List of SENET Boards
60799800 Cable, TP denom LED board to 7-segment display, 5-reel.
60799801 Cable, TP denom LED board to 7-segment display, 3-reel.
60799802 Cable, TP sensor to TP display.
75427601 Cabinet I/O.
75107300 Display, 7-segment progressive
75117900 7-segment display, older S2K, single line.
75117904 7-segment display, older S2K, 5-5-2, 3-line.
75118300 Payline, 3-line, with 6 volt lamps (#86, 19302390)
75118400 Payline, 5-line, with 6 volt lamps
75119000 PCB, Display, 7-segment, Progressive
75119500 Payline, 3-line, with 13 volt lamps (#73)
75121500 Backlit Reel Lamp, 2-lamp (lamp p/n 19919090), T3 ¼, JEOP
75123200 Printer Bezel, EZ Pay, 17” UR, 10 green LEDs
75123900 Part of SENET board for 9-line, 2-digit per line display.
75124500 Marquee topper, oval
75128300 Display, 7-segment, 4 and 5 reel, 6-6-3, single row, w/ tpanel interface.
75128400 Display, 7-Segment, 3 reel, with touch panel interface, 6-6-3, in 3 rows.
75427801 Door I/O, Main, S2K.
75427802 Door I/O, Second or Auto Multi I/O.
75142600 Denom LED Board, 5-reel.
76300600 PCB, touch panel denom sensor board.
76924100 Reel Lamp Controller, 3-reel.
76926800 Reel Lamp Controller, 5-reel.
76926900 Reel Lamp Controller, 5-reel. ?
76927000 SENET board for 9-line, 2-digit per line display, w/ touchpanel interface.
? 7-segment progressive
Buy List
40009000 Power Supply
60799800 Cable, TP denom LED board to 7-segment display, 5-reel.
60799801 Cable, TP denom LED board to 7-segment display, 3-reel.
60799802 Cable, TP sensor to TP display.
75427601 Cabinet I/O.
75117904 7-segment display, older S2K, 5-5-2, 3-line.
