Richland County School District One
Middle School
Health and Physical Education Teachers’
Expectations for Each School Year
Dr. Tony Boatwright
Health and Physical Education
We are Richland One, a leader in transforming lives through education, empowering all students to achieve their potential and dreams.
August 2017
- Use small groups and differentiated instruction in a physical education setting to improve skill development.
- Literacy Expectations: Emphasize reading and writing in every lesson. Ensure students have access to numerous reading materials to their reading levels and interests. Formative and summative assessments will be used by teachers to determine needed intervention strategies to enhance student learning. All lesson plans will be aligned to State Standards and the Richland One Balanced Literacy Framework. Participate in professional development programs using coaching and modeling with an emphasis on teaching reading and writing.
- Use the RCSD1 Physical Education Instructional Frameworks design for Physical Education (Extension, Refinement, and Application) when planning lessons. Make sure each day’s lesson has differentiated instruction that includes technology. Complete your lesson plans on the District PE Lesson Plan Template. You will have to show your lesson plans on this template during classroom visits.
- Use the Middle School Health and Physical Education Curriculum Guides, Pacing Guides, and Mastery Connect Curriculum Maps for long range planning.
- All teachers will document when they taught Teen Lures Newscast for Middle and High School Students and submit Teen Lures Newscast for Middle and High School Students Worksheet to Edmodo by the deadline.
- All teachers will create plans for improving their instruction using data.
- Complete and submit the RCSD1 District Physical Education Benchmark SMART GoalStatement using assessment results from the Mastery Connect pre-District Benchmark that is given by the third week of school. This should be completed and uploaded to Edmodo with the supporting data no later than the deadline in October.
- Complete and submit the RCSD1 District Health Education Benchmark SMART GoalStatement using assessment results from the Mastery Connect pre-District Benchmark that is given by the third week of school. This should be completed and uploaded to Edmodo with the supporting data no later than the deadline in October.
- Complete and submit the RCSD1 Fitnessgram SMART Goal Statement using assessment results from the pre-assessment from the current school year. This should be completed and uploaded to Edmodo with the supporting data no later than the deadline in October.
- Analyze results from your RCSD1 District Physical Education Benchmark SMART GoalStatement, the RCSD1 District Health Education Benchmark SMART GoalStatement, and your RCSD1 Fitnessgram SMART Goal Statement using data from this year’s student’s assessments. Determine if they were successful or not successful. This should be completed and uploaded to Edmodo with the supporting data no later than the deadline in May.
- Provide students with the Fitnessgram Report and obtain each students’ initials on the Fitnessgram Report Signature Page. Instruct each student to take it home and share it with their parents. Keep on file for five years. You will have to show this documentation during classroom visits.
- Serve as the School Wellness Team Leader.
- Complete CSHAC and Alliance for a Healthier Generation tasks throughout the year.
- The School Wellness Team will meet or communicate via technology or meeting several times during the year. These times will be noted on the Expectations by Month pages.
**Your team will include a community Partner from the Palmetto Hospital Group (Palmetto PALS). They are on our team for their public health expertise. Please do not ask these members for help with funding or clinical services**
Middle Physical Education Teacher Expectations By Month:
FOR YOUR RECORDS: Check-off when complete
_____ Administer a pre-Fitnessgram test for 8th grade and record the results/data.
_____ RCSD1 Fitnessgram SMART Goal Statement: Use the pre-Fitnessgram test results for 8th grade from August/September of thisyear to design a SMART goal for students which will help to improve an area that is in need of the most improvement. Teachers will write a criterion based goal explaining their plan. This should be completed and uploaded to Edmodo no later than the deadline in October.
_____ Provide students with the Parent Opt-Out Sexual Reproductive Health Form and obtain the students initials on the Secondary Schools Parent Opt-Out Signature Page (keep on file for 5 years).
_____ Administer the RCSD1Physical EducationCommon Formative Assessments.
_____ CSHAC (Step 1): Confirm members participating for the new school year and recruit members for your School Wellness Council (add members in the on-line Alliance for a Healthier Generation system).
_____ CSHAC (Step 2): Complete the School Health Assessment (completed on-line through the Alliance for a Healthier Generation).
_____ Write an initial letter (e-mail) to your Wellness Team thanking them for serving on the committee. You should also explain to them how you will be communicating/meeting with them throughout the year, along with anything else you need them to know. This should be
completed as part of communication documentation and uploaded to Edmodo no later than the deadline (Artifact #1).
_____ Administer the RCSD1Cooperative Games Formative Common Assessments.
_____ Communicate with your Wellness Team and let them know that you completed the School Health Assessment and have action plans items that are suggested. Share the items and ask your committee to review them and provide feedback for the items on the action plan that theyfeel are feasible to work on that year. This should be completed as part of communication documentation and uploaded to Edmodo no later than the deadline(Artifact #2).
