Unapproved Draft Minutes SEC Teleconference
9 February 2016
David Law
Fred Surre
Jeffry Handal
Don Heirman
Howard Wolfman
Yatin Trivedi
Susan Tatiner
Jennifer McClain
Draft Agenda 2.0
- Call to Order
- Roll Call/Introductions
- Approval of draft agenda (Chair)
- Election of SEC Chair for 2016 (Chair)
- Election of SEC Vice-Chair for 2016 (Chair)
- Approval of draft minutes from 6 December 2015 (Chair)
- Establishing teleconference and meeting dates for 2016 (Chair)
- EAB Mini Series on 6-8 April 2016 in New Jersey (McClain)
- EAB's ECTPSC (McClain)
- Speaking Opportunities (Chair)
- Standards Education workshop/speaker for Region 5 Annual Meeting(Handal)
- Saturday, 9 April 2016, 1:00-4:30 PM, Kansas City, MO, USA
- IEEE Eta Kappa Nu (HKN) Student Leader Conference (McClain)
- Saturday, 2 April 2016, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
- Final Student Application Paper #215 and #219 (Chair)
- Mihir Trividi Report/Paper from ICCVE 2015 (Chair/McClain)
- IEEE 802 Paper Competition (Chair/Tatiner/McClain)
- Standards Education eZine Update (Trivedi)
- Ongoing project updates (McClain/Tatiner)
- Videos
- Workshop Track
- Game
- StandardsUniversity.org platform improvements
- 2016 Activities/Plans (Chair/McClain/Tatiner)
- Other Business
- Next teleconference date
- Adjourn
1)David Law, 2015 SEC Vice-Chair, called the meeting to order at 10:03 AM Eastern.
2)Jennifer announced everyone on the call.
3)Motion to approvethe draft agenda was made by Jeff Handal and seconded by Fred Surre. Motion was approved.
4)David Law asked Yatin Trivedi to conductthe election for SEC Chair and Vice-Chair positions for 2016.Yatin noted that there were nominations for David Law for Chair and Jeff Handal for Vice Chair. Don Heirman moved that the nominations be closed. Seconded by Howard Wolfman. David Law was elected Chair and Jeff Handal was elected Vice Chair by acclamation.
5)Approval of draft minutes from 6 December 2015.
- From Fred, on point #9, videos mentioned ‘3 for 2016’ is incorrect. Jennifer to change the date to 2015.
- Motion to approve the minutes as amended made by Howard and second by Don. Minutes from 6 December 2015 were approved.
6)Establishing teleconference dates and meeting dates for 2016.
- SEC conducts two face-to-face meetings per year if possible. Group discussed the best dates for the meetings and also for the monthly teleconferences.
- Teleconferences will be on Tuesdays or Wednesdays at 8:00 AM Pacific/10:00 AM Central/11:00 Eastern. Tuesdays is still the preferred day of the week.
- Action: Jennifer check with Mehmet Ulema to see if Tuesdays will work for him.
- EAB Mini-Series is 6 through 10 April 2016 in NJ. Group discussed whether we can hold our face-to-face meeting at that time. Howard, Jeff, Don cannot attend. Also the Standards Board is in New Delhi during that time, so it is not good for SA representatives. Decision was made not to hold SEC meeting during the EA mini-series.
- December we can schedule for the face-to-face around the standards board.
- After much discussion, Friday, 1 April 2016 was accepted as the best date for the meeting at the IEEE headquarters in NJ. Jennifer to send out calendar invites.
- For the December meeting date, the CAG is meeting 1-3 December. Sunday is the BoG awards ceremony. Looks like Tuesday, 6 December 2016, would work. Action: Jennifer to send out Doodle poll.
7)EAB’s ECTPSC: Jennifer displayed the charter for the EAB’s ECTPSC to the group, noting that the SEC has a position on this committee if someone is willing to serve. Fred Surre volunteered to serve as the SEC representative to the ECTPSC.
8)Speaking Opportunities
- Region 5 Meeting discussed by Jeff Handal.
- They’ve created a standards competition for students.
- Could we do a shortened version of our standards workshop in Kansas City, MO., 9 April 2015? Would only have about 3 hours.
- Susan described a concept for how we might be able to run a shortened version where the scenarios are already inmotion. We would have to write this all up in advance.
- Group agreed to we should say no to the shortened version for now. Jeff will give the Demystifying presentation and use the time as a platform to promote standards education. This will allow us to work out how we would do a shortened workshop.
