Information for Teachers and Group Leaders

This information is provided to help you plan your visit and make the most of your time at the Centre.

Teachers who have brought their classes to WHEEC for years will be familiar with most of it. However, please read it! It includes important health and safety information. And please make sure other staff and adult helpers have understood it too. Thank you.

How the day is structured

Most classes arrive at 10.00, have lunch at the Centre from about 12.00 to 12.45, and leave between 2.30 and 3.00 – depending on their travel arrangements and school timetable.

Alternatively, schools may bring their classes for a half day (usually having lunch at the Centre). This works well for two Nursery, Reception or Year 1 classes, one coming in the morning, the other in the afternoon.

We are happy to modify the programme to fit your needs timing needs.

Teachers may also wish to lead a programme (at nominal cost) from beginning to end, using the WHEEC’s buildings only for toilets and wet-weather shelter.


You can eat your lunch at the Centre inside or out – or (time permitting) on the Welsh Harp Open Space, just outside the Centre grounds. School staff are responsible for the supervision and safety of the pupils at all times whilst at the WHEEC.

Where are activities run?

Mostly in the 5.5 hectares of the Centre grounds. However, there are also many reasons for going further afield:

  • to the Welsh Harp Open Space, to learn about the reservoir and the landscape;
  • to Quainton Street Open Space, to gain safe access to the River Brent;
  • to the bird hide at the eastern end of the reservoir, by walking along the path along the north bank.


Class teachers and other adults coming with the class are welcome to make a pre-visit. So are other staff who might like to know what goes on at WHEEC. Just phone or email us to arrange a time.


We will invoice you after your visit.Please don’t bring the money with you.

Getting to WHEEC

It is possible for many schools to get to WHEEC by bus, plus a reasonably short walk. Buses 83, 182, 245, 297, 302 pass within a ten-minute walk of the Centre.

There are other ways to reach us, and the journey can be an education in itself! For example, along the north bank of the Welsh Harp, via the Neasden ‘railway estate’, or along Old Church Lane. Please ask about these.

For schools using parents’ cars to transport children:

  • Drivers should stop in the car-park, not on the drive.
  • They should of course take extreme care if children are also in the car-park: for example, no reversing until children are out of the car-park.

Some parents have had difficulty finding WHEEC. Birchen Grove is a minor road off Blackbird Hill with traffic lights at the junction. Follow the signs to the Greenhouse (Garden Centre). We share their drive.


Children and adults should wear sturdy clothes and shoessuitable for outdoor activities amongst woodland and potentially damp or wet areas. Trousers, tracksuit bottoms etc. are better than skirts or shorts as they give some protection against nettles and brambles. Wellies will be useful, especially after long spells of rain; also, in hot weather, some form of headgear to avoid excessive exposure.

Responsibilities and expectations

Good behaviour is obviously essential so that your group is safe and gets the most out of the visit. It is your responsibility to see that your group is adequately supervised at all times whilst at the WHEEC. Please refer to our adult to young person ratio in the table below. Centre staff are not to be included in this count.. You should also follow your own school or LEA guidelines. Please make sure that all supervising adults are aware of the purpose of the day, understand the risk assessment, and of their role.

Health and Safety

There are intrinsic hazards associated with the external areas at the CentreWe encourage all adults (and children) to be “safety conscious” throughout your visit. You will be provided with a copy of the risk assessment relevant to your booking(s)Please ask if you would like a copy of our Health and Safety Policy:


  • Schools must have their own first aider and be prepared to take charge of their pupils’ welfare. The Centre staff are first aiders and will be happy to assist.
  • Fire: the procedure is explained in the safety talk. Centre staff will take charge, but please prepare and bring a list of children and adults and take a roll-call at the assembly point.


We ask teachers to complete a simple evaluation form before they leave. This is very helpful both in improving our service, and (hopefully) in being able to demonstrate, where necessary, that the service we provide is worthwhile.

Child's age / Number of adults / Number of children
0-2 / 1 / 3
2-3 / 1 / 4
4-8 / 1 / 6
9-12 / 1 / 8
13-18 / 1 / 10

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