Mrs Alexandrina Seager
Cheer Up Hut Commemorated at Mount Pleasant
Mrs Alexandrina Seager in November 1914, after visiting the Morphettville A.I.F camp to farewell her enlisted eldest son, appealed for South Australian women to give greater support to the war effort. With the support of William Sowden, editor of The Register, she formed the Cheer-Up Society to provide ‘general comfort, welfare, and entertainment’ for the soldiers. As organizer and secretary of the Society, she assembled a group of volunteer women helpers of high moral character, most with relations serving overseas. They visited army camps and hospitals, befriended lonely recruits, arranged luncheons, concerts and spirited farewells; they sent small gifts and comforts to the men at the front; they welcomed the wounded from Gallipoli and encouraged recruiting and fund-raising. The Cheer-Up women fostered patriotism and support for the war effort on the home front.
From 1915 the Society offered refreshment and recreation to soldiers in a large tent behind the Adelaide Railway Station. This was soon replaced by the Cheer-Up Hut erected in nearby Elder Park. The hut opened on 14th November 1915 and for the next four years over 200,000 servicemen enjoyed cheap meals and free entertainment there, courtesy of Mrs. Seager and her dedicated band of women helpers, all dressed in long, gleaming white uniforms.
With three sons in the A.I.F. and her husband a recruiting officer, Alexandrina Seager said she felt duty bound to play her part in providing for the welfare of the enlisted men. Despite losing her youngest son George at Gallipoli, she continued to work full-time with the movement, recruiting volunteers and organizing activities. She co-ordinated the Society’s eighty country branches and its fund-raising, including the annual Violet Day Appeal, first held on 2nd July 1915, which became a local remembrance day for the fallen. She also wrote stirring war verses, which were published in pamphlets in 1915 and 1918 and sung by South Australian soldiers at the front.
Mrs Seager was loved by Australian servicemen, especially the young recruits who saw her as something of a mother figure. Her concern for their well-being led her at the end of 1915 to call the foundation meeting of the South Australian Returned Soldiers’ Association. She gave the Association its first grant, of £50, from Cheer-Up funds and served as its Vice-President until 1919 when she resigned in favour of an ex-serviceman. Mrs Seager later moved to Mt Pleasant and is the grandmother of Cr Michael Seager.
A Cheer -Up Hut has been a re-created at the Mount Pleasant Soldiers Memorial Hall and is open from Wednesday 27 April to Wednesday to Sunday, 10.00 – 4.00, each week throughout May. Discover the Memorial Wall, the replica trench, Bravest of the Brave exhibition and the Jutland Soldier Settler Scheme story. Enjoy Devonshire teas, stalls and light luncheon at the Ye OldeMaye Fare on Saturday 14th of May. You are invited to join the Cheer-Up Hut Club, a digital storytelling program to add your family stories and memorabilia of WWI. Details at For more informationph8568 2617.
Heritage Events
The South Australia’s History Festival begins in May with hundreds of events across the state. There are 51 events in the Barossa Region. Pick up a program at Barossa, Kapunda or Gawler Libraries and Visitor Centres, or online at Kapunda events at
MayCheer Up Hut Mount Pleasant Soldiers Memorial Hall, Wed – Sunday 10-4pm,8568 2617
MayBarossa Museum, Murray Street Tanunda, every Monday 10-4pm, 8563 2108
May Vote Yes: The 1967 Referendum, Gawler Museum, 59 Murray Street,1-4pm, 8523 1082
MayLuhrs Cottage, 407 Light Pass Road, 9.30-3.30 pm, Sat & Sun 10-4pm, 0419 804 178
MayKapunda Historical Society Tours- Kapunda Mine, Cemeteries, Museum, various times 8566 2286
MayWunderbar Barossa – children’s trail to discover the Barossa, pick up from Libraries VIC, 8563 8440
Sun 1 North Rhine Lutheran Church 150th Church service, shared lunch and family day 11- 4, 0407 417 69
Mon 2Barossa Heritage Trail Map Launch, Tanunda Library & VIC, 6 pm, all welcome, RSVP 8563 6440
Sat 7The Rainbird Murders: A Case for the Defence, Kapunda Library 1.15 – 2.30 pm, 8566 3646
Sun 8 Friedensberg School 1916: Their Own Royal Family 2-4, Mon 9 for Schools – 8389 9182 or 85641221
Fri 13 YAC Barossa Kapunda Ghost Tour, ages 14-25, leaves Barossa Council 6.45-10.00pm, RSVP 8563 8440
Sat 14 & Sun 15Exploring Coulthard’s Legacy: Walk Nuriootpa, map launch, family events, 1-4, 0417 862 163
Sat 14 & Tue 17 Tracing Family Connections Lyndoch Historical Society, Lyndoch Library, 10-4pm, 8524 5002
Sun 15Music for Grand Organ, Friends Hill & Sun Organ, Barossa Gallery, Tanunda 0408 811 837
Sun 15Kapunda ANZAC Travelling Exhibition Launch, Thomson Building, 1pm, 16 - 20 May 10-3, 8566 3646
15 May Kapunda Light Horse History, Kapunda Soldier’s Memorial Hall, 2.15 pm 8566 3646
Tues 17 Truro Remembering the Past: Old School Days, Truro Primary 9-3, 8564 0212
Every Tue & Sat 17 Gold Mining Display & Walks, Barossa Goldfields, 9-3pm 0421 421 793
Fri 20Trevor Nottle History of Gardening, Nuriootpa Library, 2-2.30pm, RSVP 8563 8440
Fri 20Visit Eringa home of Sir Sidney Kidman, Kapunda High School, West Tce, 2.00 pm Bookings 8566 2286
Fri 20Putting Angaston on the Map Conservator’s Talk, Old Union Chapel, 21 Penrice Rd, 7pm,0417 837 296 Thurs 26 – Sun 29 Tools of the Trade, Doddridge Blacksmith, 19 Marry St, Angaston, 1-4pm, 8564 3222
Fri- Sun 27, 28 & 29 Putting Angaston on the Map Exhibition, Old Union Chapel, 1-4 pm
Sat 29Happy 150th Eden Valley, walks & exhibition, Lillefield Gallery,17 Matthews Rd, 9-3 pm, 0427 605 699
Sat 29The Mystery Solved: Sergeant Frank Scott & Celtic Wood, Gawler Institute, 2 pm 8522 0121