
August/September 2010

Sport Milton Keynes1

Sports achiever of the year 2009

Over 300 guests joined us for our major event of the year. Included were the Mayor of Milton KeynesCouncilor Euan Henderson as well as all the sponsors of the awards. Our special guest was Kwame (the Snow Leopard) who competed for Ghana his mother country at the Winter Olympics. Also Anna Turney joined us and again she had competed in the Paralympic Winter Olympics and finished a very creditable 6th place in the slalom. Joe Osborne was another guest who is a F3 champion driver who is winning races in this sport. They all kindly assisted with the presentations.

Two Mile Ash school entertained us with a very athletic dance sequence. Some of the recipients of the First Aid certificates were presented with these by Andra from the Community Foundation together with Kevin Giddings of St. John Ambulance who ran the courses. Our grateful thanks to the Community Foundation for funding these courses to which some 100 delegates have attended. They also kindly funded some of the costs for organizing Sports Achiever of the Year as our usual supporter was unable to assist this year.

Doreen Adcock kindly brought along her BBC award for all to see and told the audience just how long she had been teaching swimming in Milton Keynes including teaching a Downs Syndrome young man Andrew who is now a lifeguard. He did leave his seat to give Doreen a big hug!!

The Milton Keynes Sports Personality of the Year award went to Samantha Gavrovski who is a gold medalist gymnast and trains at Arabian Gymnast Club.

Sadly it is the last time that David Hall - the Chief Executive of Shenley will be organizing the staff to set out the hall and ensure that all is ready for our guests. David is retiring after many years working for the Council – Sport Milton Keynes thanks him for his support over many years and wishes him a long and happy retirement.


Thanks to Claire King for all her work in organizing attendance at these courses. The funding is almost exhausted but there is still some money available and we have organized a 4 HOUR FIRST AID COURSE TO TAKE PLACE ON FRIDAY 8TH OCTOBER – to be held at the Athletics Stadium Stantonbury from 6.00 – 1030pm – if anyone is interested in attending please do contact Claire as soon as possible so that you can be added to the list of delegates. Attached is an application form which should be completed and returned to Claire. Supper will be available for just £1.

We also plan a SAFEGUARDING CHILDREN COURSE and again please contact Claire for further information as soon as possible



We have booked FRIDAY 3RD DECEMBER for this event and tickets will be sent nearer the date. This event will be held in the school hall and guests will need to use the school car park and enter by the door off the car park – we will set up some directions into the hall just in case guests don’t know where to come.

The monthly nominated Achievers will be awarded with their Certificates and we are planning to invite many of our potential Olympians who are available to join us. It will be interesting to learn just how they are preparing for 2012.

Refreshments will be served following the presentation.


Sport Milton Keynes has received funding from the Community Foundation to assist in supporting these courses. The cost to delegates is just £35. Forms are attached herewith and the first one is to be held at LeonSchool from Saturday 3rd October – we need to know as soon as possible if anyone from your club is interested in taking the course. Initially we can only take 2 members from each club until we can ascertain just how popular these courses are going to be.

Please complete the forms and get them back to the persons indicated on the form – don’t forget to put your date of birth as this is required by the FA.


Derek Clitheroe is our Web-Master and has done a grand job in putting the site together with the kind assistance of Paul Loveland in the Council’s Sports Development department.

He will be delighted to received details of your club to put on the site as well as any appropriate photographs.

All the Sport MK forms – Grant, Bursary and Achiever – are available from the site and can be completed and returned to the Chairperson by e-mail – saving time and money. We are receiving lots of interest in the web-site and can show a graph when the activity has taken place.

To log on the address is

Or for further information contact Derek Clitheroe


Sport Milton Keynesis taking part in the car raffle – we feel this is a good way to show our appreciation for the kind support we receive from the Community Foundation.

Of course we do have some 500 tickets to sell and our first date for selling at the CentreMK is on Friday 5th November – from 9.00 – 1.00 pm. If anyone can help us to raise funds we will be very grateful. There will also be further dates when we will be at the Centre to sell tickets and I will e-mail to everyone to let them know when the dates are. Please let me if you are able to help – even for just an hour would be great.



Nomination forms are attached – please consider any of your members who might be worthy of an award.

Complete the form and return to Bucks sport as soon as possible – each year Milton Keynes always receives many of the awards. Any queries, please contact Richard David-Boreham at the Council’s Sports Development Department

Telephone number 01908 253500


Has your club paid the fee for the current year?

There are a number of clubs who haven’t paid and until we have received the affiliation fee we cannot include your club in any courses or grants.

Attached is an affiliation form which should be completed and returned to Christine Allsopp at Shenley Leisure Centre.

We have funding available for equipment and training etc and the grants panel do like to be kept busy scrutinizing the forms awarding appropriate grants.

In the last few months we have supported the Olney Bowls Club Junior team with woods suitable for their young players.

The BMX club has received funding to help with upgrading the track so that they can hold National events.

Nordic Walking needed smaller poles for their juniors and we were pleased to assist.

Slated Row school received funding for target boards for their activity area.

We also awarded a number of Bursary grants to talented youngsters. We are finding that to compete for England in their chosen sport they usually have to travel abroad which costs parents a great deal of money to support their talented children.

One family went to Austria by car and camped near to where the activity was taking place – just to help with costs.

Despite the economic situation Sport Milton Keynes continues to support our member clubs through funding we receive from the Community Foundation, the Hockey Foundation Trust and MK Council. We are very grateful for their continued support.

If any member of an affiliated club would like to join us for one of our monthly meetings we will be delighted to see you – we meet at 7.30 pm at Shenley Leisure Centre on the First Monday of each Month – except if it is a Bank Holiday when we meet the following Monday.

If anyone has any queries or needs further information on any sporting matters, please do contact the Chairperson and we will do our very best to help.

We look forward to hearing from you and to seeing you on 3rd December.


–e-mail address

–Telephone – 01908 315373

Sport Milton Keynes1