Building a Lifetime Asset
Path to Platinum
Business Development Guide
Getting Started:
Roadmap and Timetable
The 4 Basics
Working with Mannatech
Administrative Setup
How to Register/How to Create an Auto Order
Taking Action:
Create a Potential Partners List
Invite Potential Partners
Show the Plan to Build a Financial Asset
Follow Up and Duplicate
Business Partner Tools
My Support Team
Why am I doing this?
Potential Partners List
Planning/Progress Chart
Business Presentation Tools
Building a Lifetime Asset – presentation
Due Diligence Resources
Additional Resources – (under revision)
Road Map
Congratulations on joining Mannatech!
With the help of the person who invited you to build a lifetime asset with Mannatech, complete the following steps and roadmap.
Step One: Set up your associate account; select the Premium Pack that best fits your needs.
Step Two: Set up an automatic order of at least 141PV with one of the Combo Packs for greater product value and results.
Step Three: Complete My Support Team contact information page, so you can communicate easily. Review The 4 Basics and Working with Mannatech.
Now that you have decided to build your networking asset, you need a roadmap and time table. The following is a list of activities and resources and a suggested time frame.
Roadmap and Time Table
Week One
· Identify your “Why” and vision and a set of goals using the Planning/Progress Chart. Use the worksheet, “Why am I doing this?”, if you need support in identifying your “why” and vision.
· Complete your Administrative Setup to open your web account, print important documents, and learn about your resources with Mannatech.
· Begin to create your Potential Partners List.
Week Two
· Survey the products. Read through the product catalog and explore the individual products at
· Learn the mechanics of How to Register with Mannatech and How to Create an Auto Order.
· Begin to invite potential partners to consider building a financial asset.
Week Three
· Become familiar with the scientific studies under “Publications” at See Additional Resources in the Toolshed section.
· Locate and explore additional resources such as web sites, videos, and blogs that validate Mannatech’s products. See Additional Resources.
· Show the plan and follow up to identify who will join you in building an asset.
Week Four and following:
· Continue to be a student of the products.
· Be available for teleconferences and webinars that Mannatech sponsors.
· Plan to attend MannaFest, Mannatech’s annual international convention, which is held every year and is a must for anyone serious about building a network.
Contact and bring new people to your business.
Start developing a strategy right away with the help of your business partner. Continue to add to your list of prospective partners. Develop a system for inviting them to consider building a financial asset with you.
Follow the steps that your business partner took when inviting you to build an asset:
· Show the business presentation
· Provide the due diligence materials
· Follow up in three to four days. If the potential partner has questions you are unable to answer, be ready to do a three-way call with your support business partner or another member of your Support Team.
· Provide the ‘getting started’ information and resources to your new business partner. Use the Path to Platinum Business Development Guide.
Maintain constant contact with your new business partners. The time and resources spent on your business partners will determine the quality of your networking asset.
Set your goal to reach the leadership level of Regional Director within your first three months and National Director within your first six months, and support each of your partners to reach these same goals.
As each business partner duplicates these goals, momentum and leverage will be created that will yield a valuable asset as you achieve higher leadership levels!
The 4 Basics
Actions to Build Your Team
Create a List:
● Select people with whom you would most love to work to create a Potential Partners List.
● Create a second list of potential customers and/or non-profit organizations.
Contact and Invite:
● Contact those on your Potential Partners List and invite them to consider Building a Lifetime Asset.
Show the Plan:
● Present Building a Lifetime Asset to your potential partners and ask them to review the Due Diligence Resources prior to making a decision.
● Encourage potential customers to consider the products benefits using XFM vidoes, product information and testimonies, and scientific studies.
Follow-up and Duplicate:
● Register new partners and support them growing in their networking asset using the Path to Platinum Business Development Guide.
● Register customers and encourage them to refer others and receive product discounts with the 4Free Discount program.
These “4 Basics” are the foundation of your “Path to Platinum”, the top level of leadership in Mannatech. As you follow these steps to find and engage your four partners, they in turn can duplicate your efforts. As a result, you will impact hundreds of people with improved health and a more secure financial future as well as improving the lives of at-risk children instead of being limited by your own individual efforts.
In the same way, together your income and the value of your asset can grow beyond your individual potential, much like the difference between a family-owned restaurant and a fast food chain franchise. That is the power of leverage!
Working with Mannatech
Roles and Responsibilities
As a Mannatech Associate:
● You are an independent Associate (an independent contractor) authorized to promote Mannatech products in every country in which the company currently operates.
● You are in place to introduce the potential financial and health benefits of Mannatech to others and assist them in their decision to you as an Associate business partner or purchase product as a customer.
● You are responsible for managing your own business (taxes, expenses, etc.).
● Processes and ships all customer orders and provides additional customer service.
● Pays bonuses and commissions based on the volume of your entire organization.
● Offers 100% Satisfaction Guarantee* for 180 days (6 months) on all product sales.
● Provides free tools such as personal web pages and business management tools.
● Provides free training through weekly online meetings and conference calls. Regional, national, and international events and training are also scheduled.
Owning your own business and operating as an independent contractor with a multinational corporation gives you massive leverage in the business world along with tax advantages, and an opportunity for personal growth.
*Mannatech guarantees your full satisfaction. If not completely satisfied, contact Customer Care and return the product within 180 days for a full refund. See section 5/13 of the Associate Policies and Procedures or for full details.
Administrative Setup
Mannatech setup:
Activate your associate web account, where you can manage your personal orders; register new associates and members; access a library of resources; track and manage your organization; and access your personalized web pages, contact manager and email compiler.
