Chahta-Ima Elementary

Pre-K through 3rd

Gary Marlbrough






1a. Results of Comprehensive Needs Assessment / 1a. Measures used to Determine School Needs:
The white subgroup has been the highest performing subgroup in ELA and Math for all reported years on standardized tests. For ELA in 2012-13 the WS scored 96 while the whole school scored 84.2, 2013-14 the WS scored 85.4 while the whole school scored 77, 2014-15 the WS scored 75 as did the whole school score 75, but students with disabilities scored 52.9, which is 22.1 points less than the WS, and the black subgroup scored 10 points less, and the economically disadvantage scored 1.5 points less than the WS, and in 2015-16 the WS scored 82. 8 while the whole school scored 64.1. For Math in 2012-13 the WS scored 100 while the whole school scored 87.7, for 2013-14 the WS scored 82.9 while the whole school scored 73, in 2014-15 the WS scored 65.7 while the whole school scored 60, and in 2015-16 the WS scored 82.8 while the whole school scored 71.9. / 1 / LEAP Trend Data, Spring 2013 - Spring 2016
The economically disadvantaged subgroup shows a decreasing trend in the achievement gap in Math and ELA when compared to the white subgroup with the following differences: Math;2013-14 -13.2 (decrease of 4.6) ELA 2013-14 -9.6 (decrease of 2.4) , 2014 - 15 -1.5 (decrease of 8.1) / 2 / LEAP Trend Data, Spring 2013 – Spring 2016
The sub-group SWD has shown a trending decline in all years in Math/ELA (Math 2012-13 66.7, 2013-14 45, 2014-15 23.5, and 2015-16 13.3/ELA 2012-13 66.7, 2013-14 45, and 2015-16 33.3) with the exception of an increase in ELA in 2013-14 with a score of 45 to a score of 52.9 in 2014-15, which increased by 7.9 points. / 3 / LEAP Trend Data, Spring 2013 – Spring 2016
For the 2015-2016 school year, the whole school math score increased, with an SPS of 88.3%, increasing 17 points. / 4 / LEAP Trend Data, Spring 2013 – Spring 2016 and LEAP 2016 SPS
Science indicates astrength with an SPS of 88.3%, increasing by 10 points for 2015-2016. / 5 / LEAP Trend Data, Spring 2013 – Spring 2016 and LEAP 2016 SPS


1b. Results of Comprehensive Needs Assessment / 1b. Measures used to Determine School Needs:
DIBELS scores reflect a weakness with36% offirst grade and 38% of second grade students falling below benchmark indicated by 2015-2016 EOY results. / 12345 / DIBELSFall 2015 to Spring 2016
ELA is a weakness with an SPS of 73% with a loss of 11.5 points from the Spring 2016 Leap Test results. / 12345 / LEAP Trend Data, Spring 2013 – Spring 2016
Social Studies is a weakness with a loss of 23.4 points in the SPS scores from 2014 to 2015. / 12345 / iLEAP Trend Data, Spring 2014 – Spring 2015
6% of K-3 children require MHP services due to social/emotional/behavioral needs and based on the MHP Program Evaluation, 2015/16 SY, 70 % of the students benefitted by the services. / 4 / MHP Program Evaluation, 2015/16 SY
Parental awareness of the Title I program continues to be low with only 70% of surveyed parents agreeing they know how the Title I program works. / 5 / Title I Parent Involvement Survey – Spring 2016


1c. Goals based upon Challenges and/or Maintaining Strengths
12345 By May 2017, the number of first grade students scoring Benchmarkon DIBELS will increase from 64% to75%. By May 2017, the number of second grade students scoring Benchmarkon DIBELS will increase from 62% to 75%. These goals are evidenced by DIBELS EOY benchmark testing.
2 By Spring 2017, the ELA SPS score will increase from 73% to 80% as evidenced by LEAP 2025 Testing scores for Spring 2017.
3By Spring 2017, the Social Studies SPS LEAP 2025 score will increase from 63.9% (2015) to an SPS score of 75% as evidenced by spring state testing results.
4By Spring 2017, the SPS Math scorewill increase from88.3%to 90% as evidenced by spring state testing results.
5 By Spring 2017, the Science SPS scorewill increase from88.3% to 90% as evidenced by spring state testing results.
6By May 2017, 75% of students currently working with an MHP will demonstrate reduced behavior referrals, increased attendance, and increases in academic performance, increasing from 70% as evidenced by MHP Program Evaluation, 2015/16 SY.
7By May 2017, the percentage of parents/familiesdemonstrating their awareness of Title I programs at Chahta-Ima on the Title I PFE Survey will increase from 70% to 90% as evidenced by theTitle I PFE SurveySpring 2017.

