Final Ancient Egypt Project
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Final Ancient Egypt Project
You will be completing a project as an assessment for this study of ancient Egypt.
The project will contain three parts:
1. A visual component (Choose from the Visual Component column in the chart. Only choose one project.)
2. An oral report (See the chart below for details of what your oral report should include.) Prepare answers for oral report on note-cards. Note-cards must be used during presentation.
3. A written list of all resources used. (3 to 5 sources) Please use the resource form attached.
Suggestions for Projects
Topic / Visual Component(Only choose 1!) / Oral ReportRequirements(Report on all of these for your topic category)Architecture / Could include projects such as:
- Build a model of an Egyptian pyramid.
- Build a model of an Egyptian home.
- Build a model of a tomb.
- Build a model of the Sphinx.
- Use of the object
- Unique features
- Type of material the Egyptians would’ve used for building
- Construction methods
- Other vital information
- Discuss how you constructed your model.
- Information on note-cards
Religion / Could include projects such as:
- Make a mummy, its coffin, and include objects that would’ve been included at burial
- Build a model of a tomb with all the proper objects inside.
- Create a display of important gods and goddesses
- Use of the object(s)
- Unique features
- The religious beliefs held by the Egyptians and how that impacted their life and death rituals
- Other vital information
- Discuss how you constructed your model.
- Information on note-cards
Food & Farming / Could include projects such as:
- Bake an example of an Egyptian food and share it with the class. (group of 4 to 6 people)
- Create a layout of a field showing irrigation canals.
- The foods commonly eaten by the Egyptians, both rich and poor
- Cooking techniques (for irrigation & field projects connect this to the kinds of food that would be grown)
- Farming & irrigation techniques (for food projects connect this to the food you made)
- Other vital information
- Discuss how you constructed your model or your food.
- Information on note-cards
Clothing & Jewelry / Could include projects such as:
- Design and wear Egyptian clothing.
- Design and wear Egyptian jewelry.
- Design and wear Egyptian headdress.
- Use of the object(s)
- Unique features
- Type of material the Egyptians would’ve used for creating clothes and jewelry
- How the climate of Egypt impacted their choices for clothing
- Other vital information
- Discuss how you constructed your items.
- Information on note-cards
Work & Trade / Could include projects such as:
- Build a shaduf.
- Build a sailboat similar to the ones used on the Nile.
- Use of the object
- Unique features
- Type of material the Egyptians would’ve used for this object
- Other vital information
- Discuss how you constructed your model.
- Information on note-cards
Technology Option / Choose any of the above topics and create a movie to be shown in class. / Your movie must:
- Be completed at home
- Be uploaded to YouTube or brought to class on a flash drive, CD, or DVD
- Meet all the other requirements for presentation and important information
- Discuss how you made your movie.
- Information on note-cards
Other information:
1. Due date for project is Dec. 15th!
2. Neatness is expected in every aspect of the project.
3. The project will be completed at home. School support may be possible for use of computers and some art supplies. However, research and work time for construction of your items will not be provided at school. This is an at home project.
4. Visual components will be left at school for a short time to be on display. However, all items will be returned to you at the end of the Egypt study.
5. Be ready to answer questions when you give your oral report. Research your topic thoroughly and be ready to explain it to your small group. Students will present in groups of 4 to 6.
6. All your information must be accurate. Use the textbook, information in your Interactive Social Studies Notebook (ISN), and other websites to ensure that you are presenting correct information in your project. Remember you must have 3 to 5 sources!
7. Note-cards: The information should be used to guide your oral presentation. Information should be in concise, bulleted facts not full paragraphs.
Name: ______Date:______
Final Egypt Project Rubric – Food & Farming
Category / 4 – Excellent / 3 - Good / 2 – Fair / 1 - Inadequate(x2 points) Food Sample/Project –
Brought sample to class with enough for each student to eat and/or created a layout of a field showing irrigation canals.
Ancient Egyptian Connection –
Described the foods commonly eaten by the Egyptians, both rich and poor.
Ancient Egyptian Connection –
Described Cooking techniques of the ancient Egyptians.
Ancient Egyptian Connection –DescribedFarming and irrigation techniques of the ancient Egyptians.
Ancient Egyptian Connection –
Shared other vital information that connected to the topic.
Ability to Answer –
Was able to efficiently answer questions during the presentation.
Resources List –
Included a list of resources that were used in the project.
Oral Presentation Rubric
Category / 4 – Excellent / 3 - Good / 2 - Fair / 1 – InadequateEye contact –
Maintained excellent eye contact for the entire presentation
Confidence and Preparation –
Showed a high level of confidence and was ready to present
Volume of Voice –
Appropriate volume and tone of voice for the entire presentation
Total ____
44 pts.
Name: ______Date:______
Final Egypt Project Rubric – Architecture
Category / 4 – Excellent / 3 - Good / 2 – Fair / 1 - Inadequate(x2 points) Project –
Brought a constructed project to school that focuses on the architecture of the ancient Egyptians.
Description of the Object –
Described what the object was used for in ancient Egyptian times.
Unique Features –
Described the unique features of the object.
Type of Materials–Describedthe type of material the ancient Egyptians would’ve used in the construction of the object.
