U3A Newsletter August 2004

Enrolment day; 5th September doors open 1.30pmTerms: Autumn:- 12th Sept – 16th Dec; Spring:- 3rd Jan – 7th April; Summer:- 24th Apr – 16th Jun;AGM: 14th November: Christmas Party: 12th December

Report from the Chairman

We are celebrating ten years as a member of the U3A with a summer lunch-party in the grounds of Haslemere Museum on 25 June. Past chairmen and the Mayor of Haslemere have been invited and we hope the weather will be fine. Our group has expanded over the years and we now have 340 members and over 35 group activities. We continue to thrive thanks to the leaders and organisers of all groups who willingly give their time to the U3A.

However we still need new activities and leaders. If you could lead a group and need advice on how to do this, please contact any member of the committee. The U3A is a self-help group that relies on its own membership for new ideas. Please can you help?

Enrolment day is on Monday, 5 September 2005 at 1.30PM in the Haslemere Hall. Some of our most popular activities such as the Lunch Groups and Rambling Groups have been expanded by an additional third group operating on another day: the committee hopes this will allow more people to join in. Details are in the programme. A new departure this year is a welcome or induction meeting for new members. This is provisionally booked for 10.30 –11.30 on Wednesday, 7th September in the HH annexe.

Finally, the committee and I hope you are enjoying a fine summer of activities.

John Ewing

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U3A Newsletter July 2005

Treasurer’s Report

Elizabeth Butler

We have had a good year financially and it looks as though our income will have more than covered our expenses. Thanks in large part to a considerable number of new members this year. We have yet to put in our claim for gift aid and if we are able to claim for earlier years our reserves will get a healthy boost. If you have already signed a Gift Aid Pledge please only let me know if you are unwilling for us to claim it from April 2000 or since you joined the U3A - whichever is the more recent. I would appreciate if any outstanding class fees could be sent to me by group organisers before the end of July at Merrilea, Chatsworth Avenue, Haslemere, GU27 1BA.


The U3A is a happy thriving organisation but needs a constant supply of new members just to mark time. Our annual advert in the Haslemere Herald will appear ahead of next session’s enrolment day and we will be distributing a general leaflet and program details to a number of places including the Library, Museum and Citizens’ Advice Bureau. It is however by word of mouth from members to their friends and acquaintances that we can expect the greatest growth. Larger numbers mean that we have a larger pool of talent to call upon to help organise meetings and provide group leadership.

Please tell your friends about the U3A. I am constantly surprised how many people of our generation do not know about us or what we do. We call ourselves rather grandly a University and this can put people off until we explain what it is. One of Maxim Gorky’s most famous books was called “My Universities”. He meant the University of Life never having been inside a secondary school let alone a college. Point out to your friends that there are no entrance or educational requirements and that our voluntary leaders do not ordinarily set homework! Members will however be expected to participate in some of our activities – as many or few as they wish - by becoming involved with them -which they will enjoy. The U3A is an inter-active rather than passive or spectator organisation to use the modern terminology and one from which resignation – except for the most pressing of reasons – is unusual. We desperately need some new blood can you help us get it? Out feature on the Haslemere Web Site has moved yet again - we are now back in the Educational sector [http://www.haslemere.com/schools/u3a/]. For those of you on the web this is the easiest place to find the program of events and what else your committee are up to. However the best publicity is word of mouth.

U3A Monthly Meetings 2005-06

Held at 2.00-4.00pm in Haslemere Hall on the second Monday of each month

October 10th John O Smith will talk on “Flora Thompson” (of Larkrise to Candleford fame)

November 7th AGM;

January 9th Kay White will give an illustrated talk on Travels

February 13th Delphine Star will talk on “A personal Odyssey to Antarctica”

March 14th John Greaves, CGM, former Commercial Director of Zeneca will talk on “The Global Village”

May 8th To be announced:

June 12th Professor Chris Wise, Structural Engineer & Catherine Ramsden, Project Architect for the Millennium Bridge, will give an illustrated talk on the Design and structure of the Millennium Bridge

Christmas Party on Monday, 12 December 2005 at 12 noon.

We are very fortunate again to have the Men’s Cookery Group provide us with a 2-course hot lunch. Last year’s party was a great success thanks to the efforts of this group. There will be entertainment including two quizzes. Tickets will be on sale after the AGM on Monday, 14 November and will cost £5 including a glass of wine or soft drink. Entertainment has been organised

Driving Skills

The meeting arranged on Driving Skills for Retired People we were promised last year turned out to be not quite what we had expected. That doesn’t mean it wasn’t interesting – far from it. Police Sergeant Coles (of Surrey Police, Guildford) gave us a fascinating talk, illustrated by videos, on how they teach police drivers to catch criminals and what other tricks than chasing them at high speed they have up their sleeves to stop and bring them to justice.

Development Officer’s report

A successful year has been achieved by establishing some new courses and groups or re-establishing previous ones, in conjunction with the Groups Representative.

One idea to obtain details of courses, which would appeal to our members, was to see what other local U3As found popular. This involved liaison with their leaders and attending group meetings.

An investigation of suitable audio-visual equipment, the cost and funding sources which could benefit groups and their leaders resulted in our obtaining a grant from the “Awards for All” Lottery Fund of some £2.700 to buy the latest laptop computer, scanner and data-projector. We received enormous help from Dr Mike Smith of our sister Group in Guildford in obtaining this grant. Our groups are using the new facility increasingly.

As we are unable to offer computing courses ourselves, due to the lack of tutors or appropriate equipment, efforts have been made to seek out suitable alternative external courses as detailed in the latest Haslemere U3A “Bulletin”.

