Knowledge, attitudes and practices of medical staff towards obesity management in patients with spinal cord injuries
Section 1 – About you and where you work
1.WhichSCI centre do you work in?
2. What is your grade? Consultant PhysicianConsultant SurgeonAssociate Specialist
Specialist RegistrarSHO / FY2 HO / FY1Other
3. How long have you been working in an SCI Centre? <1 year1-2 years2-5 years
5-8 years8-10 years>10 years
4. What is your gender Male Female
5. Have you attended any training courses in obesity management? YesNo
Section 2: How strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statements about obesity prevention and management in an SCI setting?
Strongly agree / Agree / Neither agree nor disagree / Disagree / Strongly disagree / Not applicable/Don’t knowQ1 / Obesity is a major health problem amongst SCI patients and requires urgent action / / / / / /
Q2 / SCI doctors have a limited role in obesity prevention and management / / / / / /
Q3 / I will only offer advice about weight management if the patient asks for it / / / / / /
Q4 / Our SCI unit has a dietitian that deals with weight management / / / / / /
Q5 / I always monitor the BMI of patients I see as inpatients / / / / / /
Q6 / I always monitor the BMI of patients I see as outpatients / / / / / /
Q7 / I do not believe that BMI is appropriate to use on its own for SCI weight management / / / / / /
Q8 / Weight management should be discussed with SCI patients of a healthy weight (BMI: 18.5 to 25) in order to maintain their weight / / / / / /
Q9 / Overweight SCI patients (BMI: 25-28) with other co-morbities should be offered weight loss treatment / / / / / /
Q10 / Treatment for weight loss should be offered only to SCI adults who are obese (BMI >28) / / / / / /
Section 3: How confident and professionally prepared do you feel to give weight management advice to the following patients?
Very confident / Fairly confident / Not confident / Don’t’ knowQ1 / Overweight SCI patients / / / /
Q2 / Obese SCI patients / / / /
Q3 / Overweight and obese children with SCI / / / /
Section 4: How strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statements about the limitations of YOUR practice in the weight management of SCI patients?
Strongly agree / Agree / Neither agree nor disagree / Disagree / Strongly disagree / Not applicable/Don’t knowQ1 / Short consultation time / work overload / / / / / /
Q2 / Lack of specialist obesity clinic to refer patient to / / / / / /
Q3 / Lack of nationally adopted guidelines / / / / / /
Q4 / Inadequate number of dietitians to refer patients to / / / / / /
Q5 / Lack of patient motivation and non-compliance / / / / / /
Q6 / Lack of provision of a physical activity programme suitable for SCI patients in the community / / / / / /
Q6 / Bariatric surgery is not available in my SCI centre / / / / / /
Q7 / I have had inadequate training in providing lifestyle and behavioural counselling for obese patients / / / / / /
Q8 / I have a lack of adequate knowledge of obesity management after SCI / / / / / /
Q9 / I don’t believe obesity management is successful / / / / / /
Q10 / I have a lack of interest in obesity treatment / / / / / /
Section 5: In your view, a weight management programme should include the following
All of the time / Most of the time / Occasionally / Not at all / Don’t knowQ1 / Dietary advice / / / / /
Q2 / Physical activity advice / / / / /
Q3 / Behavioural counselling / / / / /
Q4 / Referring to Dietitian / / / / /
Q5 / Provision of anti-obesity medication / / / / /
Q6 / Referring to weight loss (bariatric) surgery / / / / /
Q7 / Leaflets and education material / / / / /
Q8 / Family involvement / / / / /
Would you like to make any additional comments?
Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire. Once completed, please return to
Samford Wong, Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Stoke Mandeville Hospital HP21 8AL
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