_____ Administer the RCSD1Invasion GamesCommon Formative Assessments.
_____ Administer the RCSD1Net/Wall – Target GamesCommon Formative Assessments.
_____ Complete and submit the RCSD1 District Physical Education Benchmark SMART Goal Statement using assessment results from the pre-District Benchmark that is given by the third week of school. Determine the content area that needs the most improvement. Write at least one criterion based goal to help improve that area and explain your plan. This should be completed and uploaded to Edmodo no later than the deadline (can be the same goal and data used for the District).
_____ Complete and submit the RCSD1 District Health Education Benchmark SMART Goal Statement using assessment results from the pre-District Benchmark that is given by the third week of school. Determine the content area that needs the most improvement. Write at least one criterion based goal to help improve that area and explain your plan. This should be completed and uploaded to Edmodo no later than the deadline (can be the same goal and data used for the District).
_____ CSHAC(Steps 3 & 4): Develop an action plan based on what’s important and achievable in your schoolcommunity. Identify resources that can facilitate implementation of your action plan (completed on-line through the Alliance for a Healthier Generation). Use the feedback from your School Wellness Team communications.
_____ Communicate with your Wellness Team to show the action plan that your school will work on for this school year based on the feedback from the team. This should be completed as part of communication documentation and uploaded to Edmodo no later than the deadline (Artifact #3).
_____ Administer the Fitnessgram and record the students results/data using the Fitnessgram program.
_____ CSHAC(Step 5): Take Action (completed on-line through the Alliance for a Healthier Generation).
_____ Administer the RCSD1Physical EducationCommon Formative Assessments.
_____ Make sure you have completed the on-line Fitnessgram Professional Development Courses. This should be completed than the deadline on December 15th. Do not miss the deadline.
_____ Provide students with the Parent Opt-Out Sexual Reproductive Health Form and obtain the students initials on the Secondary Schools Parent Opt-Out Signature Page (keep on file for 5 years).
_____ Complete and submit the RCSD1 District Physical Education Benchmark SMART Goal Statement using assessment results from the post-District Benchmark assessment. Determine if goal has been met based on the data. Submit analysis results with the supporting data. This should be completed and uploaded to Edmodo no later than the deadline.
_____ Complete and submit the RCSD1 District Health Education Benchmark SMART Goal Statement using assessment results from the post-District Benchmark Determine if goal has been met based on the data. Submit analysis results with the supporting data. This should be completed and uploaded to Edmodo no later than the deadline.
_____ Provide students with their Fitnessgram Report from the Pre and Post test and obtain
Student’s initials on the Fitnessgram Report Signature Page. Instruct each student to take it home and share it with their parents. Keep on file for five years. You will have to show this
documentation during classroom visits, so keep this file handy.
_____ Administer the RCSD1Cooperative GamesCommon Formative Assessments.
_____ If eligible, apply for an award for the Alliance for a Healthier Generation.
_____ Complete and submit the RCSD1 District Physical Education Benchmark SMART Goal Statement using assessment results from the pre-District Benchmark that is given by the third week of school. Determine the content area that needs the most improvement. Write at least one criterion based goal to help improve that area and explain your plan. This should be completed and uploaded to Edmodo no later than the deadline.
_____ Complete and submit the RCSD1 District Health Education Benchmark SMART Goal Statement using assessment results from the pre-District Benchmark that is given by the third week of school. Determine the content area that needs the most improvement. Write at least one criterion based goal to help improve that area and explain your plan. This should be completed and uploaded to Edmodo no later than the deadline.
_____ Administer the RCSD1 Invasion Games Common Formative Assessments.
_____ Analyze results fromyour Fitnessgram Goal Statement using data from this year’s student assessments. Determine if they were successful or not successful. This should be completed and uploaded to Edmodo no later than the deadline in May.
_____ Communicate with your Wellness Team to invite them and other Stakeholders to your school’s Celebration of Success. This should be completed as part ofcommunication documentation and uploaded to Edmodo no later than the deadline (Artifact #4).
_____ Provide students with their Fitnessgram Report from the Pre and Post test and obtain
Student’s initials on the Fitnessgram Report Signature Page. Instruct each student to take it home and share it with their parents. Keep on file for five years. You will have to show this
documentation during classroom visits, so keep this file handy.
_____ Send out a reminder to the School Wellness Team and Stakeholders about your school’s upcoming Celebration of Success. You must participate in a celebration atyour school Celebration.
_____ Complete and submit the RCSD1 District Physical Education Benchmark SMART Goal Statement using assessment results from the post-District Benchmark assessment. Determine if goal has been met based on the data. Submit analysis results with the supporting data. This should be completed and uploaded to Edmodo no later than the deadline (can be the same goal and data used for the District).
