Internationalizing Your Curriculum
“Developing a Module for Your Classes”
Module should include the following components:
· Name: Chrissann R. Ruehle, Assistant Professor of Marketing and Management
· College: Sinclair Community College
· Title of Faculty Development Seminar and date: International Education Faculty Development Day, March 27, 2015
· Module title: Business’ Role in Combating Human Labor Trafficking Through Corporate Social Responsibility and Ethics Programs
· Approximate Length of Module: 70 Minutes.
· Brief Description of the Module:
Human trafficking is considered a modern form of slavery. The concept of human sex trafficking often comes to mind first when we think of this concept. However, human labor trafficking or forced labor is a growing area of concern, especially in the area of supply chain management. Businesses and business people in today’s global economic environment need to develop an awareness of and combat human trafficking to ensure we are not unintentionally exploiting forced labor. According to the May 2014 International Labor Organization’s report titled “Profits and Poverty: The Economics of Forced Labor”, “illegal profits made from the use of forced labor in the private economy worldwide amount of $150.2 billion per year. According to the ILO, two thirds of the profits, amounting to an estimated $99 billion per year, are generated by commercial sexual exploitation exacted by fraud or force. More than one third of the profits - $51.2 billion – are made from forced labor exploitation”.
· Learning Objectives of the module:
Students will identify the scope and corresponding statistics of global human labor trafficking.
Students will compare and contrast the level of human labor trafficking and risk among countries.
Students will construct a supplier code of conduct tool as part of a corporate social responsibility program.
Students will analyze case studies of multinational firms in order to discern best practices for combatting human labor trafficking.
· Teaching/facilitation notes:
Discuss the scope of human labor trafficking and provide examples of human labor trafficking from the U.S. State Department’s Trafficking in Persons Report. (10 minutes)
Show Video – Nike Contractor in Malaysia Using Forced Labor – and discuss. (10 minutes)
Review Cisco’s Supplier Code of Conduct that is listed on the Corporate Social Responsibility section of its website. (10 minutes)
Use the Write/Pair/Share technique and have students work in teams of 3-4 to draft a corporate responsibility statement for a technology business that uses suppliers/contractors located in Asia. (30 minutes)
Teams review case studies for Ford, Adidas, and Coca Cola. They should compare and contrast the approaches used by each organization and identify best practices for combating forced labor. (10 minutes).
· Resource list/guide: List of materials needed to complete this module in a course (videos, for example) including required readings for students.
Microsoft E-Learning Course: Join The Fight Against Human Trafficking
U.S. State Department: Trafficking in Persons Report 2014
U.S. State Department: The Economics of Forced Labor 2014
United Nations video: Forced Labor Does Not Only Affect the Poorest
Nike Contractor in Malaysia Using Forced Labor
Cisco Supplier’s Code of Conduct
Cisco Corporate Social Responsibility: Position on Slavery and Human Trafficking
Human Rights and Business Dilemmas Forum
Maplecroft Forced or Involuntary Labor Index 2015
Case Study: Ford Four Stage Action Plan to Combat Forced Labor in Supply Chains
Case Study: Ford/AIAG Promoting Decent and Responsible Working Conditions Through Supplier Training
Case Study: Coca Cola: Migrant Workers and Passport Retention
· Outline of lectures, activities, and/or outside class activities required:
Pre-Class OER (I recommend using a flipped model approach)
Prior to attending class, have students complete Microsoft’s E-Learning course on Human Trafficking. It takes about 45 minutes to complete. There are knowledge checks at the end of each module. Students can submit a print screen that shows they successfully completed the assessment questions. This will establish foundational knowledge for the subject matter.
Lecture outline
What is human trafficking and human labor trafficking or forced labor?
What is the scope of this problem?
What prompts companies and businesses to use forced labor?
What countries pose the greatest risk of recruiting forced labor?
What industries are most impacted by forced labor? Why?
Homework Assignment
Students work individually to draft a two page research-based paper that examines the case studies that are discussed in class. Students should compare and contrast the approaches used to combat human labor trafficking by each of the companies. Further, students should identify best practices that businesses can take to minimize and/or eliminate human labor traffic. In addition, the final part of the paper should include a reflection on steps that the student can take individually to help raise awareness of human labor trafficking.
· Information about assessment of the module:
The Microsoft E-Learning module contains assessment questions which will enable faculty to assess the student’s foundational understanding of the issue of human labor trafficking.
During in class activities such as the Write/Pair/Share, faculty should collect the write/pair/share document that students draft individually to assess the student’s level of understanding of this complex issue.
The written research paper that is assigned as homework will enable faculty to assess overall learning of students.
· Biography of sources used to create the module:
All works that are referenced in the teaching notes are listed under the Resources List/Guide section.