October 15, 2017

Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time


Mon No scheduled MassRom 1: 1-7/Lk 11: 29-32

Tue(SN)8:00am No Intention/Exposition/Closing 4pmRom 1: 16-25/Lk 11: 37-41

Wed(HF)8:00am David & Carol Kuhlman/Exposition/Closing 8pm2Tm 4: 10-17b/Lk 10: 1-9

Thu(HF)6:30pm No IntentionRom 3: 21-30/Lk 11:47-54

Fri(SN)8:00am No IntentionRom 4: 1-8/Lk 12: 1-7

Sat(SN)4:00pm Liv & Dec’d Lewis Otto family/Gordon Verhoff

Sat(HF)7:00pm For the ParishSunday Readings

Sun(HF)8:30am Helen KuhlmanIs 45: 1, 4-6/1Thes 1: 1-5b/

Sun(SN) 10:30am Liv & Dec’d Harry Riepenhoff familyMt 22: 15-21

From the Pastor’s Desk

Dear Parishioners,

I think it is safe to say that the fall season is definitely upon us. Last Sunday, I had the opportunity to join a number of our high school youth at St. Michael Parish in Kalida for the annual Battle of the Youth. I was so very proud of these young people and the very fine way they represented our parishes in public. While it was disappointing that they did not earn the coveted “spirit award”, I know in my heart that our youth from Miller City and New Cleveland have GREAT SPIRIT! They are tops in my book. Thanks to these youth for showing great pride in the Catholic faith and calling all the participants with their rally call to pray for peace! Kudos to our youth.

The fall season also signals a number of special collections in the Diocese of Toledo. This weekend we are providing our parishioners with the envelopes for the annual diocesan collection for priests’ retirement. Called Perpetuating the Gift, this diocesan-wide collection helps to generate monies for the diocesan priests’ retirement fund. You are likely aware that if we are able to generate the required amount for this collection (4 % of our weekly Sunday and Holy Day collections), we will not need to include these monies with the remaining diocesan tax assessment. Knowing a number of our senior status priests, and several who are known to many of you in our parishes, I hope you might be generous in your contribution to this collection for these priests who have served us so well in the past. It is a fine way for all of us to express our gratitude for their priestly service with a contribution. These contribution envelopes can be mailed directly to the diocese or simply dropped in the collection basket and we will see that the sealed envelope is sent to the diocese. Please be sure to include the parish name where indicated on the envelope so that we will be credited for the contribution. Thank you in advance.

Next weekend, October 21 – 22, we will have available in the pews of our parish churches the collection envelopes for the Propagation of the Faith, a mission society that provides monetary and spiritual assistance to mission countries throughout the world in proclaiming the gospel. We will hear more about Mission Sunday next weekend during the homily and the services that your contributions to this annual collection provide. Again, I thank you in advance for your generosity.

Finally, a member of the Ottawa Knights of Columbus will be sharing with us after the communion rite next Sunday a very short presentation on the Knights of Columbus and all this Catholic men’s organization does locally and nationally. This happens to be the time to invite new men to the fraternal order. I have been a Knight of Columbus myself for a number of years and have the pleasure of being a member of the fourth degree. I can

attest that the service this organization undertakes in promoting priestly and religious vocations, as well as a number of charitable and religious formation activities are a true blessing to the Catholic Church. I hope that many of our men 18 or older in our parishes will consider joining the Knights of Columbus. We’ll hear more about this next weekend.

As the fall harvest continues we pray for all who farm in our region and ask God for their safety and protection. Have a great weekend and enjoy the beauty of the creation around us these next days.

Monsignor Singler


October 7 & 8:

St. Nicholas: Holy Family:

Regular: $2,667.60Regular: $2,542.00

Maintenance: $ 243.00Maintenance: $ 120.00

Fuel: $ 100.00Fuel: $ 200.00

Total: $3,010.60Total: $2,862.00


October 7 & 8: $ 702.00

Total SN/HF Hurricane Relief Collection: $12,080.00

(TX, FL & Virgin Islands)

IF YOU HAVE ANY CHANGES to be made on the Nov-Feb liturgical Ministry Schedule or if any parishioners would like to volunteer for any of the liturgical ministries, contact the parish office or Jane Kuhlman by Monday, October 16.

WE ARE IN NEED of a volunteer for the 5-6pm hour of Adoration at Holy Family on Wednesdays. If you are able, please contact the office, 419-876-3481.

ST. NICHOLAS ALTAR ROSARY SOCIETY is updating the volunteer schedule for nursing home. If you would like changes to be made please contact Dana Tobe, 419-876-3943.

