Assignment: You must answer the following questions, with complete sentences and in essay/report form (strict 5 paragraph essay form is not required, but bullet form etc. IS NOT allowed), using word processing software (preferably MS Word.) You must use three sources from the internet and provide the specific website URL information. The entire contents of the paper must be submitted via prior to deadline.
- What was the contraceptive device studied?
- What year was this device introduced for public use?
- How is this device obtained, and how much does it cost?
- What constitutes proper use of this device?
- If used properly how effective is this device in preventing pregnancy?
- If used properly how effective is this device in preventing the spread of STI’s?
- Are there any health risks associated with using this device?
4BD: Assigned Monday, December1st for those students who need extra time. Assigned Thursday, December11th for all other students. Due Friday, December19th for all students. Late hand-in date (10% reduction) Tuesday, December23rd. No projects accepted after this date.
6CD: Assigned Monday, December1st for those students who need extra time. Assigned Thursday, December11th for all other students. Due Monday, December22nd for all students. Late hand-in date (10% reduction) Tuesday, December23rd. No projects accepted after this date.
The Coach Jacobs source citing protocol
You should list all the source websites at the conclusion of the paper. Number each source, and list each in alphabetical order by the first letter in the website URL. For example, if I was doing a paper on The Battle of Shiloh, a famous Civil War conflict, I might choose to use the following three sources:
Please notice how I have listed each in alphabetical order by the first letter in the URL; “C” followed by “N” followed by “S”, noted with highlighted red letters.
If I were to cite information obtained from the third source, it should be presented in the following form:
“Passing up the Tennessee River, the main body of Grant's troops were encamped, at the beginning of April, between Pittsburgh Landing, on that stream, and Shiloh Meeting House, in the forest, 2 miles from the river bank.”3
Please notice that I placed the information in quotations, and also superscripted a “3” at the end of the quotes so that the source was given credit.
Remember, plagiarism is unethical! You must be honest when doing academic work.