Welcome to Yellowstone Landscape’s Landscaping RFP Template!
If you’re ready to put together the perfect RFP to find the most qualified and competitive commercial landscape maintenance companyfor your property, you've come to the right place.
We hope the following Landscaping RFP Template isjust what you'll need for your next landscape proposal process. We've even added comments to help guide you on what sections you'll need, and what sections you mightbe able to do without.
The downside to using templates is that aneffective RFP requires quite a bit of customization. We've approached this concern by keeping theRFP sections customizable. For instance, Government RFP's require strict legal language, whereas a Homeowner's Association RFP may not have to be as regimented. Our RFP template is ideal for the use in commercial properties and communities that have freedoms to create their own RFP.
On a legal note, we can’t be held responsible for your final RFP. We don't know all your local ordinances, your state statutes or other legal requirements, and we don't specialize in offering legal advice. In other words, please use this template carefully and seek professional counsel if needed.
This template is a collaboration of dozens of different RFP's we've completed and helped our clients create. We've combined the best from each one, but we are not wholly the author of the content. We've simply stitched it together from various sources to save you time.
Enough introduction - here's the Landscaping RFP Template…
Insert Owner Name>
<Insert Name of Property
<Insert Date>
<Insert Property Management companyor other contact information>
Table of Contents
RFP – <Insert Property Name> Page >
<Insert Client Name>
The Board of Directors of <Insert Owner Name> has directed <Insert Property Management Name> to obtain bids to provide complete landscape management services for <Insert Property Name>.
1.Due Date: SEALED PROPOSALS must be received no later than<Insert Date/Time>at<Insert location address to deliver>ATTN: <Insert Name>.
- Signature on Proposal: In addition to executing all forms, affidavits, and acknowledgements for which signature and notary blocks are provided, the Proposer must correctly sign the Acknowledgement of Receipt and Proposal Signature Form. If the proposal is made by an individual, that person’s name and business address shall be shown. If made by a partnership, the name and business address of an authorized member of the firm or partnership shall be shown. If made by a corporation, the person signing the proposal shall show the name of the state under the laws of which the corporation was chartered. Anyone signing the proposal as agent shall file with the proposal evidence of his authority to do so. [d1]
- Commencement of Services/Term: The services and work to be provided by the Contractor shall continue for a term of <12/24/36> months beginning <Insert commencement date>. This Agreement will renew automatically at the end of the initial term and will continue to renew at the end of each successive 12 month term unless cancelled by either party with written notice of no less than 60 days prior to the expiration of the initial term or any extension term. [d2]
- Familiarity of Laws: The Proposer is assumed to be familiar with all federal, state, and local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations that in any manner affect the work. Ignorance on the part of the Proposer will in no way relieve it from responsibility.
- Qualifications of the Proposer: The contract, if awarded, will only be awarded to a responsible Proposer who is qualified by experience to do the work specified herein. The Proposer shall submit with its proposal satisfactory evidence of experience in similar work and show that it is fully prepared with the necessary organization, capital, and equipment to complete the work to the satisfaction of the <Insert Owner Name>.
- No proposer shall submit more than one proposal. Proposers shall be disqualified and their proposals rejected ifthe <Insert Owner Name>has reason to believe that collusion may exist among the Proposers, the Proposer has defaulted on any previous contract or is in arrears on any existing contract, or for failure to demonstrate proper licensure and business organization.
- Submission of Proposal: Submit <Insert # of copies> copies of the proposal forms and other requested attachments at the time and place indicated herein, which shall be addressed to the “BOARD OF DIRECTORS ONLY” enclosed in an opaque sealed envelope marked with the project title and name and address of the Proposer accompanied by the required documents. [d3]
- Modification and Withdrawal: Proposalsare valid for up to 60 days after the date of submission.
RFP – <Insert Property Name> Page >
- Proposal Form: All blanks on proposal forms must be completed in ink or typewritten. The proposal shall contain an acknowledgement of all Addenda (the numbers of which must be filled in on the Acknowledgement Form). In making its proposals, each Proposer
RFP – <Insert Property Name Page
represents that it has read and understands the proposal documents and that the proposal is made in accordance therewith, including verification of contents of proposal package against the Table of Contents.