- Texas State Universityinvited us back in 2016. Maybe we can combine it with a Region 5 event.
- 802 is meeting in November in San Antonio and September in Texas too.
- Jennifer described the HKN opportunity. Susan will see whether we can find someone to attend via speakers bureau.
- Need to know more about what the leadership conference is about, what is the theme, how long would the person get to speak, do standards fit into it?
- May be an opportunity for a future workshop.
- Don Wright, Don Heirman, Yatin Trivedi are all members of HKN.
- Action: Jennifer and Susan to follow up with Nancy Ostin.
9)Student Application Papers:
- 215: Approved.
- 219: Approved. Good candidate for the eZine.
- Mihir Trivedi paper from ICCVE. The SEC was reminded that the travel was supported by an SEC grant. Mihir had written a paper and presented on his project at the conference, and even participated in a panel session with the other students. The paper will go in the eZine.
10)Update on the 802 Paper Competition. The 802 group running the competition and is looking for a member of the SEC to be a judge.
- 1st of March is the deadline for the submission.
- Prizes will be awarded at 802 Plenary in July 2016.
- Jeff Handal volunteered to be on the judging committee.
- Action: Jennifer to let Tara Gallus know that Jeff has volunteered.
11)Standards Education eZine update provided by Yatin.
- Next issue should be ready for release on 1st March 2016.
- Theme is on IoT and Security (Cybersecurity)
- 6 articles on the theme are included.
- The next issue will be on wireless power. Please let us know if anyone has contacts in this area. We need contributions.
- Editorial Board for the eZine is not functioning well. There is not enough active participation of the volunteer members. Yatin asked whether anyone else would like to join the board.
- Responsibilities include finding contributors and reviewing the articles.
- Don suggested making a job description for the editorial board membership so people can understand the commitment they are making.
- eZine editorial board members do not have to be SEC members.
- Please let us know if you can join.
- Action: Jennifer send out the job description.
- David will reach out to people in 802 who maybe would be interested in joining.
12)Ongoing project updates:
- MOOC update provided by Jennifer.
- Course is now open for registration.
- Jennifer and Susan described all of the avenues for promoting the course.
- Video updates provided by Susan.
- Creating 8 videos this year.
- Will be doing a series with Andy Russell.
- Series with the Allistair Duffy from EMC Society.
- Leadership series with students meeting in Ottawa in July.
- Frankfurt ICES Meeting may also offer an opportunity
- Fred proposed that two members of the SEC committee volunteer to help for the first round of videos and then after that we can rotate different people to help so it doesn’t fall too much onto one person.
- Workshop track:
- We need to be expanding the workshop track for the NIC project.
- In 2016 we plan to offer more workshops than in the past
- Plans for this year include Capstone Design Conference in Ohio, Strathclyde University, Texas State University, possibly one or more in Utah.
- Develop new type of workshop aimed at a new audience of Young/Emerging Professionals
- Work with IEEE’s Lisa Devanthal from the Young Professionals (formerly GOLD) on plans for this
- Group agreed that this is a good idea.
- Standards Simulation Game
- Trying to get all our materials together before the Capstone meeting in June.
- Standards University site improvements will be made in 2016.
- Working with IT and others to figure out what we’d like to do this year.
- Full quality review by IT is completed. Site needs some tweaks especially to the mobile site.
13)The agenda item for 2016 Activites/Plans was moved to the next call.
14)Other business. None.
15)Next teleconference date:
- Tuesday, 8 March 2016. Jennifer send out calendar invite. For 8:00 AM Pacific. If that date doesn’t work, the call will be on Wednesday, 9 March 2016.
16)Meeting was adjourned at 11:30 AM Eastern.
Summary of Action Items:
- Jennifer: Change item #9 in draft minutes from 6 December 2015 to correct the date from 2016 to 2015. Done.
- Jennifer: Action: Jennifer check with Mehmet Ulema to see if Tuesday teleconferences will work for him. Done. Answer was yes.
- Jennifer: Send out calendar invites for 1 April 2016 face-to-face meeting in Piscataway. Done.
- Jennifer: Follow up with Nancy Ostin about standards speaker opportunity with HKN Leadership Conference. Done.
- Jennifer: Let Tara Gallus know that Jeff has volunteered to be a judge for the 802 Student Paper Competition. Done.
- Jennifer: Send out the job description for eZine editorial board members (open)
- Jennifer: Send out calendar invite for next SEC call for 8 March 2016. Done.