2. SCHOOL-WIDE REFORM STRATEGIES to be used in your SIP. Please check all that apply.

_ X__Response to Intervention

__X__Job-Embedded Professional Development

__X__Data-Driven Decision-Making

__X__Meaningful Engaged Learning

__X__Curriculum Alignment

__X__Differentiated Instruction

3.PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: Identify planned and ongoing professional development, to address the challenges found through the Comprehensive Needs Assessment.
Personnel involved: Administration, TRT, Instructional Coach,Reading Interventionist, classroom teachers, outside presenters, and substitutes.
Groups are organized by grade level.
PLC goals for each group are as follows:
Early Childhood group- TSW name at least 26 of the 52 upper-and/or lower-case letters of the alphabet. (4.5), demonstrate understanding of different units of sound in language (words, syllables, phonemes),with prompting and support, recognize and produce rhyming words. (4.1), with prompting and support, count, pronounce, blend, and segment syllables in spoken words using actions. (4.2), orally blend onset and rime in single syllable spoken words (4.3) by the end of the year. Kindergarten - 75% of TSW achieve an EOY CORE DIBELS score using BURST interventions and literacy stations with focus on decoding/phonics and DIBELS green monitoring.
1st Grade-75% of TSW achieve an EOY CORE DIBELS score using BURST interventions along with MobyMax and literacy stations with focus on decoding/phonics and DIBLES green monitoring. 2ndGrade-75% of TSW achieve an EOY CORE DIBELS score using BURST interventions along with MobyMax,and literacy stations with focus on decoding/phonics, DIBLES green monitoring.
3rd Grade-75% of TSW achieve an EOY CORE DIBELS score using BURST, MobyMax, Fast Forward, and My Reading Coach and literacy stations with focus on decoding/phonics and DIBLES green monitoring.
Ongoing data will be drawn from the measures listed in the strengths and weaknesses above. In order for instruction and learning to continue while teachers participate in professional development, substitute teachers will be hired. Title I Funds will be used to provide professional development opportunities focusing on methods and strategies that address the needs and goals of our School Improvement Plan. Teachers will learn about teaching strategies such as, but not limited to DIBELS/BURST progress monitoring, co-teaching, differentiated instruction, cooperative learning, response to intervention, and literacy work stations focusing on reading in all subject areas.
Schedule: PLC Groups will meet for scheduled
Bi-monthly meetings held on Thursdays, ninety minutes for each group throughout the entire school year. / 10. BUDGETSused to support this activity:
_X_Title I / Item(s) to be purchased to support this activity:
-The salary and benefits for substitutes to allow teachers to attend PLC during the work day.
-Printing Supplies-toner/paper for presentations/BURST Reports
-Post-its, markers, paper clips, chart paper for presentations
If you have anInstructional Coach, describe in detail her duties and responsibilities
Our Title I Instructional Coach, Sharon Becnel will: provide support in curriculum and instruction in PK-3rd grade content areas; support in analyzing data, including BURST/DIBELS progress monitoring reports to inform instruction; work with teachers to strengthen their knowledge and application of curriculum and instruction topics; provide instructional techniques for teachers; model lessons, providing necessary follow-up and one-on-one assistance required to implement and sustain effective instructional strategies grounded in research-based strategies; mentor teachers; and, support teachers in integrating technology use across the curriculum to support effective instruction. / 10. BUDGETS used to support this activity:
_X_Title I / Item(s) to be purchased to support this activity:
Salary and Benefits for this teacher.
-Printing Supplies-toner/paper for presentations/BURST Reports
-Post-its, markers, paper clips, chart paper for presentations
Professional Development Outside of PLC
  • Faculty meetings for parish and state mandated trainings
  • Parish required PD days-Curriculum, Assessment, SPED, Advanced-ED
  • After-school, before school, and district sponsored professional development(Project Read)
/ 10. BUDGETS used to support this activity:
_X__Title I
_X__IDEA / Item(s) to be purchased to support this activity:
Salary and benefits for substitute and stipend pay.If required, payment for workshop fee.
4. PARENT/FAMILY ENGAGEMENT: What strategies/activities do you employ to increase Parent/Family Engagement? You may group strategies by type of activities, time of day, purpose, or any other way your school’s design fits into 2 or 3 entries in this category.
Parents/families are involved in the design of the Title I SIP by being invited to attend the SIP Committee meetings.
