
A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology

by José Ángel García Landa

(University of Zaragoza, Spain)

Wilfred Owen (1893-1918)

(English poet; homosexual; Army officer; war 1915; hospital in Edinburgh; back to France 1918, MC, killed in action)


Owen, Wilfred. "Anthem for Doomed Youth." Poem. 1917, pub. 1920. In The Norton Anthology of English Literature. 7th ed. Ed. M. H. Abrams, with Stephen Greenblatt et al. New York: Norton, 1999. 2.2066-67.*

_____. "Apologia Pro Poemate Meo." Poem. 1917, pub. 1920. In The Norton Anthology of English Literature. 7th ed. Ed. M. H. Abrams, with Stephen Greenblatt et al. New York: Norton, 1999. 2.2067-68.*

_____. "Miners." Poem. 1918, pub. 1931. In The Norton Anthology of English Literature. 7th ed. Ed. M. H. Abrams, with Stephen Greenblatt et al. New York: Norton, 1999. 2.2068-69.*

_____. "Dulce et Decorum Est." Poem. 1917-18, pub. 1020. In The Norton Anthology of English Literature. 7th ed. Ed. M. H. Abrams, with Stephen Greenblatt et al. New York: Norton, 1999. 2.2069-70.*

_____. "Dulce et decorum est." Poem. In Perrine's Literature: Structure, Sound, and Sense. By Thomas R. Arp and Greg Johnson. 8th ed. Boston (MA): Thomson Learning-Heinle & Heinle, 2002. 722.*

_____. "Strange Meeting." Poem. 1918., pub. 1920. In The Norton Anthology of English Literature. 7th ed. Ed. M. H. Abrams, with Stephen Greenblatt et al. New York: Norton, 1999. 2.2070-71.*

_____. "Futility." Poem. 1918. pub. 1920. In The Norton Anthology of English Literature. 7th ed. Ed. M. H. Abrams, with Stephen Greenblatt et al. New York: Norton, 1999. 2.2071.*

_____. "Futility." Poem. All Poetry.*


_____. "Disabled." Poem. 1917-18, pub. 1920. In The Norton Anthology of English Literature. 7th ed. Ed. M. H. Abrams, with Stephen Greenblatt et al. New York: Norton, 1999. 2.2071-72.*

_____. From Owen's Letters to His Mother. In The Norton Anthology of English Literature. 7th ed. Ed. M. H. Abrams, with Stephen Greenblatt et al. New York: Norton, 1999. 2.2072-74.*

_____. (Poems). With a memoir by Edmund Blunden. 1931.

_____. The Collected Poems of Wilfred Owen. Ed. C. Day Lewis. With a memoir by Edmund Blunden. 1946. London: Chatto, 1963.

_____. Collected Letters. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1967.

_____. In Understanding Poetry. By Cleanth Brooks and Robert Penn Warren. Fort Worth: Harcourt, 1988.

_____. Selected Poetry and Prose. Ed. Jennifer Breen. London: Routledge, 1988.

_____. Poems: "Anthem for Doomed Youth," "Dulce et Decorum Est," "Strange Meeting." In The Arnold Anthology of British and Irish Literature in English. Ed. Robert Clark and Thomas Healy. London: Arnold, 1997. 1239-41.*

_____. "Anthem for Doomed Youth." Poem. In Perrine's Literature: Structure, Sound, and Sense. By Thomas R. Arp and Greg Johnson. 8th ed. Boston (MA): Thomson Learning-Heinle & Heinle, 2002. 953.*

_____. Papers in The Modern Era 1800-1950. Database. 39 vols. (English Letters). Intelex / Oxford UP, 2004. (Correspondence and papers from Thomas Love Peacock, Harriet Martineau, Augustus De Morgan, William Thackeray, Robert Browning, Elizabeth Barrett, David Livingstone, Anthony Trollope, George Boole, Charlotte Brontë, Benjamin Jowett, Walter Pater, Arthur Hugh Clough, Matthew Arnold, George Meredith, Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Robert Bridges, Henry Bradley, Robert Louis Stevenson, James George Frazer, Edward Thomas, William Temple, Katherine Mansfield, Wildred Owen, Harold Laski, I. A. Richards. From the Oxford UP ed.).



Hibberd, Dominic. Wilfred Owen, The Last Year. Constable, 1992.

Hutchinson, Robert. "Wilfred Owen (1893-1918)." Focus on Robert Graves and His Contemporaries 2.1 (1993): 12.*

McPhail, Helen. Wilfred Owen, Poet and Soldier. Gliddon Books / Wilfred Owen Association, 1993.

Stallworthy, Jon. Wilfred Owen. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1974.


Caesar, Adrian. Taking It Like a Man: Suffering, Sexuality and the War Poets Brooke, Sassoon, Owen, Graves. Manchester: Manchester UP, 1993. Rev. Focus on Robert Graves and His Contemporaries 2.3 (1995): 50-51.

Cano Echevarría, Berta. "Not Concerned with Poetry: A Discussion on the Significance of Wilfred Owen's Prologue to His Poems." XVI Congreso de la Asociación Española de Estudios Anglo-Norteamericanos. Valladolid: Secretariado de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Valladolid, 1994. 517-24.*

_____. "Victims and Victimizers in Wilfred Owen's Poetry." Focus on Robert Graves and His Contemporaries 2.3 (1995): 21-24.*

_____. En los límites del modernismo: La poesía de guerra de Wilfred Owen. Secretariado de Publicaciones, Valladolid, 2002.

Daiches, David. "The Poetry of Wilfred Owen." New Literary Values: Studies in Modern Literature. Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd, 1936. 52-69.*

Fenton, James. The Strength of Poetry. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2003. (Wilfred Owen, Philip Larkin, Seamus Heaney, Marianne Moore, Elizabeth Bishop, Sylvia Plath, D. H. Lawrence, W. H. Auden).

Fletcher, John. "Wilfred Owen and Guillaume Apollinaire." In Fletcher, New Directions in Literature. London: Calder, 1968. 129-40.*

Hibberd, Dominic. Owen the Poet. London: Macmillan, 1986.

_____, ed. Poetry of the First World War. (Casebooks series). Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1981.

Kerr, Douglas. Wilfred Owen's Voices: Language and Community. Oxford: Clarendon, 1993.

Sillars, Stuart. Structure and Dissolution in English Writing, 1910-1920. Houndmills: Macmillan, 1999.

Internet resources

Pages on Wilfred Owen, Rupert Brooke and other poets killed in World War I


Britten, Benjamin. War Requiem, opus 66. Galina Vishnevskaya, soprano; peter Pears, tenor; Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau, baritone. The Bach Chorus and London Symphony Orchestra Chorus (David Willcocks); Highgate School Choir (Edward Chapman); Simon Preston, organ. Melos Ensemble. London Symphony Orchestra / Benjamin Britten. Prod. Decca, 1963. 2 CDs. London: Decca, 1985.*