Tony Gregory

Invitation to play CROQUET : 2PM on Tuesday, 16 August 2005 at Duncton.

One of our members, Peter Corke, has arranged for us to have an introduction to the game of croquet at his club at Duncton. Association croquet is an intriguing and skilful game, which can be played by all ages and abilities with the help of an excellent handicap system. Members of our U3A are invited to come and try the game. Equipment will be provided and club members will be on hand to provide instruction and encouragement. Tea will be served at about 4.30PM. There will be no charge though donations to club funds will be welcomed. All you need to bring is a pair of flat-heeled shoes or trainers and a good eye!

Please phone John Ewing (tel. 01428-643240) if you are interested: transport could be shared between those interested.

Report from the Groups

U3A Newsletter July 2005

The Alternative Lunch Club

Ray Ogborn: Tel 01428 651008

The Alternative Lunch Club has continued to meet monthly on the fourth Monday throughout the year. A different pub is visited every month after a preliminary visit by the chairman and secretary. The average attendance has been 15.

In the coming year the Club will travel further afield to discover some new venues, as well as revisiting the best local pubs.

The members assess the merits of each venue and give a numerical rating, which is used to give a comparison for future reference.

A proposal has been floated that membership of any one of the three U3A lunch clubs would give automatic membership of all three clubs. The members debated the proposal and came to the conclusion that the idea is desirable, but impractical while the membership of each club is close to the capacity of the pubs we visit.

Alternative Rambling Group

Kate Colley (651369)

After a poor start during the autumn term with only one walk being undertaken the Group has grown in numbers and enthusiasm.

In February Kate led from QE Country Park over the Downs to Charlton returning via the Country Park whilst in March John led a very hilly walk from the Haslemere Recreation grounds via Blackdown to North Chapel and back.

This term John led us through a rather wet Woolbeding Common over to Trotton. We had been hoping for a view of the Buddhist monastery on the way but only managed a glimpse or two through the trees. We saw the fine brass effigies and frescoes in Trotton Church. At the time of writing we still have two walks to go; in May Johnny R is taking us around Chiddingfold, hoping to view the bluebells and in June Kate is taking us over the Downs again, this time to Charlton.

We in general have had good weather and our picnic system is working well. This coming year the leaders hope to encourage other members of the group to plan some walks and to help in this will give map reading practise during some of the proposed walks. Areas to be covered are Waggoners Wells, the South Downs and Frensham Ponds.

Mavis Welland 652142.

The Ambling group continues to enjoy walks of approximately 3 miles on the fourth Wednesday of each month. Group members take it in turns to plan and lead the ambles. [Help given if needed]

The members of the group have decided that the walks for the next season should begin at 10.30, to begin when possible at a pub so that it is possible to enjoy a pub lunch after the amble.

We are a very friendly group so do come and join us.

Art Appreciation
Mary Cooke 605913

This is a very friendly and lively group which started out three years ago studying Interior Design and the history of British furniture and interiors. We then went on to study decorative styles, and this year we concentrated on the paintings, sculpture and architecture of the Renaissance. We have had an interesting and enjoyable year looking at pictures and discussing the trends and influences of the period, culminating with a visit to the National Gallery.

Next year we hope to continue where we left off by studying the art of the eighteenth, nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. This will include Neoclassicism, Romanticism, Impressionism, Post Impressionism and twentieth century art.

The aim of the group is to try to gain an understanding of the motivation of the artists at a particular time in history, and so to enhance the appreciation and enjoyment of their work The group usually meets on the first Tuesday of the month and new members are always welcome

Bridge for Beginners

Peter Brackfield (01428 656328)

The Beginners Bridge Group 2004/2005 was the largest so far that I have taken, with 19 names on the books and a fairly regular 3 Tables (12) attendance. The level of cards knowledge was quite varied with one who did not play cards, so it was tuition from scratch i.e. what is a trick and trump etc. Run on a weekly basis as a concentrated course it seemed to work better than in the past where a fortnightly break was disruptive and interfered with continuity.

I can say that all members were keen and can now play bridge to a sufficient standard for friendly rubber bridge games, Club Chicago Bridge, and an insight into Duplicate Bridge sufficient to enable them to join U 3A ‘s popular Thursday duplicate bridge group. A similar programme is envisaged for next year hopefully commencing on Tuesday 1st Nov. in the Haslemere Bowling Club at 2-0pm.

Bridge Intermediate
Adam Sobey

During 2005/06 the intermediate bridge course will be concerned with expanding the groundwork of the beginners course to integrate it with its attendant play problems. Much use will be made of random hands so that participants will be made aware of the key problems of recognising what is needed in a real situation and how to deal with it. Attention will also be given to the competitive bidding game. At the end of the course all participants can expect to be confident in handling almost any deal!

Bridge Duplicate

John Ewing 643240

It is very pleasing to report on an increased membership of this group. We have had, at times, up to seven tables i.e. 28 people playing.

We are a friendly group that will welcome new members. A basic knowledge of ACOL is required but it is not necessary to have played duplicate before nor is there a need to come with a partner as this can be arranged at the start of play.

Each session, from 2 pm to 5pm on Thursday afternoons, commences promptly. So please arrive at 1.50pm to allow the organiser time to set out the movements.

Please note that once a month Hugh Turrall-Clarke uses the Annex for his talks on the History of Art so Bridge does not take place on these days. (Please see the programme).
Bring a Poem

Elizabeth Hare 01428 654 206

This little group, maximum capacity six, now includes an occasional prose passage although the emphasis remains on poetry. The season’s range stretched over 600 years and we learned a lot from each other at each of the monthly meetings. Number of participates varied – health, holidays whatever. We shall continue, God willing, in the coming year.