- Basis of Award/Right to Reject or Award: <Insert Owner Name>reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, make modifications to the work, and waive any informalities or irregularities in proposals as it is deemed appropriate.
- Pre-Proposal Conference: A mandatory pre-proposal conference and onsite inspection will be held on <enter date and time> at <enter address>[d4]. Proposers are also encouraged to make on-site visits to the area for which services are required in order to gain an understanding of the scope of the area to be served.The Proposer must be familiar with the area and any natural features which will affect the work. Ignorance on the part of the Proposer will in no way relieve it from responsibility. [d5]
- Insurance: All Proposers shall include as part of their proposal a current Certificate of Insurance detailing the company’s insurance coverage including the required minimum coverages listed below (A). In the event that Proposer is notified of award, it shall provide proof of Insurance Coverage in accordance with Items (A)(B) below within fourteen (14) calendar days after notification or within such approved extended period as the Owner may grant. Failure to provide proper proof of insurance coverage shall constitute a default. The following minimum limits must be maintained during the duration of the Contract without exception and failure to do so shall constitute a default.
A . Minimum Limits
Commercial General Liability: $<Insert> per occurrence
Automobile Liability: $<Insert> per occurrence
Workers Compensation: $<Insert>
Employers Liability: $<Insert>
B. Please include the following on the certificate of insurance.
- Reference <Insert Owner Name>on the certificate.
- All coverage must be written with an insurance carrier that has an A.M Best’s Key Rating of <Insert Target Rating>.
- State additional insured on certificate and mark box with a “Y” for certificate holder as additional insured. Additional insured: <Insert Owner Name>must be individually listed as additional insured with respect to all coverage, except workers compensation and employers liability.
- General liability must include contractual liability.
- A 30 days’ notice of cancellation is required.
- All auto policies need to cover “any Auto” or “Hired, Non-Owned and scheduled.”
- An authorized agent must sign the certificate.
RFP – <Insert Property Name> Page 5 of 16
- Indemnification: The successful Proposer shall fully indemnify an hold harmless <Insert Owner Name>and <Insert Property Management Name>from and against all claims, damages, costs and losses arising, in whole or in part, from Contractor’s negligence or breach of contract.
RFP – <Insert Property Name>Page >
RFP – <Insert Property Name>Page >
- All proposals shall include the following information in addition to any other requirements of the proposal documents:
- Identify your company name, address, city, state, zip code, telephone, and fax numbers.
- Identify any parent corporation and/or subsidiaries and affiliations, if applicable.
- Provide a brief overview of your company including the number of years in business, number of employees, nature of business and description of clients.
- Include the names and resumes of the firm’s principal officers.
- Identify the name, title, address, phone, fax number, e-mail address of the primary contact person and supervisors, including resumes of staff members available for this project.
- Provide a narrative description of the Proposer’s approach to providing the services as described in the scope of services, provided herein. (Limit to 5 pages).
- Include Audited Financial statements for the previous 3 years.
- Three References, including the name, address, and phone number of a contact person, from projects of similar size and scope.
- List any industry award/recognition that you have received, the awarding party, and the date received. [d7]
- Current sample certificate of insurance.
- A list of any and all lawsuits that the Proposer is or has been a party to in the past five (5) years.
- A list of any and all licensure disciplinary actions the Proposer or its employees is or has been a party to in the past five (5) years.
- Completed copies of all other forms included within the proposal documents.
- Contractor shall provide copies of state and local licenses, permits, and any required approvals or registrations.
- Contractor shall describe in full its plan for the transition from the existing force and how it intends to operate that transition in a smooth, workmanlike manner. [d8]
- Any question regarding the Proposal Documents, including specifications or other requirements contained in the Request for Proposal, must be filed in writing within and received no less than 7 days before the due date. These questions should be directed at clarifying issues related to the RFP contents so that the Respondents may be able to provide informed responses within their proposals.