_____ Complete and submit the RCSD1 District Health Education Benchmark Goal SMART Statement using assessment results from the post-District Benchmark Determine if goal has been met based on the data. Submit analysis results with the supporting data. This should be completed and uploaded to Edmodo no later than the deadline (can be the same goal and data used for the District).
_____ Attend the celebration and take photos of your team and stakeholders at the Celebration of Success to document the celebration at your school This should be completed as documentation of the celebration and uploaded to Edmodo no later than the deadline (Artifact #5). Please include sign-in sheets and pictures.
Forms and instructions for each assignment are attached to the assignment in Edmodo
October 28th
Fitnessgram (Pre-assessment)
Upload #1 – Data to support your Fitnessgram SMART goal statement
Upload #2 – Fitnessgram SMART goal statement
District Physical Education Benchmark SMART Goal Statement(Pre-assessment)
Upload #3 – Data to support your District Physical Education Benchmark SMART goal statement
Upload #4 – District Physical Education Benchmark SMART goal statement
District Health Education Benchmark SMART Goal Statement(Pre-assessment)
Upload #5 – Data to support your District Health Education Benchmark SMART goal statement
Upload #6 – District Health Education Benchmark SMART goal statement
January 24th
Fitnessgram (Post-assessment)
Upload #7 – Data to support your results of the Fitnessgram SMART goal statement
Upload #8 – Results of the Fitnessgram SMART goal statement
District Physical Education Benchmark SMART Goal Statement(Post-assessment)
Upload #9 – Data to support your results of the District Physical Education Benchmark SMART goal statement
Upload #10 – Results of the District Physical EducationBenchmark SMART goal statement
District Health Education Benchmark SMART Goal Statement(Post-assessment)
Upload #11 – Data to support your results of the District Health Education Benchmark SMART goal statement
Upload #12 – Results of the District Health Education Benchmark SMART goal statement
March 23th
Fitnessgram (Pre-assessment)
Upload #13 – Data to support your Fitnessgram SMART goal statement
Upload #14 – Fitnessgram SMART goal statement
District Physical Education Benchmark SMART Goal Statement(Pre-assessment)
Upload #15 – Data to support your District Physical Education Benchmark SMART goal statement
Upload #16 – District Physical Education Benchmark SMART goal statement
District Health Education Benchmark SMART Goal Statement(Pre-assessment)
Upload #17 – Data to support your District Health Education Benchmark SMART goal statement
Upload #18 – District Health Education Benchmark SMART goal statement
May 27th
Fitnessgram (Post-assessment)
Upload #19 – Data to support your results of the Fitnessgram SMART goal statement
Upload #20 – Results of the Fitnessgram SMART goal statement
District Physical Education Benchmark SMART Goal Statement(Post-assessment)
Upload #21 – Data to support your results of the District Physical Education Benchmark SMART goal statement
Upload #22 – Results of the District Physical EducationBenchmark SMART goal statement
District Health Education Benchmark SMART Goal Statement(Post-assessment)
Upload #23 – Data to support your results of the District Health Education Benchmark SMART goal statement
Upload #24 – Results of the District Health Education Benchmark SMART goal statement
Artifact #1 (Due September 29, 2017) – Initial letter (e-mail) to your Wellness Team
Artifact #2 (Due November 30, 2017) – Communication with your Wellness Team on action plan items suggested
Artifact #3 (Due January 31, 2018) – Communication with your Wellness Team on action plan
Artifact #4 (Due April 30, 2018) – Invitation to your Wellness Team and Stakeholders to your school’s Celebration of Success
Artifact #5 (Due May 25, 2018) – Time, date, location, sign-in sheets, and pictures of Celebration of Success
Richland One’sPhysical Education Lesson Plan
Grade: / Content: / Standards:
Materials: / STUDENT PREREQUISITES: / RESOURCES: 1. SC curriculum guide 2. District Pacing Guides
Warm-ups (10 min)
Task Extensions (35 min)
RCSD1 District Benchmark SMART Goal Statement
RCSD1 Physical Education Professional Development
I – (Pre-District Benchmark data) – District Benchmark Measurable Goal:
II - What will you do to accomplish this goal (Goal Statement)?
III – Provide data to support the goal with this form?
RCSD1 Physical Education Professional Development
I – (Post-District Benchmark data) – District Benchmark Goal Result (Was there improvement? (Explain):
II – Provide data to support the goal with this form?
RCSD1 Fitnessgram SMART Goal Statement
RCSD1 Physical Education Professional Development
I – (Pre) - Fitnessgram SMART Goal:
II - What will you do to accomplish this goal (SMART Goal Statement)?
III – Provide data to support the goal with this form
RCSD1 Physical Education Professional Development
I – (Post) - Fitnessgram SMART Goal Result (Was there improvement? Explain):
II – Provide data to support the goal with this form