Program Possibilities: The Newly Roommate Game

Submitted by Juliet Han, Resident Assistant, University of Maryland, College Park

Use this program to encourage residents to get to know their roommates better and see who knows their roommate best!
Directions, questions, and score card follow.


Directions: Roommates sit facing opposite each other. Split total group into two rounds. Pick one row of roommates to be the person answering the question (1), and the other side is the person that the question is about (2). Both sides have paper. Question is asked. Row (1) writes the answer about the roommate. Row (2) writes the answer about him/herself. Both flash answers simultaneously. If answers match up, team gets points based on difficulty level of question – keep tally of points. After 17 questions, rows switch (5 easy, 7 medium, 5 hard). Ask odd questions for first roommate and even questions for second roommate. Each pair of roommates should answer: total 10 easy, total 14 medium, total 10 hard. After this round is complete, second group of roommates does the same thing with different questions.

Roommate game questions:

EASY (1 point)

Round 1

  1. How many siblings does your roommate have?
  2. What is your roommate’s favorite color?
  3. What time is your roommate’s earliest class?
  4. Of the roommates, who has more dining points?
  5. Who is the funnier roommate?
  6. Which roommate studies more?
  7. Which roommate goes to the gym more?
  8. Which does your roommate prefer:Rap musicCountry music
  9. Which does your roommate prefer:MorningsNights
  10. Which does your roommate prefer:MathEnglish

Round 2

  1. How many credits is your roommate taking?
  2. What is your roommate’s major?
  3. When is your roommate’s birthday?
  4. What is your roommate’s screen name?
  5. Of the roommates, who is the messiest?
  6. Of the roommates, who drives the worst?
  7. Of the roommates, who wakes up earlier?
  8. Of the roommates, who has the most shoes?
  9. Which does your roommate prefer:Horror moviesComedy movies
  10. Which does your roommate prefer:FriendsSeinfeld

MEDIUM (2 points)

Round 1

  1. What is your roommate’s pet’s name?
  2. What is your roommate’s dad’s first name?
  3. What sport did your roommate play in high school?
  4. What is your roommate’s favorite ice cream flavor?
  5. What is your roommate’s all-time favorite movie?
  6. What is your roommate’s email ID? (ex. jhan)
  7. Which celebrity does your roommate most want to meet?
  8. How many pillows are on your roommate’s bed?
  9. What is your roommate’s middle name?
  10. Of the roommates, who is the better cook?
  11. In what position does your roommate sleep: curled up on side, flat on back, on stomach, butt in the air?
  12. Which does your roommate prefer:Carrie UnderwoodKelly Clarkson
  13. Which does your roommate prefer:Brad PittMatt Damon
  14. Which does your roommate prefer:FootballBasketball

Round 2

  1. What is the name of your roommate’s oldest sibling?
  2. What is your roommate’s favorite TV show?
  3. What is your roommate’s favorite class that he/she is currently taking?
  4. What color are your roommate’s eyes?
  5. What is your roommate’s favorite dessert?
  6. What is the background on your roommate’s computer?
  7. What is the color of your roommate’s blanket?
  8. How tall is your roommate? (feet, inches)
  9. Of the roommates, who takes the longest to get ready in the morning?
  10. If your roommate won the lottery, what would he/she do? Invest and save, donate some to charity, buy a new house
  11. Which does your roommate prefer:OceanMountains
  12. Which does your roommate prefer:SpidermanBatman
  13. Which does your roommate prefer:ApplesOranges
  14. Which does your roommate prefer:FameWealth

HARD (3 points)

Round 1

  1. If your roommate were a circus act, which would he/she be?
    Fire eater, Clown, Human cannonball
  2. What kind of car does your roommate drive? Extra point: What year is the model?
  3. What is your roommate’s cell phone number?
  4. What is your roommate’s astrological sign?
  5. What was the name of your roommate’s prom date?
  6. How many concerts has your roommate been to?
  7. What was your roommate’s first job?
  8. What is your roommate’s blood type?
  9. What was the name of your roommate’s elementary school?

Round 2

  1. If your roommate were an animal, which would he/she be?
    Tiger, snake, zebra, frog
  2. What is the color of your roommate’s toothbrush?
  3. What is your roommate’s UID? (numbers)
  4. What is your roommate’s birth stone?
  5. What is the title of the last book your roommate read? (not including textbooks)
  6. How does your roommate like their meat cooked? (ex. rare, well done)
  7. What is your roommate’s favorite radio station?
  8. What is your roommate’s home zip code?
  9. What is your roommate’s favorite animal?
  10. What is your roommate’s biggest fear?
  11. If your roommate could travel to any place in the world, where would he/she go?

See Score Card Below…


Names / Easy / Medium / Hard


Names / Easy / Medium / Hard