Healing Touch for Animals® Level 3 Course Information

Denver, CO - March 16 - 18, 2018

Carol Komitor, Instructor

Dear Name,

Thank you for registering for the upcoming Healing Touch for Animals® Course scheduled in Month in City. I am excited to be sharing the work with you.

Below are the facility locations, directions and other pertinent information. Please read through the following information carefully. If you have any questions, please email me at Email address or call me at Phone number.

These weekends are packed full of information and practice sessions for the optimum learning experience.You may feel tired, especially if you are not used to the energy work, so come nourished and rested. Remember to drink lots of water throughout the weekend. A workbook will be provided; however, you may want a pen and paper to take additional notes.

Please reply to this email with the following and to confirm receipt:

1.  How you would like your name on your nametag (first name)?

2.  If you indicated that you are experienced with horses during the registration process, please let me know if you are comfortable with being a designated horse handler and are willing to help move horses from the stall, barn or paddock to the arena if necessary.

Fundamentals Class

Date Friday, March 16, 2018

Time 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM

The class begins promptly at 9:00 AM, please arrive by 8:45 AM to check in and get settled.




Phone number



Briefly describe the location. Visit [MAP LINK] for directions from your specific location.

What to Wear

Comfortable, layered clothing

What to Bring

Light snacks and bottled water are provided during the class. Approximately 30 essential oils will be provided for use during the course. In addition, a detailed workbook will be provided.

·  Level 1 and Level 2 workbooks for review

·  Pen and paper

·  Camera

·  Seat cushion or kneeling pad

·  Special dietary foods and snacks (if necessary)

·  Pair 5 tuning forks (if previously purchased)

Small Animal Class

Date Saturday, March 17, 2018

Time 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM

The class begins promptly at 9:00 AM, please arrive by 8:45 AM to check in and get settled. For those bringing their dog(s), please arrive at 8:30 AM so they have a chance to greet each other and settle.




Phone number



Briefly describe the location. Visit [MAP LINK] for directions from your specific location.

What to Wear

Comfortable, layered clothing

What to Bring

Essential oils will be provided for use during the course. Some may be available for purchase (optional).

·  Pen and paper

·  Camera

·  Small stuffed animal

·  Seat cushion or kneeling pad

·  Allergy medications (if necessary)

·  Special dietary foods and snacks (if necessary)

·  Pair 5 tuning forks (if previously purchased)

What to bring for your dog (if applicable)

There will be several breaks during the day to relieve/walk your dog. DOGS MUST BE LEASHED AT ALL TIMES.

·  Water

·  Water bowl

·  Food or snacks

·  Leash

·  Blanket or dog bed

·  Poop bags


We will break one hour for lunch. Lunch (if no restaurant facilities are nearby)

Large Animal Class

Prior horse experience is not a requirement of this class. Course Instructors provide basic safety/instructions before working with the horses. Class participants are divided into teams with someone who has experience. People with and without horse experience thoroughly enjoy these classes.

Date Sunday, March 18, 2018

Time 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM

The class begins promptly at 9:00 AM, please arrive by 8:45 AM to check in and get settled.




Phone number



Briefly describe the location. Visit [MAP LINK] for directions from your specific location.

What to Wear

We will be in the barn/arena all day. Many arenas are insulated; however, weather conditions may vary. Please plan accordingly so you are comfortable.

·  Boots or tennis shoes; no sandals or open toed shoes

·  Comfortable clothing

·  Dress in layers

What to Bring

Light snacks and bottled water are provided during the class.

·  Pen and paper

·  Camera

·  Seat cushion or kneeling pad

·  Insect repellant

·  Sunglasses (weather permitting)

·  Sunscreen (weather permitting)

·  Gloves, hat, scarf (weather permitting)

·  Rain gear (weather permitting)

·  Allergy medications (if necessary)

·  Special dietary foods and snacks (if necessary)

·  Pair 5 tuning forks (if previously purchased)


We will break one hour for lunch. Bring your lunch. (if no restaurant facilities are nearby)


If you would like a roommate or someone to share expenses, please contact meand I will try to connect you with other people who are looking to share rental car and hotel expenses.




Phone number


Briefly describe the location in relationship to the course location(s).

Negotiated Room Rate

Room description


Feel free to check the internet for other hotel accommodations.

Please don't hesitate to contact me with questions or concerns. I look forward to meeting you!

Coordinator Contact Information

Coordinator Name

Phone Number

Course Policies During Class

Audio/Video Recording
Audio and/or video recording is not permissible during any segment of the course.

Students with Disabilities
Healing Touch for Animals ® is committed to serve students with disabilities by providing reasonable accommodations appropriate to the student's diagnosis. Students with special needs are asked to contact the HTA office or local HTA coordinator to discuss accommodations.

Dogs in Class
Class participants are encouraged to bring their well-behaved dogs to the Small Animal Class providing their state-mandated vaccination requirements are current and they are parasite free. Well-behaved dogs are defined as dogs that have never shown signs of aggression towards any human or animal, respond well on a leash, do not whine, jump, or bark and are able to respond to verbal commands.

Each dog attending the class will receive Healing Touch for Animals® treatments by the care giver and other participants. They are given frequent breaks to eat, drink and relieve themselves. As we are in a group setting with multiple dogs, it is necessary for care givers to monitor their animal’s behavior. In the event your dog is in her heat cycle, please refrain from bringing her to the class as occasionally intact male dogs are in class.

Horses in Class
Course Instructors provide basic safety instructions in every Large Animal Class prior to working with horses. Class participants are divided into teams with students with more horse experience.

Classes are held in equine alleyways and arenas. Adequate room is provided around each group of students working with the horses.

Horses in class have good ground manners, are not shy around their head or feet, are able to be touched, stand quietly with a halter and lead rope and are comfortable in group settings around horses and people.

The horses are given frequent breaks to eat, drink. Each horse being used in the class will be receiving Healing Touch for Animals ® treatments by the instructor and/or participants.

Facility managers and/or owners are either available onsite or by phone during the class. Information and/or specific instructions about the horses and the facility are available to HTA Instructors and Coordinators.