- The proposals shall be ranked based on the Insert Owner Nameevaluation of the Proposer’s ability to perform the services for the project as demonstrated by the documentation provided by the Proposer and reference checks of the Proposer’s clients. Proposals shall be evaluated using the following point system:
Evaluation CriteriaPoints
RFP – <Insert Property Name>Page >
(1) Experience with Similar Projects/References____
(2) Personnel Capabilities and Quality ____
(3) Understanding of the Scope of Work ____
(4) Financial Capability ____
(5) Price. [d9] ____
RFP – <Insert Property Name>Page >
Total 100
<Insert Owner Name>
Proposer hereby acknowledges all associated addendums:
Addendum No.dated
Addendum No.dated
Addendum No.dated
Addendum No.dated
Addendum No.dated
RFP – <Insert Property Name>Page >
<Insert Owner Name>
To ensure consistency and for proper analysis, pricing submission should follow the format reflected. Prices should include all labor, material cost, sub-contracted expense, overhead, and tax.
A . Common AreaDescription of Services / Year 1 / Year 2
(if renewed) / Year 3
(if renewed) / Three Year Total
I. Mowing / $ / $ / $ / $
-Includes edging, string-trimming, blowing and/or vacuuming.
II. Detailing / $ / $ / $ / $
-Shrub pruning, tree pruning, palm pruning, weeding and general cleanup of the entire property including Boat & RV Lot and Detail Man
III. Fertilization/Chemical Treatments / $ / $ / $ / $
IV. Irrigation / $ / $ / $ / $
V. Mulch / $ / $ / $ / $
VI. Annual Flowers / $ / $ / $ / $
GRAND TOTAL / $ / $ / $ / $[d10]
Proposer must provide the following information in addition to other bid requirements: [d11]
- Common Area
- Total square feet of turf area by type:
- <InsertGrass 1 Type> (sf)
- <Insert Grass 1 Type> (sf)
- Total square feet of ornamental bed areas:
- Ornamental Bed Areas (sf)
- Mulch Quantity (per application)
- Total square feet of annual flower bed areas:
- Annual Flower Bed Areas (sf)
# ofFlowers Proposed (per rotation)
RFP – <Insert Property Name>Page >
The following table summarizes planned visits for completing each of the services performed on<Insert Property Name>:
Mow, Edge, String Trim & Cleanup (<Insert Grass>) / <Insert #>
Mow, Edge, String Trim & Cleanup (<Insert Grass>) / <Insert #>
Weeding (by hand) / <Insert #>
Weeding (roundup) / <Insert #>
Shrub Pruning / <Insert #>
Small Tree Pruning / <Insert #>
IPM – Fertilization & Pest Control
<Insert Type> Turf - Fertilization / <Insert #>
<Insert Type> Turf Fertilization / <Insert #>
<Insert Type>(fungicide, insecticide, herbicide) / <Insert #>
<Insert Type>(fungicide, insecticide, herbicide) / <Insert #>
Shrub (fungicide, insecticide, pre-emergent) / <Insert #>
Small/Medium Trees & Crape Myrtle Fertilization / <Insert #>
Irrigation Inspections
# of Checks / <Insert #>
Palm Pruning
Standard Palms / <Insert #>
Tropical Palms / <Insert #>
Specialty Palms / <Insert #>
Mulch Application –<Insert Type of Mulch> / <Insert #>
Mulch Application – <Insert Type of Mulch> / <Insert #>
Annual Flowers
Standard Annual Flower Installation / <Insert #>
Deluxe Annual Flower Installation / <Insert #>
Holiday/Perennial Flower Installation / <Insert #>
Annual Bed Soil Replenishment / <Insert #>
Annual Flower Bed Maintenance / <Insert #>
RFP – <Insert Property Name>Page >
- Turfgrass Specifications
- Mowing
- Schedule of mowing is determined by the type of turf being serviced and adjusted to coincide with seasonal growth rates to maintain a consistent, healthy appearance. Scheduled cuts missed due to inclement weather will be made up as soon as possible.
- Mower blades will be kept sharp at all times to prevent blade tearing.
