Mother McAuley’s Transportation Registration Form
Please fill out this form and return it along with a $150.00 deposit by June 15, 2016. The deposit will be applied to the Transportation Fee for the 2016/2017 school year. You will be notified in August in regards to pick-up times.
All routes are determined by the bus service. Routes are subject to change based on ridership.
Please select one:
_____Metra Shuttle ServicePrice $250 per year
Metra Southwest Service:
Morning808 train arrival at Oak Lawn Station at 7:17 a.m.
Afternoon819 train departs Oak Lawn Station at 3:14 p.m.
Students are responsible for their own Metra fare.
_____Point to Point ServicePrice $1500 Round Trip/$800 One-way
Choose one:
_____ Round Trip_____One way a.m.______One way p.m.
Please indicate 2 Catholic parishes which you would be interested in for pick-up/drop off.
Student’s name______Grade Level______
Parent’s name______
Parent’s email address: ______
Address: ______City/State/Zip______
Home phone: ______Parent’s cell phone: ______
Student signature: ______
Parent signature: ______
I/We the Parent(s) Guardian(s) of the above student wish to have my daughter ride the Mother McAuley Bus during the 2016/2017 school year.
Routes and pricing are subject to change based on ridership and interest.
I/We the parent(s)/grandparent(s) of the below student wish to have my daughter ride the Mother McAuley H.S. bus during the 2016/2017 school year. I/We concur with the behavior expectations for student riders. All riders on buses charted by Mother McAuley H.S. are considered to be a school sponsored event. Therefore all students are expected to show respect, order, and to listen to authority just as they would inside the school building. Failure to abide by bus regulations can jeopardize the student’s safety and may result in immediate and permanent removal from the bus program and possibly for the school. Please note: Routes are subject to change or possible elimination based on the number of riders. All routes are determined by the bus service. You will be notified in August regarding pick up times.