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Chris Thompson

Fund for Our Economic Future


Lakeland Community College Joins the Fund, page 2

For Immediate Release


CLEVELAND (May 12, 2008) – The Fund for Our Economic Future announced today thatLakeland Community College has joined its collaborative effort to strengthen Northeast Ohio’s economic competitiveness.

The collegecommitted $100,000 over three years to become a voting member of the Fund. The Fund unites philanthropy throughout Northeast Ohio to help transform the region’s economy through grantmaking, research and civic outreach.

“We are very pleased to havethe first college in Ohio founded by a vote of the peoplejoin our effort, particularly because of its dedication to providing quality learning opportunities to meet the social and economic needs of the community,” said David Abbott, chairman of the Fund and executive director of The George Gund Foundation. “LakelandCommunity Collegewill provide the Fund with important insights, especially as we work with others to expand the accessibility, affordability and quality of Northeast Ohio’s higher education system.”

With the addition of Lakeland Community College, the Fund has raised more than $29 million for its second, three-year phase of work. It is the seventh higher education institution in the region to become a voting member of the Fund.

"The work of the Fund for our Economic Future is vital to advancing the region. As a community college, Lakeland strongly supports this effort,” said Dr. Morris W. Beverage Jr., president of Lakeland Community College.“The connection between an educated workforce and a knowledge-based economy is self-evident and we look forward to working with the philanthropic community, the business community and the education community to help create a brighter future for our region."

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The Fundcollaborates with partners in the private and public sector to implement the region’s economic action plan, Advance Northeast Ohio, which has four focus areas:

• Business attraction and growth

• Talent development

• Growth through racial and economic inclusion

• Government collaboration and efficiency

Other institutions of higher education that are voting members of the Fund are Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland State University, Cuyahoga County Community College, Kent State University, Lorain County Community College and University of Akron.

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The Fund for Our Economic Future ( is a collaboration of more than 100 foundations, organizations and philanthropists from across Northeast Ohio that strengthens the region’s economic competitiveness through grantmaking, public engagement and research.

About LAKEland community college

Founded in 1967, Lakeland Community College ( was the first college in Ohio founded by a vote of the people. As a community college, making higher education accessible is a priority. The college continues to develop programs and classes to meet the needs of students, employers and the community. Lakeland offers more than 130 associate degrees and certificates leading to high demand careers or successful transfer to a four-year college or university. The college also offers non-credit continuing education classes and workforce development training.