SAC Climate Survey Q & A

  1. Where can I buy the Scantrons to administer the paper-based survey?
  • If you want Technology Services to scan the surveys, you must use the Scantron General Purpose Answer Sheets, 200 Questions with 5 Responses, Form No. 4521. This form replaces the old NCS General Purpose form.
  • Quantity per package is 500. Cost per package is $43.75 plus shipping
  1. Are all students required to answer the survey?

One hundred percent of all stakeholder groups must be given the opportunity and knowledge to respond to the survey. This might mean simply giving them (or their parents) the survey link information. It does not mean that you must use class time to administer the survey to students; however, it is certainly reasonable to do so. There are 3 levels of student surveys to use (Grades K-2, 3-5, and middle/high).

  1. Can I do Options 1 & 3?

Yes. A school might choose to give parents the option to respond either online or via a paper survey sent home. A school might also choose—for example—Option 1 (district online survey) for teachers, students, and support staff but Option 3 (paper based survey) for parents. You can choose to make the district online survey available to none, some, or all stakeholder groups. Please email your choice to Detrice Toby by Jan. 15. Please be aware that if you send home a paper-based survey to parents and also allow the district online survey option for the parent stakeholders, you are allowing the potential for duplicate responses.

  1. If I am using Option 2 or 3, can I make edits tothe survey?

The surveys we have on the SAC website and that were in yesterday’s email have been approved by the School Board as the Volusia County SAC Climate Surveys. However, you are able to make changes if you are giving your own paper survey or your own online survey (by purchasing your own subscription to Survey Monkey or Quia Web). Once you make changes, you would need to rename it as your school’s survey.

  1. In the past some schools have used the Title I Survey as both the SAC Climate Survey and the Title I Survey.Is this possible?

We are now administering these two surveys in separate windows in order to try to prevent confusion between the surveys. You will need to survey all of your SAC stakeholders because the Title I Survey questions are very specific to Title I services, and the SAC survey is a more global questionnaire. You might opt to have parents respond via the district online climate survey for the SAC survey and have them do the paper version for Title I.

  1. If I am using the paper-based survey, what are the procedures to follow to have Technology Services scan the bubble sheets?

a)Janna Bridges is the contact from Technology Services

b)Conduct the survey so that the sheets remain as intact as possible. It is very important to protect the track that runs down one side of the sheet. No staples, sticky notes, stray marks, wrinkles, tears, holes, paper clips, rubber bands.

c)Prepare the survey sheets so that all sheets face the same direction and side and lay flat.

d)Group and package the surveys by type (if multiple surveys are conducted teacher, parent, support staff, student)

e)On a sheet of paper for each group or packet provide:

  1. School name
  2. Contact name (person to receive the results via email and survey sheets via county mail)
  3. Group type with number questions per group.