Action / Impact / CostBuy into Gateshead Sports Coordinators’ Platinum Package& Sunderland Sports Consortium for increased participation
(see contents of package below). /
- Achieved Gold charter mark from Sunderland Sports Consortium for the level of sport provision we provide in school.
- Increased participation in both cluster and festival events across the school.
- Provided a varied after school club provision with high quality coaching.
- School support partner spent two days in school alongside PE team to establish an orienteering course, map and various orienteering activities. Training also given to staff.
Employ a PE & Sports Teaching Assistant to support teachers in the delivery of PE in lessons (including leading some of parts of the lessons and taking small groups), set up lessons, support after-school Sports Clubs, lead games at playtimes and lunchtimes, etc. /
- Plays a pivotal role in setting up lessons to provide maximum learning time and supporting teachers in delivering parts of the lesson.
- Ensures that all children’s needs are catered for by working with groups to extend or support
- Attends competitions with all year groups to ensure participation
- Provides support in after school clubs
- Introduced a Change 4 Life club to widening participation in reluctant children.
- Introduction of a school running club which again looked to widen participation in sporting activity, widely supported by parents who also attended the club.
Access to the Play Makers Scheme to train Y5 children to support games with younger children and playtime and lunchtime. /
- 10 play leaders trained and active at lunch/break times supporting games on the playgrounds. Sports Teaching Assistant and Lunchtime supervisors trained in supporting play leaders.
- Positive pupil feedback.
Increase awareness Sporting activities within school and within the community. /
- School sport noticeboard – Allows children to celebrate success from festivals or cluster events and includes updates from the various school teams.
- Both KS1 and KS2 Sports days included an opening ceremony, every class was the country they had chosen for international schools. The opening ceremony included the successful skipping group (Year 4) and opening dance (KS2) performance. Sports day was open and closed by Headteacher. Whole school assembly led by PE Leader followed to celebrate achievements/ Olympic and school values.
- Advertise school and community events in the school newsletter/website and celebrate success.
Lease a school minibus. /
- Using the school minibus has meant that we are able to access more local competitions and significantly reduce the cost of transport. It is used on a regular basis to support transport to and from events.
Further extend participation in a range of different sporting competitions in both the Sunderland and Gateshead cluster. /
- This year there has been an increase in competitions attended across all phases with each year group attending at least two sporting events which have been provided through either the Washington Cluster or Gateshead Sports Co-ordinator
- Silver School Games Award level achieved for participation in sports competitions.
- Gateshead Sports have provided a range of after-school clubs for all key stages including: Street Dance, Football, Dodgeball, Fencing, Basic Moves, Hockey, Fast-Feet Football, American Football, Rugby, Cheerleading, Tri-Golf, Gymnastics and Archery.
- All clubs were well attended, with over 275 children taking part over the year (increase since 2014/2015), which contributed again to the receipt of the Silver School Games Award
- KS2 taster sessions in Judo and cricket have established stronger club links.
Gateshead Sports Co-ordinators’ platinum packageprovides us with:
- Access to ‘screened’ sports coaches/organisations to work on site alongside teaching staff during curriculum hours or delivery of breakfast/lunchtime/after school clubs or intra/inter school competitions.
- Access to Professional Development Opportunities in Sport
- Sports delivery programmes to be linked Gateshead School Games Programme to increase schools participation.
- Two one hour Lifestyle, Activity and Food (LAF) sessions.
- A school membership to the National Trust.
- Dedicated resources to aid the development of community club links with local ‘clubmark’ sports clubs and coaches.
- A School Support Partner to provide tailored support.
- Dedicated telephone support.
- Advice on how to apply for funding grants.
- Access to regular PE co-ordinator meetings and training
- Access to intra-school competitions; at least three for EYFS/KS1 and three for KS2