Social Responsibility Fund

Help for new and small social enterprises in better fulfilling their employer role.

EVH – Supporting Social Employers,

5th Floor – 137 Sauchiehall Street,

Glasgow G2 3EW

EVH – Supporting Social Employers (EVH) is a unique organisation. We provide unlimited support to the governing bodies of member organisations (not for profit and voluntary organisations only) in all aspects of their employer role. We are a fully volunteer-led organisation ourselves, and were formed in 1978 from a small group of community-based housing associations in Glasgow. Our membership has diversified and grown over the years and now stands at around 150 members. Around 1 in 4 are now from organisations beyond social housing.
In 1978 our original members faced many challenges in dealing with the “employer” role. With that in mind, we are happy to now launch this £40,000 fund to help voluntary Boards and/or Management Committees* of new and/or small not for profit organisations in this tricky area of their work. Our support covers the employer role in its widest sense – including staff safety and internal governance too.
(* Sorry, we can’t accept applications from organisations which are not governed in this way).
Your organisation can benefit from several options, ranging from a free piece of HR support, right up to seriously reduced membership prices. Free, on site, training sessions for Board/Managersare also available.
Applying is straightforward. The form is set out in the pages below. There’s no need for you to have consultants fill this in on your behalf.
Our Assessment Panel will meet every two weeks to consider applications received. The “£40,000” will be allocated in equal quarters over the calendar year. So, if you can’t think of something you need help with just now, keep the form to hand in case something comes up later. Assessment Panel decisions are final and there is no line of appeal/review.
Any information you provide, in the form or in subsequent telephone/email exchanges will be dealt with only in terms of adjudicating your application. No information will be shared with others.
So, what are you waiting for? If your organisation thinks it could use any/some/all of the following pieces of support, please apply:
  • Free on-site Board Troubleshooting Training Session – around 2 hours, highly interactive and loads of materials supplied.
  • Free on-site Board as Employer Training Session – around 2 hours, style as above.
  • Up to 10 hours free HR support for a single employment issue.
  • Discounts of up to 40% on EVH membership packages.
You can use a single form to apply for more than one of the support options on offer. For multiple applications – rate each of your requests in priority order. All should become clear as you go through the form itself. It will be the easiest one you will ever have filled in.

SECTION 1 – about your organisation

Please complete all fields
Organisation’s name
It’s postal address
Your name
Your position
Your e-mail address
Your telephone number
Organisation’s website address
Organisation’s legal status (i.e. Company Limited by Guarantee, SCIO, Unincorporated etc). If incorporated, please give the relevant registration numbers(s).
If your organisation is part of a Group, please identify the Parent Company and the address of its Headquarters/Main Office. Please enter N/A if it is not part of a Group.
Year your organisation was established
And the year it started trading

SECTION 2 – governance and staff

Please complete all fields
Is your organisation led by a voluntary Board or Management Committee? (Yes or No)
If “yes” – please state the maximum number of Governing Body members permitted under your formal rules or similar documents. If “no” – sorry we can’t help you.
Please summarise (in 100 words or fewer) the organisation’s purpose.
How many staff are employed?
In terms of the broad financial position, is the organisation expecting to make a surplus; a loss; or, a break-even outcome this year?
What about last year?
And the year before that?

SECTION 3 – the support you are asking for

To conclude your application, please fill in the table below. You can apply for as many support options as you wish. If applying for more than a single option, please complete the final column to prioritise your requests.

Support sought / What short-term benefit will this bring/what immediate problem will it address? (in 100 words or fewer) / What longer-term benefit will accrue – how does this request fit into any strategy to better fulfil the “employer” role? (in 100 words or fewer) / Have you had this type of support from EVH before (Yes/No) / Priority - 1 being highest.
Free Board Troubleshooting session
Free Board as Employer session
Free HR support
Discounted membership

SECTION 4 – what’s next?

That’s it! Simply e-mail your completed form to the address shown below. You don’t need to attach any additional materials. If anything you have written is unclear we will get in touch.

We will acknowledge safe receipt, and give you an idea as to when you can expect a decision.

E-mail completed forms to:

If you do not receive an acknowledgement for any form you submit, please call us on 0141 352 7435.