● Go to Click on your country’s flag.
● Click on Log in, enter your associate account number, and then click on First time logging in? Follow prompts to set up your account and password.
● Opt in to all Mannatech communications and emails from business leaders.
Download and Print Documents:
● Click on Resources in left menu; click on Library; choose country.
● Type these documents into the search box; click View. Print each one.
○ Direct links: Where Do I Go For...?, Product Price List, Business Period Calendar, Compensation Plan Overview.
Subscribe to updates and newsletters at:
·,, and
· Facebook pages: Mannatech, Inc.-Official Page; MannaRelief; Navig8 Global.
Personalize your free webpags.
MyMannaPages website: Basic MannaCast is free until you reach National Director.
● Click on Manage My Business in the left menu. Then click on MannaPages.
● On top menu click on Training > Build Your Site.
Navig8 Business System: This may be part of your Premium Business Pack or you may subscribe to Navig8 along with one of the business support packages.
· Click on Manage My Business in the left menu. Then click on Navig8.
· View the training videos.
Review Success Tracker with your Business Leader. This is a powerful tool that enables you to track your entire organization and manage your business.
Office setup:
Phone: 3- way calling to connect your support team members with your potential or new partners.
Computer: High speed internet.
How to Register with Mannatech
Gather registration information: name, address, phone, email, credit card information (card number, security code, expiration date, cardholder’s name and billing address). A social security or federal ID number is required for associate accounts due to potential income. You may use Application Form Associate.
Register your Business Partner with the $448 Premium Pack ($568-$623 value) or $998 Premium Pack ($1,311 value). Registering as an All Star with a Premium Pack opens up all fast start bonuses and income streams available.
· Log into My Office at and choose Register New Associate or Member from the left menu. When registering an associate, Enrollment Pack options will be displayed.
· To register someone by phone, call Mannatech Customer Care at 800-281-4469. An associate must sign and return the signature form they receive in their pack if they are enrolled by phone.
· Enroller vs. Sponsor: You are always the enroller. The sponsor is the associate under whom you choose to place your new associate. This may be under you or another associate in your organization.
Customers: If you are sharing with someone who is not interested in the business, they may register as a Member or as an Associate.
· Members receive product at 5% off retail and are eligible for 25% referral discounts with the 4Free Discount Program.
· The purchase of an Enrollment Pack is not required to open a member account. Their first order opens their member account and can be an auto order.
· The associate enroller is paid 15% commission on member order PV each business period. If they are an All Star, they are paid an additional 5% commission. If they are not, the extra 5% is paid to the first qualified All Star.
· Associates must purchase an Enrollment Pack to open their account. The can then order product at 10% off retail. They are eligible for commissions and bonuses with a 100 PV qualifying order but are not eligible for the discounts.
How to Create an Auto Order
● Log in to My Office at
● In the left menu, choose Place Orders and then Create Automatic Order.
● For business partners a minimum order for 100 PV is required each business period to qualify for commissions.
● We recommend that a business partner set up an automatic order of at least 141PV with one of the Combo Packs for greater product value and results. Suggested Combo Packs:
○ 63601: Ambrotose/NutriVerus/Plus/Omega 3
○ 61801: Ambrotose/NutriVerus/Plus
○ 67001: Ambrotose/Optimal Support Packets)
● Auto Orders can be edited at any time and no order is required.
Create a Potential Partner List
The purpose of creating your potential partners list is to identify who you will invite to join you in building a financial asset with Mannatech. Identify people who have the qualities and values of someone with whom you would most enjoy working.
Write these names on your Potential Partners List worksheet. Use this worksheet as you invite, show the presentation, and follow up.
Create a potential customers list of people who may have an interest in wellness, prevention, nutrition, sports, weight loss, children’s nutrition, skin care, or an integrative approach to a health issue.
You may also know of non-profit organizations which are looking for a sustainable fund raising program, giving you access to a large potential customer base. See Additional Resources.
Invite Potential Partners
The purpose of your initial invitation is a business offer to ask them to take a look at the potential of building a financial asset with you. Schedule an appointment as soon as possible to show them the presentation, Building a Lifetime Asset, to determine their interest.
Use the bullet points below as a framework for your approach; they are the foundation of your business offer. Your job is to provide conversation around these points that is natural, genuine and direct from the heart. Revise it to create your own authentic invitation.
Sample invitation:
● The purpose of my call is to ask you to take a look at something that may benefit you. (Expand on how this may fill a need or solve a problem for them.)
● I’m looking for 4 partners to join me, and you impress me as someone who has the qualities I look for.
● (Name), when it comes to making money and helping others, do you keep your options open? Todd Falcone
● Does (day) at (time) or is (day) at (time) better? (Set up an appointment time to call them back and follow up. List the appointment on your calendar.)
Show the Plan to Build a Financial Asset
The purpose of your presentation is to introduce them to the potential of building a passive income stream and secure lifetime asset with Mannatech. You will explore how joining your team could benefit them.
Review and discuss the presentation: Building a Lifetime Asset.
After your presentation, ask questions and listen carefully.
· What did you like most about what you saw?
· Ask questions to determine their needs and interests. Use F-O-R-M -family, occupation, recreation, and message.
· Ask them to invest some time doing their own “due diligence” to determine their interest in joining you as a business partner.
The purpose of their “due diligence” is to give them an opportunity to explore the business model of network marketing as well as Mannatech, its unique products and mission, and the potential financial asset that can be generated.
· Provide them with the Due Diligence Resources (in Tool Shed) to review over the next few days.