Parents will be invited in the month of October and Novemberto help write the SIP Plan using the Data Analysis.Parents will then be invited again in November to help review and revise the SIP Plan based on the scored rubric and suggested editions.Invitation(s), agendas and sign in sheets will be filed for documentation.
Parents/families will be involved in the implementation of the 2016-2017 SIP Plan through attendance atfamily PIE and meetings.Invitations, agendas,sign in sheets, and surveys will serve as documentation for parent/family involvement in the implementation of the SIP Plan.Parents/families also help implement the plan through volunteering at the school and joining the PTA.
In May, the SIP is evaluated, and parents will review the evaluation prior to dissemination to the stakeholders. Again, invitations, agendas, and sign in sheets will be filed for documentation.
Parents/families are given the opportunity to evaluate and provide feedback through surveys/evaluations. / 10. BUDGETS used to support this activity:
_X__Title I
_X__GFF / Item(s) to be purchased to support this activity:
Printing supplies for invitations, agendas, and sign in sheets, highlighters, post-its, pens/pencils for SIP review
Meeting dates for planning, implementation and evaluation of:
PFECompact/Policy-Spring 2017,
PFE Plan-Aug. 2016, Spring 2017, May 2017 (and as needed throughout the school year).
SIP-Aug. 2016, Nov. 2016, Spring 2017(and as needed throughout the school year).
Final Evaluation meeting-May 2017
Invitations, Sign in sheets, and agendas, serve as documentation. / 10. BUDGETS used to support this activity:
_X__Title I
_X__GFF / Item(s) to be purchased to support this activity:
Printing supplies for invitations ,agendas, and sign in sheets
highlighters, post-its, pens/pencils
Timely Information about Title I
The Title I Parent Video is available for viewing on the school website as well as being shown at school-wide family events such as Family Literacy Night and Family Math Night. The TRT will create, execute, and follow-up with a plan to disseminate information regarding all of the following: Title I Parent Video; Title I PFE Action Plan; Title I/SIP; Title I Budget; Parent/Family Engagement Plan: and, School & District Compacts. Parent meetings will be held by the TRT to provide updates to families/stakeholders regarding Title I/SIP. These meetings will also provide parents/families/stakeholders with an opportunity to give feedback on how to best disseminate information to them.
Each week, all classroom teachers send home a newsletter relating to academics, school/classroom events, parent/school connections, and other vital information that keeps families abreast of weekly educational news. Title I related information is included in the weekly classroom newsletters. Robocalls and Smoke Signals,the monthly newsletter also makes parents/families aware/abreast of Title I information such as Title I field trips, Title I programs such as BURST, MobyMax, family information meetings, PTA meetings, and PIE dates/times. Also, the monthly Home and School Connections provided from Title I are available on the website in both English/Spanish. Finally, there is a Parent Bulletin board in CIE’s entry that is filled with current, relevant information relating to Title I. Title I events/meetings that require invitations, sign-in sheets, agendas, and surveys are created and kept for documentation. / 10. BUDGETS used to support this activity:
_X__Title I
_X__GFF / Item(s) to be purchased to support this activity:
Printing supplies for invitations, agendas and sign in sheets
Curriculum, Assessments and Proficiency Levels
Parents/families are informed of the curriculum, assessments, and proficiency levels students are expected to meet through participation in grade level specific Parent/Family Information Events. Additionally, parents/families are invited to attend Family Literacy and Family Math/Science Nights to learn strategies to support literacy and math/science through family orientated home activities. Parents are also invited to attend monthly PBIS meetings.
Parents are also made aware of the curriculum, assessments, and proficiency levels through classroom weekly newsletters, which outline/define specific academic expectations/outcomes. Smoke Signals, the school’s monthly newsletter also gives CIE families information relating to curriculum, assessments, and proficiency levels. Additionally, the school’s website includes weekly class newsletters, Smoke Signals, this school year’s NNPS and SIP Plans, monthly partnership calendars, along with standardized assessment schedules, and other assessment schedules. Title I Home and School Connections are also included on the school’s website, which come monthly from Title I.These are available in both English and Spanish. / 10. BUDGETS used to support this activity:
_X__Title I
_X__GFF / Item(s) to be purchased to support this activity:
Printing supplies for invitations, agendas and sign in sheets
The documents prepared by the state to inform parents/families of their child’s academic achievement on state standardized tests are sent to the parents/families via U.S. Mail.