Construction methods–Describedthe construction methods of the ancient Egyptians in making the object.
Additional Information –
Shared other vital information that connected to the topic.
Ability to Answer –
Was able to efficiently answer questions during the presentation.
Resources List –
Included a list of resources that were used in the project. 3 to 5
Oral Presentation Rubric
Category / 4 – Excellent / 3 - Good / 2 - Fair / 1 – InadequateEye contact –
Maintained excellent eye contact for the entire presentation
Confidence and Preparation –
Showed a high level of confidence and was ready to present
Volume of Voice –
Appropriate volume and tone of voice for the entire presentation
Total ____
48 pts.
Name: ______Date:______
Final Egypt Project Rubric – Religion
Category / 4 – Excellent / 3 - Good / 2 – Fair / 1 - Inadequate(x2 points) Project –
Brought a constructed project to school that focuses on the religious practices of the ancient Egyptians.
Description & Use of the Object –
Described what the object was used for in ancient Egyptian times.
Unique Features –
Described the unique features of the object.
Religious Beliefs –Describedthe type of religious beliefs held by the Egyptians and how that impacted their life and death rituals.
Additional Information –
Shared other vital information that connected to the topic.
Ability to Answer –
Was able to efficiently answer questions during the presentation.
Resources List –
Included a list of resources that were used in the project.
Oral Presentation Rubric
Category / 4 – Excellent / 3 - Good / 2 - Fair / 1 – InadequateEye contact –
Maintained excellent eye contact for the entire presentation
Confidence and Preparation –
Showed a high level of confidence and was ready to present
Volume of Voice –
Appropriate volume and tone of voice for the entire presentation
Total ____
Name: ______Date:______
Final Egypt Project Rubric – Clothing & Jewelry
Category / 4 – Excellent / 3 - Good / 2 – Fair / 1 - Inadequate(x2 points) Project –
Brought a constructed project to school that focuses on the clothing and jewelry of the ancient Egyptians.
Description of the Object –
Described what the object was used for in ancient Egyptian times.
Unique Features –
Described the unique features of the object.
Type of Materials –Describedthe type of material the ancient Egyptians would’ve used for creating clothes and jewelry.
Impact of Climate –Describedhow the climate of Egypt would’ve impacted the ancient Egyptians in their clothing choices.
Additional Information –
Shared other vital information that connected to the topic.
Ability to Answer –
Was able to efficiently answer questions during the presentation.
Resources List –
Included a list of resources that were used in the project.
Oral Presentation Rubric
Category / 4 – Excellent / 3 - Good / 2 - Fair / 1 – InadequateEye contact –
Maintained excellent eye contact for the entire presentation
Confidence and Preparation –
Showed a high level of confidence and was ready to present
Volume of Voice –
Appropriate volume and tone of voice for the entire presentation
Total ____
Name: ______Date:______
Final Egypt Project Rubric – Work & Trade
Category / 4 – Excellent / 3 - Good / 2 – Fair / 1 - Inadequate(x2 points) Project –
Brought a constructed project to school that focuses on the work and trade of the ancient Egyptians.
Description of the Object –
Described what the object was used for in ancient Egyptian times.
Unique Features –
Described the unique features of the object.
Type of Materials–Describedthe type of material the ancient Egyptians would’ve used for creating the object being presented.
Additional Information –
Shared other vital information that connected to the topic.
Ability to Answer –
Was able to efficiently answer questions during the presentation.
Resources List –
Included a list of resources that were used in the project.
Oral Presentation Rubric
Category / 4 – Excellent / 3 - Good / 2 - Fair / 1 – InadequateEye contact –
Maintained excellent eye contact for the entire presentation
Confidence and Preparation –
Showed a high level of confidence and was ready to present
Volume of Voice –
Appropriate volume and tone of voice for the entire presentation
Total ____
44 pts.
Name: ______Date:______
Final Egypt Project Rubric – Technology
Category / 4 – Excellent / 3 - Good / 2 – Fair / 1 - Inadequate(x2 points) Project –
Made a movie that focuses on a specific topic related to the lives of the ancient Egyptians.
Description –
Connected the topic of the movie to the lives of the ancient Egyptians.
Unique Features –
Described the unique features of the topic being presented in the movie.
Type of Materials–Describedthe type of materials the ancient Egyptians would’ve used for creating the topic being presented.
Additional Information –
Shared other vital information that connected to the topic.
Ability to Answer –
Was able to efficiently answer questions during the presentation.
Resources List –
Included a list of resources that were used in the project.
Oral Presentation Rubric
Category / 4 – Excellent / 3 - Good / 2 - Fair / 1 – InadequateEye contact –
Maintained excellent eye contact for the entire presentation
Confidence and Preparation –
Showed a high level of confidence and was ready to present
Volume of Voice –
Appropriate volume and tone of voice for the entire presentation
Total ____
44 pts.
Resource Sheet
Resource Sheet
Bibliography Form
These are pictures of work done by my sixth grade students. (Please note that portions of the pictures have been cropped for student security purposes.) Do not repost these pictures to any Internet resources, blog, social media site, or website. For classroom use only!