- Turf growth regulators may be used to assist in maintaining a consistent and healthy appearance of the turf.
- Various mowing patterns will be employed to insure the even distribution of clippings and to prevent ruts in the turf caused by mowers. Grass clippings will be left on the lawn to restore nutrients, unless excess clippings create an unsightly appearance.
- Turf will be cut to a desirable height with no more than 1/3 of the leaf blade removed during each mowing to enhance health and vigor.
- Edging & Trimming
- Contractor will neatly edge and trim around all plant beds, curbs, streets, trees, buildings, etc. to maintain shape and configuration.
- Edging equipment will be equipped with manufacturer's guards to deflect hazardous debris.
- All walks will be blown after edging to maintain a clean, well-groomed appearance.
- All grass runners will be removed after edging to keep mulch areas free of weeds and encroaching grass.
- “Hard edging” and clean up shall be performed in conjunction with turf mowing.
- “Soft edging” and clean up of bed areas shall be performed in conjunction with turf mowing.
- String trimming shall be performed as needed.
- Areas mutually agreed to be inaccessible to mowing machinery will be maintained with string trimmers or chemical means, as environmental conditions permit.
- Debris Removal
- Prior to mowing, each area will be patrolled for trash and other debris to reduce the risk of object propulsion and scattering, excluding areas concentrated with trash (e.g., dumpster zones, dock areas, and construction sites).
- Removal of all landscape debris generated on the propertyduring landscape maintenance is the sole responsibility ofContractor, at no additional expense to the Client.
- Fertilizer
- Turf grass will be fertilized as appropriate in accordance with type using a premium turf fertilizer containing minor elements. Various ratios of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium (NPK) will be utilized for different growing seasons and environmental conditions.
- All sidewalks, roads, curbs, and patios will be swept clean of granular fertilizer after applications to minimize staining.
- Insect, Disease, and Weed Control
- Treatment of turf areas for damaging insect infestation or disease and weed control will be the responsibility ofContractor.
- All products will be applied as directed by the manufacturers’ instructions and in accordance with all state and federal regulations.
- Contractor must possess and maintain an active certified Pest Control License issued through the <Insert State> Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. Only trained applicators will apply agricultural chemicals.
- Access to a water source on the Client’s property must be provided for use in spray applications.
- Plant Material
- Shrubs
- All pruning and thinning will be performed to retain the intended shape and function of plant material using proper horticultural techniques. Shrubs will be trimmed with a slight inward slope rising from the bottom of the plant to retain proper fullness of foliage at all levels.
- Plant growth regulators may be used to provide consistent and healthy appearance for certain varieties of plant material and ground covers.
- Clippings are to be removed by Contractor following pruning.
- Tree Maintenance
- Trees - will be cleared of sprouts from trunk. “Lifting” of limbs up to 10 feet above the ground is included.
- Palm Trees - if applicable> - Only brown or broken fronds will be removed at time of pruning.
- Contractor will maintain staking and guying of new trees; re-staking of trees due to extreme weather is provided as a separate, billable service.
- Edging and Trimming
- Groundcovers will be confined to plant bed areas by manual or chemical means as environmental conditions permit.
- “Weedeating” type edging will not be used around trees.
- Insect, Disease and Weed Control
- Plants will be treated chemically as needed to effectively control insect infestation and disease as environmental and horticultural conditions permit. In extraordinary cases where disease or pests resist standard chemical treatments (e.g., Asian Scale [cycad aulacaspis scale] infestations on Sago Palms), Contractor will offer suggestions regarding the best course of action.
- Open ground in plant beds will be treated by manual or chemical means to control weed pressure as environmental, horticultural, and weather conditions permit.
- Contractor will maintain a log listing all applications and will have MSDS sheets available for each product used on the Client’s property.
- The Client must provide access to a suitable water source on their property for use by Contractor in spray applications.
- Fertilization
- Shrubs and ground cover will be fertilized with a recommended analysis (e.g., 8-10-10) containing a balanced minor nutrient package with a minimum 50% slow-release Nitrogen.
source product. Fertilization typically occurs in spring and fall, according to environmental conditions.