(MH) circulated raffle tickets to members of the NAWG to sell at £1 per strip.
(MH) informed the meeting he had sourced the option to buy lapel badges featuring the three castles for the upcoming centenary celebrations and the possible profit for the NAWG. The meeting had a lively debate about the potential viability of the proposal. (MT) suggested his budget might be an option to fund the badges. (MH) agreed to look at the proposal again in order to reduce the financial risk but emphasised it was only a suggestion at this stage.
Parks Trust.
(MT) updated the meeting on the latest position with the development of the Trust.(MT) agreed to circulate the details of consultation workshops available to members of the public but stressed the number of places were limited and allocated on a first come first served basis.
The meeting then entered into a long and detailed discussion focusing on the opportunities and potential pitfalls for the Allotments estate in the city and the implications for NAWG.
It was agreed that the NAWG should compile a record of the issues to which it would seek clarification from the consultation process.
Financial Statement March 2017
(MT) reported his budget was fully spent for the financial year 2016/17.
NAWG business account balance stood at £3779.29 and the current account balance was £51.37(SJ) confirmed no change from the previous month.
(MT) confirmed rent increases for 2017/18 was 1.5% which had been communicated to secretaries in a letter sent by him.
(SP) and(VJ) agreed to liaise over possible joint fund raising events and open days.
(KR) updated the meeting on his recent meeting with Mark Todd, Committee members from Westmacott Allotmentsand an officer from Environmental Health to look at issues around bonfires on Westmacott and also in general across the cities allotments. The Code of Practice allows the burning of plant material by bonfire between 1st November and 31st March. Materials such as treated wood, roofing felt, plastics, rubber, coal, should never be burnt. Adhering to the allotment ‘Code of Practice’ should help prevent enforcement action being necessary but does not preclude action against a persistent offender.
(KR) suggested there may be some challenges ahead for sites in particular when burning materials/wood.
(KR) asked (MT) to note he would need some funding for a project on Westmacott Street site.
Date of the next meeting, 13thApril 2017