Evidence of knowledge gained

Is there evidence that the student has acquired scientific knowledge or

scientific skills by doing this project?

Does the exhibitor recognize the scope and limitations of the problem selected?

Does the project add to scientific knowledge?

Evidence of the scientific approach

Has the scientific approach been taken with the problem?

Has the exhibitor solved a problem using known scientific facts or principles as

a basis for new conclusions?

Evidence of primary experimental research

Have data been gathered from experiments done by the student, instead of from

the results of others?

Has the student devised methods of carrying out work unique to the project, such

as designing a special piece of apparatus or deciding specific materials needed?

Does it do what it was intended to do?

Can the work be the basis for further experimentation?

Evidence of individual work

Has the material as a whole been gathered from various sources and reorganized

according to the student's own thinking and research?

Has the student set up a systematic plan of work and secured measurements?

If the student has assistance, are those portions of the exhibit which represent

other people's work clearly identified?

Evidence of thoroughness

Is the exhibitor aware of the empirical method--of the necessity of repeating

trials and the importance of controlling variables in experiments in order to

reach valid conclusions?

Has the analysis of the problem been orderly?

Has the original plan been carried successfully through to completion?

Validity of information

Are known facts and principles stated correctly and used accurately?

Have results of experiments been given accurately and used accurately?

Are the data complete, or at least based upon random [rather than selected]


Validity of conclusions

Has the student started with known facts and evolved new experiments and drawn

relevant conclusions?

Are the conclusions consistent with the data?

Quality of written presentation

Has the student made use of accumulated data, including bibliography,

interviews, and correspondence?

Considering age and experience, does the project make use of the exhibitor's


Quality of visual presentation

Is the exhibit attractive and does it adequately represent the theme of the


Have the data been presented in the most explicit way for the particular type of

information involved?