Animal Answer Key 2016


1. an animal with a skull and a backbone; examples include mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fish._a vertebrate_ - with a hollow nerve-containing cord: chordata

2. an animal without a backbone._invertebrate

3. organisms that eat producers or other organisms for energy.consumer

4. an organism that is eaten by another organism._prey

5. a period of inactivity that some animals experience in winter; allows them to survive on stored body fat._hibernation

6. an animal that is cold-blooded is also called an.__ectotherm

Use the terms below to answer the following statements about Invertebrates.

Platyhelminthes - Mollusca - Nematoda - Annelida - Porifera - Cnidaria --Arthropoda - Echinodermata

7. All are aquatic and are pore bearing animals. They live in fresh and salt water.___Porifera such as sponges.

8. All have a hollow body cavity in either a polyp or medusa form, radial symmetry, and stinging cells.______Cnidaria______

9. Simplest animals showing bilateral symmetry with a distinctive head and tail; called flatworms because of their flattened body.____Nematodia______

10. Have bilateral symmetry with rounded bodies that are tapered on each end; some are free-living but many are parasites.______Platyhelminthes___

11. Most have a hard outer shell to protect a soft body within. Found in salt and freshwater as well as on land. Many are used for food._______Mollusca______

12. Segmented worms; body is divided into segments. They are found in both salt and fresh water as well as on land.______annelida______

13. Have jointed legs and an exoskeleton. They are the most numerous and successful of all the animal phyla.______arthropoda______

14. All are spiny skinned and are marine. They have a small internal skeleton and a water vascular system.______echinodermata______

Complete the sentence with the proper organism or term for each phylum.

21. Arachnids are Arthropods similar to insects but have four pairs of legs and no wings or feelers. Many =

(_S_ _P_ I__ _D_ _E_ R__ _S_) spin silken webs.

23. The Mollusks have well-developed bodies with specialized organs. Most like the clam, oyster and (__ SNAILS ______), are protected by a hard shell.

24. The segmented (__ Worms ______) live on land as well as in water. They usually dig burrows or build tubes to live in. They are great to use when fishing!

25. Most Cnidarians live in the ocean. Many such as corals, live attached to the bottom. Others such as jellyfish swim about and sting other animals.

(circle the correct answer)

27. The type of symmetry that refers to animals with a circle type body is

Radial Bilateral Asymmetrical

28. The type of symmetry that refers to animals without a regular body is

Radial Bilateral Asymmetrical

29. The type of symmetry that refers to animals with a body that can cut into 2 equal parts is

Radial Bilateral Asymmetrical

Write the letter F for fish, A for Amphibian or R for Reptile after each statement that describes those classes.

33. first vertebrates on Earth _fish (think Oceans) F

34. have a thick dry skin which helps them live on land _reptiles R

35. obtain oxygen by gulping air into their lungs or by absorbing it through their skin __Amphibians A

36. most have a lateral line to feel other animals in the water ___fish__F here_____

37. live part of their life in the water and part on land ___amphibian_A

40. lay eggs surrounded by a shell to protect them from drying out ______reptile___R___

Short Answer

31.  What makes Birds (Aves) different from Mammals?

Birds lay eggs, while mammals give live birth and provide milk------

Long Answer: Describe the evolutionary path animals took on the Tree of Life. Long one, see your notes.