------8th Annual Youth Show------
ADGA Sanctioned Youth Show – Combined Jr/Sr Doe
June 22, 2012
Howard Co. Fairgrounds, West Friendship, MD
Judge:Christen Adels, Pennyslvania
Show Chairman: John Lyons
Show Secretary: Kathy Lyons
- The Combined Jr/Sr doe show is sanctioned for the following breeds: Alpine, Lamancha, Nigerian Dwarf, Nubian, Oberhasli, Saanen, Toggenburg, and Recorded Grade. The Junior and Senior shows are not separately sanctioned.
- Entries due: Postmark June 9, 2012. Entry fee: $3.00 per animal. Late fee: $6.00 per animal if postmarked after June 9, 2012 or for day of show entries. Entry fees must accompany entry form. There will be no refund of fees for any reason. No faxed entries will be accepted. Cash only day of show. **A special discount is offered to Youth showing their doe in all three shows (Youth and both Saturday rings) – at $9 per animal, (a $3 per animal savings!) Applies to pre-entries only! **
- Pen fees are $5/pen and pens are 6’ x 6’. If not purchasing pens, there is a $10 flat fee for showing out of your trailer/truck. If you are showing on Saturday at the open doe show, the pen/trailer fees cover both days. STRAW IS NOT PROVIDED, you will need to bring your own. It is also requested that exhibitors clean their pens after the show, unless you will be showing the next day.
Send entries before June 9, 2012 to: Janice Kessler, 6170 Clearview Rd, Dover, PA 17315. Checks
must be payable to MDGA.
- The base date is 6/22/12, which is the date the animal is to be judged.
- The original registration certificate is required for all animals six months of age or older and MUST be shown to the Show Secretary before the start of the show.
- The original registration certificate or duplicate application stamped by the ADGA office is required for all animals under six months of age and this MUST be shown to the Show Secretary before the start of the show.
- No copies of the registration certificate or the stamped duplicate application, telegrams, or phone calls will be accepted in lieu of the original certificate.
- You will be unable to check in with the show secretaries until a health check has been completed. Upon completion of the health check, a card will be issued to each exhibitor stating that the health check has been completed. Interstate health papers are required for all animals coming from outside MD. A “Livestock Exhibitor’s Self Certification of Animal Health” must be filled out by the owner/caretaker prior to loading and must be presented at the health check to the designated MDGA show or MDA Animal Health Official. The form can be found either on the reverse side of the 2012 MDA Certificate of Veterinary Inspection or the MDA website Any animal showing signs of infectious or contagious disease, as determined by the show officials and/or check-in vet, will be barred from the show. Tattoos may be checked. The decisions of the show officials are final.
- Animals must be in place and checked in by 9:00 am and will be released at the conclusion of the show.
- The show will begin at 10:00 am with showmanship. At the conclusion of the showmanship, the breed classes will begin, judged in this order: Alpine, Lamancha, Nigerian Dwarf, Nubian, Oberhasli, Saanen, Toggenburg, Recorded Grade. The order of the show is subject to change due to emergency as determined by the Show Committee. A Youth Goat Social & activity will take place at 7:00 pm.
- This show is sanctioned by the American Dairy Goat Association and ADGA rules shall govern. Only American Dairy Goat Association, American Goat Society, and Canadian Goat Society registered, recorded, or applied for animals may be shown in an official American Dairy Goat Association show.
- MDGA, ADGA, and the Howard County Fairgrounds will not be responsible for loss, damage, or accident to any person, animal or property. Show entry indicates acceptance of this condition.
Showmanship Competition will be held first, starting at 10:00. There is no charge to enter. We reserve the right to separate the showmanship classes if they become large. Premiums are paid as per the following:
- Novice (7 years and under) – special prizes
- Junior (Ages 8-11) – 1st place $25, 2nd place $15, 3rd place $10)
- Intermediate (12-14 years – 1st place $25, 2nd place $15, 3rd place $10)
- Senior (15-20 years – 1st place $25, 2nd place $15, 3rd place $10)
- $50 to the overall showman
Premier Youth Exhibitor: There will be a banner and $50 award given for the Youth whose animals accrue the most points in the youth show. Only the 2 highest placing animals in each class owned by the youth exhibitor will credit points toward the award.