75123900 Part of SENET board for 9-line, 2-digit per line display.
75128300 Display, 7-segment, 4 and 5 reel, 6-6-3, single row, w/ tpanel interface.
75427801 Door I/O, Main, S2K.
75427802 Door I/O, Second or Auto Multi I/O.
75142600 Denom LED Board, 5-reel.
76300600 PCB, touch panel denom sensor board.
76924100 Reel Lamp Controller, 3-reel.
76926800 Reel Lamp Controller, 5-reel.
76927000 SENET board for 9-line, 2-digit per line display, w/ touchpanel interface.
75117700 VFD Controller
75117800 VFD Display
75132200 Alternate VFD, S2000 I
Other testable assemblies
19507300 DC Ballast, 15 Watt, Dimming
19507690 DC Ballast, 15 Watt, fused
19507790 DC Ballast, 8-Watt, fused
19507800 DC Ballast, 22 to 40 Watt, Reel Touch top box
75115803 BA Bezel, 2-incandescent lamp, DC, V4
12004390 – Socket, lamp, T-1 ¾ wedge base
19302690 – Lamp, #73
15402891 - Capacitor, tantalum, 2.2 uF, 15 V
48402190 – Rectifier, 1N4001
21105390 – Connector, header, shrouded, 4-pin SL series
48110790 – Transistor, N-MOSFET, 60 V, 1.7 A, IRFD014
37002090 – Optocoupler, IL2
75118300 3-Payline, S2000
75118400 5-Payline, S2000
75131500 LCD (MCB2) Ring Light Board (RGB LEDs)
75132500 BA Entry, 13 V, 20 Yellow LEDs
75134400 PCB, NETPLEX, Mini Spectrum.
75306102 Coin-In Optic, A-B, Emitter
75306203 Coin-In Optic, A-B, Detector
75426505 Hopper control board, non-secure
75430100 Superstepper Comm Board
75431501 Comm 2 board, fiber optics
75512600 PCB, 960 NETPLEX, Spectrum Controller.
76922500 Hopper controller, secure count
76925200 Ring Light Control, V2 (82049306)
19303690 LED, Player Panel Switch, 13 V, 30 mA, T3 ¼, White
19303090 Lamp, Incandescent, 14 V, 80 mA, #658, T3 ¼
60022603 Harness, Coin-IN, NRI, 960, and A-B Optic
60022702 Coin-In, A-B Optic, Simple diverter, 960
60022704 Harness, Coin-In, IC-36, 960
60028000 Coin-In, CC-16, AB optic, diverter with optic, 960
60028000 Harness, Coin-In, CC-16, with diverter and optic
60040000 Harness, 9-line indicator to 75427801 Auto Multi I/O, S2K
60318700 VFD controller to VFD display
60318701 Ribbon cable, 7-segment progressive display
60404903 Harness Generic topper, 4-pin power to +13 V and +25 V separate
60507800 Harness, side eject hopper, 960, secure count hopper side
60713403 Harness, NETPLEX, Top Box, Bulkhead to Distribution panel
60713408 Harness, NETPLEX, Top Box, Bulkhead to Distribution panel, w/ferrite
60739900 Harness, Door, 5 switch, I-Game, GK+, B2 jumper, (Play # Line)
60745908 Harness Door I/O SENET to 3 reel back light controller. Vision
60745909 SENET to back light reel controller with filter (No TxA or RxD)
60753500 – Harness, mb door, 960 stepper, 25 V, NETPLEX to 75117700, SENET door
60753605 Harness, 5-reel with back lights
60753804 Door I/O (7801 with no jumpers) to door I/O, main, Coin-In, 7-segment
60753805 Harness, Door I/O, 10 switch, 0.083”, Vision UR (non-LED), (B2 and IN14 jumpers)
60753807 Door I/O (7802 with B0 and B2 jumpers)
60753901 – 960 s/v mb, SENET to 7-segment progressive display and NETPLEX to LCD on Vision
60754101 Harness, top box 7-segment display, SENET
60754200 25 V power cable, 5-string
60756503 Harness, Cabinet, UR Vision
60757800 Harness, NETPLEX and SENET, MB to Top Box, 17” upright
60757900 Harness, Door, 10 Switch (LED), Door, B0 and B2 jumpers, GK+, AVP
60762105 Harness, Top Box, Mini Spectrum.
60782402 Harness, NETPLEX, top box, w/filter
60794400 Harness, NETPLEX and power, Top Box, Vision
60794401 Harness, NETPLEX and power, 16” Top Box, Vision
60888102 Harness, vision UR, multi-denom door (w/ touch panel), (B0 and B2), 6 switch, EZ Pay, 0.083”
60888103 Harness, vision UR, multi-denom door (w/ touch panel), (B0 and B2), vision upright, 0.083”
60888104 Harness, vision UR, multi-denom door (w/ touch panel), (B0 and B2)
60888105 Harness, Door I/O, 10 switch (LED), (B2 and IN14 jumpers), 0.083”, Vision UR
60888106 Harness, vision UR, multi-denom door (w/ touch panel), (B0 and B2), 6 switch (LEDs), 0.083”
60888107 Harness, vision UR, multi-denom door (w/ touch panel), (B0 and B2), 6 switch (LEDs), EZ Pay, 0.083”
60903600 Harness, Top Box, Mini Spectrum, Sinatra.
60967101 Harness, Fantail (SENET Expander)
Pin Outs
76300600 PCB, touch panel denom sensor board
75142600 Touch Panel denom assembly
1 – P4 out
2 – P1 out
3 - +5 VDC
4 - GND
5 – P2 out
6 – P3 out
60799802 Cable, TP sensor to TP display
75142610 Denom LED Board
1 - +25 VDC
2 - +5 VDC
3 – Denom Sw 1
4 – Denom Sw 2
5 – Denom Sw 3
6 – Denom Sw 4
7 – Denom LED 1
8 – Denom LED 2
9 – Denom LED 3
10 – Denom LED 4
11 – GND
7512840x Display, 7-Segment, 3 reel, with touch panel interface, 6-6-3 display in three rows.
A typical SENET connector:
8 – SEN RST\
9 - +13 VDC
10 - +25 VDC (orange wire)
11 – BGND (black with orange stripe)
12 – AGND
13 – (NC)
14 – (NC)
6079980x Cable, TP denom LED board to 7-segment display
7692700x SENET board for 9-line, 2-digit per line display (75123900)
75427801 Door I/O, B0 and B2 jumpers.
(Take these part numbers with a grain of doubt. I do not have the proper schematic of the design we were troubleshooting available to me.)