Parents/families in need of translation services contact the school and a conference is set-up to discuss results. / __X__Title I
__X__GFF / Item(s) to be purchased to support this activity:
Printing supplies-GFF
NNPS-The school is a member of the National Network of Partnership Schools sponsored by John Hopkins University. The school has access to a wide variety of ideas to improve Parent/Family Engagement and interest in the education of their children. / __X__Title I / Item(s) to be purchased to support this activity:
Membership in NNPS
To be in compliance with Act 436, at least three meetings will be held during the school year to provide parents/families information on how to access the curriculum. This information will be provided to parents/families at school open house events, scheduling nights, parent meetings, and other parent orientations. / 10. BUDGETS used to support this activity:
__X__Title I
__X__GFF / Item(s) to be purchased to support this activity:
Decision Making Opportunities
Decision-making opportunities for parents/families include: SAT meetings; IEP meetings; Parent Conferences; Parent/family Committee Work; and, surveys/evaluations for feedback gathered at school events.Parents/families are invited to attend these meetings/events through paper/electronic invitations, robocalls, class and school newsletters, monthly school calendars, and via the school website.
Invitations, agendas, and sign in sheets for all events/meetings will be filed as documentation. / 10. BUDGETS used to support this activity:
__X__Title I
__X__GFF / Item(s) to be purchased to support this activity:
Binders, dividers, hole punchers, pens, markers, notebooks to assist parents/families in maintaining their child’s academic records in an effort to help the parents/families stay informed of progress. Printing supplies for invitations, agendas and sign in sheets
Specific parent training activities include: Family Literacy Night (Dec. 2016); Chahta-Ima families are invited to attend our annual Family Literacy Night where they learn strategies to support comprehension, fluency, and literacy at home. Attendees will participate in various hands-on activities focusing on reading/writing.
Family Math/Science Night (March 2017); Chahta-Ima families are invited to attend our annual Family Math/Science Night where they learn strategies to support mathematical/science areas such as fluency and math/science concepts at home. Attendees will participate in various hands-on activities focusing on math/science.
3rd grade Parent/family meeting (April 2017) A parent information night designed to educate and support parents/families regarding curriculum and state testing and ways they can support their children. Parents/families are provided take home information including website links in order to encourage parents/families’ participation in their children’s education.
2nd grade parent/family event (February 2016); A Parent/family information event specifically designed to educate and support parents/families regarding 2nd grade curricular expectations and ways they can support their children. Parents/families are provided take home information including website links in order to encourage parents/families’ participation in their children’s education.
1st grade Parent/family event (November 2016); A Parent/family information event specifically designed to educate and support parents/families regarding 1st grade curricular expectations and ways they can support their children. Parents/families are provided take home information including website links in order to encourage parents/families’ participation in their children’s education.
Splash into Learning Pre-K/KParent/family event (May 2017) A Parent/family information event specifically designed to educate and support parents/families regarding Pre-K/K curricular expectations and ways they can support their children. Parents/families are provided take home information including website links in order to encourage parents/families’ participation in their children’s education. / 10. BUDGETS used to support this activity:
__X__Title I
X PTA / Item(s) to be purchased to support this activity:
Cardstock, pencils, eraser tops,dry erase boards, dry erase markers, how to read difficult words book mark, sidewalk chalk, Ziploc bags, post-its,index cards, sheet protectors, number cubes, ten frame mats, 2-color counters, geoboards, rubber bands, mini-clocks, multiplication cards, and magnifying glasses.
Communication Strategies
The following communication strategies are used to involve parents/families—i.e. Robocalls, School Website/class website, Smoke Signals (monthly) notes/flyers/invitations about events, monthly Partnership calendars, weekly class overviews, Home-School Connection, faculty/staff (monthly) phone calls and/or emails home. Materials are translated for parents as needed. / 10. BUDGETS used to support this activity: