My Team Robot - Script



ü  Captain Splat

ü  Thinking Robot

ü  Operator 1

ü  Operator 2

ü  Lieutenant Meanie

ü  King Meanie

Captain Splat, Thinking Robot and two operators enter Other pupils are off stage half stage Left half Stage Right with head-sets on and one juggling scarf each

Introduction - this can be done by the thinking robot and two operators or Splats narrator

Operator One

Welcome to our show...

Operator Two

...all about E- Safety

Thinking Robot (speaks in a Robotic voice)

Operator One (translates)

It has all been created today by the pupils.-a round of applause please

Team Robot 1 (runs in)

I have reports Captain of safety problems on Planet Earth.

Captain Splat

Thinking Robot analyze recent activity.

Thinking Robot and two operators (translates)

Operator One (reading or hearing from the robot)

Planet Earth: Population 7.5 billion.

Operator Two

Early digital age.

Thinking Robot (in a Robotic voice)

Likes Sport, People falling over and Videos of cats

Operator Two (translates)

Team Robot member

Many safety problems reported though, Captain!

Captain Splat

Activate Team Robot training


All pupils come into positions on stage in pairs, operators and robot to edge of stage. Thinking Robot joins in. (pupils could also say some of this together)

Captain Splat

Computers can do wonderful things

Pupils walking and passing scarves to each other randomly

Passing messages from person to person at lightning speeds, building bridges between us, swapping information.

Team Robot passing the scarves.

Making new friends and meeting old ones.

Wave and then shake hands.

Taking pictures.

Take a pose with scarf while other pupil takes photo then swap roles.

Learning from each other and sharing our creative ideas.

One pupil does a trick; the other copies (e.g. throw under the leg)

Working together and creating magic

Scrunch up scarf and all blow in the air or similar- Music Stops

But sometimes using a computer can cause problems and even be dangerous

Team Robot (all pupils)

Dangerous?! But why? (big hand action)

Captain Splat

These lines can also be said by the pupils – they can be grouped in pairs so easier to remember where they speak from - if too difficult they can be said by Captain Splat or Operators with scripts/clipboards…

Well you can never be sure who is writing the message & what their intentions are. Online anybody can be pretending to be anybody and they don’t even need a disguise, just a change of photo. And of course once a message is sent it is out there forever. Quick! Send a message.

If we share information we hadn’t meant to or say things we didn’t mean, it’s not possible to get it back again, once it is sent. We must be sure we know who we are talking to and be careful of what we send. We will learn more about that today...

looking to get their scarf back, tugging from partner . or just looking lost and confused a can not trace where their scarf is - then they do they go off and turn round their mask to Meanie side

Today we are going to imagine what these problems and dangers would look like if they were aliens and take you on a journey into outer space. Welcome to


Team Robot versus the Meanies.

Pupils speak these lines as Meanies

Operator One

On a planet green and slimy

Operator Two

and very, very smelly live the Meanies

All Meanies hop on with Meanie hats

Pupil Three

We are ruled by a green and slimy

Pupil Four

And very, very smelly King

All Meanies

All hail the King of the Meanies.

Enter the king of the Meanies

All Meanies

Boo Boo

King of the Meanies

Thank you Thank you - you really are too mean

Pupil Five

We are called Meanies because . . .

Pupil Six

Yes, that’s right because we’re mean.

Pupil Seven

We live off energy from problems and nastiness.

Pupil Eight

Whenever someone is mean to someone we get bigger and stronger.

All Meanies

We like tripping people up - put out feet and giggle

Putting people off – blow raspberry - and making them do mean things.

Lieutenant Meanie

I spotty lots of life, your Meaniness. On a planet called Earth.

King Meanie

Let’s send a message to the humans on Earth and see if they click.

All Meanies

(In their pairs or small groups all giggly and speak to each other)

See if they click . . . see if they click.

King Meanie

(In a posh voice)

Do you want win prizes, holidays and lots of money.

All Meanies

Yes money, money, they likey money he he he he!

Junior Meanie

Some opened the email your Meaniness.

All Meanies

Silly billies!

King Meanie

Let's get some more energy.

Here Meanies can simultaneously send/say variety of messages – all giggle after each one.

Various Meanies

You have won free tickets for the football. Look at this funny thing.

Enter this competition and win big!


Some more emails opened!....

All meanies

Ha ha silly billies!


Send us your name and date of birth...


Free chocolate for your birthday! Tell us your address.

All Meanies

Yes chocolate, chocolate, humans like chocolate.


Some sent us their address

All Meanies

Silly billies . . . Meanie energy full.

King Meanie

Launch the Meanie Invasion!

All Meanies

Yeeaaaahhh invadie time again!!!

(All the Meanies advance to d.s (and either freeze in tableaux and/or go into audience).


End of Scene 1



ü  Captain Splat

ü  Sam

ü  Safety Robot

ü  Mum

ü  Game Show Host

ü  Reporter

ü  Secret Agent Splat

One pupil-‘Sam’ is sitting playing a game on laptop next to mum watching t.v.

Captain Splat (whispering)

Meanwhile in a living room of a house not very far from here, Sam Smith was in for a surprise.


They march into position - a staggered line with the Safety Robot. Team Robot salute. Sam is confused/shocked.

Captain Splat

*I* am Captain Splat...


Who? . . . Can you turn that music down please my Mum will . . .

All Pupils

and we are Team Robot! The Meanies are coming and we need to train you to become an E-Safety expert.

All Pupils make Team Robot sign - arm across body.



Captain Splat

I am Captain Splat.


Yes, I heard that bit.

(Shouting)Er . . . Mum, there’s a group of space people just arrived who say they need to train us to become E-Safety experts.

Mum (wig) (entering, angry)

Who are you lot?

And what are you doing in my front room?

Team Robot

We are Team Robot.

Safety Robot

And I am the Safety Robot.

Captain Splat.

And … *I* am…

Sam (interrupting)

Yeah, “Captain Splat”. We know. Stop saying it.

Team Robot member 1

Hello Mrs. Smith this is our E-Safety Robot.

Safety Robot can be assisted by two other Team Robot members who can translate robotic voice…

Safety Robot

There has been a safety breach from this location. Activate 3d video replay

OPTION=Team Robot member very quickly turn round their headsets and all turn into Meanies

(all just select a few if feel like too many)


Win free money

Win cool Prizes



Download the game . . . Download the game

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

They quickly turn back headsets and stand in Team Robot position as if nothing happened

Safety Robot

Someone in this location downloaded the game.

Sam (hands up)

(Wow what was that) … Oh, erm er... sorry yes that was me.

Capt Splat

Safety Robot - What should he have done?

Safety Robot

Talks in robotic voice. The Team Robot Members translate.

Team Robot member 2

We should ignore messages like these.

Team Robot Member 3

We don’t know who they are from or what they really are!

Capt Splat

And any other alerts Safety Robot.

Safety Robot

Activate replay

OPTION=Team Robot member very quickly turn round their headsets and all turn into Meanies again


Date of birthy

Phone number pleaseee

What’s your name . . . What’s your ADDRESS

They quickly turn back headsets and stand in Team Robot position as if nothing happened

Captain Splat

Yes they gave away personal details. We don’t know who might end up seeing them. It might be someone who could use our details against us. Safety Robot! Activate game show

Well now it’s time to play the Team Robot Game Show – “It’s Impossible to Know”. Please welcome your host (...)

(Quick change into Hosts costume/or different actor... after getting cast (and audience) to clap/cheer…)


Game show host can wear curly wig – any fun costume, holds Mic.


Hello and welcome to...

All pupils

‘It’s impossible to know!’


Let’s welcome our first contestant… What's your name?


Erm er.... Sam


Hello, “Erm, er, Sam”! First question! You are online chatting to people. The person says they are 10 years old and a boy. They send you a message asking what football team do you support.

Now who is this person? Is it?

A] A 10 year old boy?

B] A human sized chicken?

C] Elvis Presley/ Anything you want to choose?

D] A grown up?


But it's impossible to know.


Correct, it's impossible to know!

You have won absolutely nothing!

Thank you for playing it's impossible to know.

gets cast (and audience) to clap/cheer… comes back as

Captain Splat

If you are ever on a game that allows you to chat to someone, you never know who that person really is.

SO, and this IS VERY IMPORTANT, don’t speak to anyone online who you don’t know in real life, and NEVER, ever meet up with them. People you don’t know are strangers.

They are not always who they say they are. And don’t give away ANY pictures or personal information of yourself or your friends.


But they said we had won competitions...

Captain Splat

Yes, but that was just another way to get people to click. Sometimes messages we see aren’t obviously fake. They can seem convincing so we have to stay alert.


So what should I do?

Safety Robot

You must be careful, and if you make a mistake you should tell an adult you trust.

Captain Splat

That’s right; they should always know what you are doing online. Everyone can get it wrong sometimes and they will find a way to help you.


Wow! I’m so glad I learnt all about that!

Captain Splat

Well it’s ok as you haven’t started playing the game we should be able run our anti meanie software...


Umm, I did send this message to my friends as they said if I shared it I would get prizes and. ..


Shhh quiet! look it’s the news....and there are aliens invading!

Meanies move fwd/on spot ferociously attacking…freeze


Reporter - Reporter (with microphone/hat)

This is (Name) reporting for Team Robot News. Meanies have invaded Planet Earth. Secret Agent Splat and his robot are in the city centre now.

Secret Agent Splat

Thanks [NAME]

I am here in the centre of The Meanie invasion.

Secret Agent Splat

We know not to send out our information but the Meanies have other tricks!

Half the pupils are walking around as humans on phones. The other half are Meanies following them and looking over their shoulders.

Secret Agent Splat

Well, you can see that the people here are sending messages to each other. But when they get a mean message they don’t ignore it like they should. The meanie that is following them makes them send a mean message back. This makes things much, much worse and eventually they turn into meanise themselves. Let’s watch.

Meanies (chanting, quietly at first)

Meanie me, meanie me...

Humans gradually turn into meanies and change their hats. Eventually they are all meanies.


So, the meanies are trying to make humans into meanies just like them?

Secret Agent Splat

Exactly right!

Meanies (all can say different things)

That’s rubbish; hate it, no good, stupid, hate you, that’s silly,

Meanies notice the Reporter and Secret Agent Splat

Secret Agent Splat

Let’s get out of here!


And now over to the Splats Lab where our scientists have been studying this phenomenon!

Chased off stage by meanies.

Meanies (chanting and advancing into audience and sit down as audience

Meanie me, meanie me

End of Scene 2.



ü  Reporter Dr. Splat

ü  Dr. Splatto

ü  Dr. Splatty

ü  Dr. Splattier

ü  Coach Robot



Here I am at the headquarters of the research lab speaking with Doctor Splat. Now, Doctor, you’ve been studying the meanies haven’t you?

Dr. Splat

Yes, here at the Splats Lab we have been studying the meanie invading forces. We have studied the footage from the city and have some startling conclusions. Let’s show you...