Whites Exchange: Please bring your youth’s gently used white pants and shirts and exchange them for a size that fits!
Youth Goat Social & Activity: Starting Friday evening at 7 pm. Come join the fun and learn more about your fellow youth exibitors!
Directions: Howard Co. Fairgrounds are located very close to the intersection of I-70 and Rt. 32. From I-70, take Rt. 32 south ½ mile, turn R on Rt. 144. Take Fairgrounds Rd. on the right. I-70 is the easiest route to take if coming from the North, East, or West. If coming from the South, I-95 to Rt. 32 is probably the quickest route to take.
Y1. Junior Kid (4-1-11 or later)Y2. Intermediate Kid (3-1-11 to 3-31-11)
Y3. Senior Kid (12-1-10 to 2-28-11)
Y4. Senior Yearling (under 2 years dry)
Junior Champion
Reserve Junior Champion
Y5. Milkers under 2 years
Y6. Milkers 2-3 years
Y7. Milkers 3-5 years
Y8. Milkers 5 years and over
Senior Champion
Reserve Senior Champion
Grand Champion
Reserve Grand Champion
Best Doe in Show – Ribbon and $50 premium
Questions? Contact Kathy or John Lyons at 301-570-5577 or
The Maryland Agricultural Fair Board no longer provides funding, or will be providing limited funding for the showmanship awards and prizes for the Youth Show. We would like to offer you the opportunity to help sponsor one of the largest ADGA youth shows in the area. We will advertise your name in our show advertising and on our MDGA website. Businesses or individuals that would like to set up a booth are asked to donate an item to our Saturday raffle.
Yes, I would like to be a sponsor of the MDGA Summer Youth Show
______Business Sponsor ($50.00) ______Individual/Family Sponsor ($25.00)
Business Name ______
Your Name______Herd Name______
Your address______
Phone number______Email______
Please make all checks payable to MDGA & mail all Sponsorships to:
Janice Kessler, 6170 Clearview Rd, Dover, PA 17315 (717) 292-5058 Email:
Visit us online at for the latest club information and pictures of the winners from our shows!!
Youth Show Entry Form June 22, 2012
Breed / Class / Name of Entry / Reg. # / DOB / TattooYouth Exhibitors Name:______
Entering showmanship? Yes or No (Circle one) Age?____ / ** ___x$3.00 Jr/Sr Doe entry = $____
___x$6 late fee Jr/Sr Doe entry = $_____
___x$5/pen fee = $_____
$10 fee if showing from trailer = $_____
Total = $______
**A special discount is offered to Youth showing their doe in all three shows (Youth and both Saturday rings) – at $9 per animal, (a $3 per animal savings!) Applies to pre-entries only! **
If needed to make breeds official, I can bring these additional animals-list breed and age of animals below.
All Exhibitors must sign this release (if under 18 parent or legal guardian must sign):
I, ______, will not hold the Maryland Dairy Goat Association, ADGA, or the Howard County Fairgrounds responsible for loss, damage, or accident to any person, animal, or property.
Please make a copy of this entry form to mail in so that you have show rules, etc. for reference.
Make checks payable to MDGA and mail entries by June 9, 2012 to: Janice Kessler, 6170 Clearview Rd, Dover, PA 17315 (717) 292-5058
Schools out!
So join us the MDGA Summer Youth Show!
------8th Annual Youth Show------
ADGA Sanctioned Youth Show – Combined Jr/Sr Doe
June 22, 2012
Howard Co. Fairgrounds, West Friendship, MD
Judge: Christen Adels, MD, Showmanship & Breed Classes
Sanctioned:Alpine, Lamancha, Nigerian Dwarf, Nubian, Oberhasli, Saanen, Toggenburg, and
Recorded Grade