SAVE THE DATE for Holy Family Parish fellowship for October 29. Food and fellowship will follow the 8:30am Mass at Holy Family in the parish hall. We will have more information in the upcoming weeks.

PLEASE SAVE LIVES! Our Youth Group blood drive is Tuesday, October 24 from noon until 6pm at the Parish Center. You may call the office to schedule an appointment or register online: and type in our zip code (45864) to locate our site. We will be serving homemade soup, pie and ice

cream to all potential donors. Thank you to those who are willing to donate.

BAPTISM CLASS: All first-time parents and parents expecting their first child from St. Nicholas and Holy Family are required (diocesan directive) to attend Baptismal Instructions. The next class will be held on Sunday, November 5, 2017 from 9:30am to 11:15am in the Religious Ed Center at Holy Family, New Cleveland. Please call the Parish Office (419-876-3481) or Marty Schroeder (419-943-3767) to register, to ask questions or for more information.


THE YOUTH GROUP NEEDS YOUR SUPPORT! We are still raising funds for the 24 people who are attending the National Catholic Youth Conference in Indianapolis in November. Currently, we have $9000 of our $12,400 goal. We greatly appreciate all of your support.

This is the final week to purchase your Raffle Ticket for an Exquisite Dinner for Six prepared by Monsignor Singler for $125; the winning ticket will be drawn on Oct. 22.

This is the final weekend to purchase tickets for the Chicken Barbeque Dinner on October 28, which includes ½ chicken prepared by Uncle Buck’s, cheesy potatoes, green beans and your choice of cake. You may eat in the hall or take out. Tickets are $8 each.

If you still want to order any Yankee Candles, you may go to Yankee Candle Fundraising and on the left side of the page type in customer number 999970831. That will put you on our fundraising page; orders may be place through December and our Youth Group will benefit.

Call the office if you wish to assist our youth group or need further information regarding any of these fundraisers. If anyone feels extremely generous and wishes to sponsor a youth’s entire trip to NCYC, the cost is $500. Thank you so very much!

Junior High Christian Formation meets this Wednesday evening; grades 6-7 from 7-8pm and all 8th graders from 6-7:30pm with Adoration following until 8pm. Your attendance has been wonderful; thanks!

Juniors (SN, 8:30am) and Seniors (HF, 9:30am) meet this Sunday, October 15. Freshmen (HF, 9:30am) and Sophomores (SN, 8:30am) meet next Sunday, October 22.

Freshmen will meet at St. Nicholas on Oct. 29 beginning at 8:30am.

Parents of Confirmation Candidates: you will find information concerning small group leaders, important dates and times available for the student interview on our parish website: Click on “Home” and then Confirmation. Please contact the office with the times and dates you are available to meet with Monsignor Singler in your home for the interview with your child. At least one parent must be present for the interview.

I AM CATHOLIC meets Sunday, Oct. 15 at 6pm in the Parish Center. Remember to bring your books. Youth group meets next Sunday at 6pm in the parish center. Yes, there will be food!

THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS will be giving a short presentation at all Lord’s Day Masses next weekend, October

21 & 22. We invite all men of the parish who are not members of this Catholic organization to please give serious thought in joining on October 21 & 22. Knights will be at the entrances of church if you have any questions and to pass out information about this fraternal organization.

OTTAWA KOFC Chicken & Fish Fry will be held on Friday October 20, 27, November 3, 10 & 17 at the KofC Hall. All are welcome.

DYNAMIC CATHOLIC.For the month of October, our parish received books titled "Praise Be To You" (Laudato Si) by Pope Francis. Copies will be placedat the back of both St Nicholas Church and Holy Family Church. We do not need these copies back. They are yours to keep or pass on.Any questions, please contact Julie Barlage r419-303-5366.

40 DAYS FOR LIFE FALL CAMPAIGN. Catholic Charities is hosting the 40 Days for Life in Northwest Ohio now through Sunday, November 5. You can participate in three ways: prayer and fasting, community outreach and peaceful vigil. For more info visit or contact Office for Life and Justice Director Peter Range at or call 419-214-4933.

OUR LADY OF CONSOLATION SHRINE, Carey, Ohio will offer a Mass for Victims of Cancer with their families, friends and caregivers on Friday, October 20, 7:00pm. We welcome all to come and pray together. Following Mass, visitors are invited to participate in special prayers for healing.

THE FRIENDSOF THE PUTNAM COUNTY DISTRICT LIBRARY are hosting the 10th Annual Harvest Craft Show on Saturday, October 28, 2017 from 9AM-3PM. The free show will feature 170 quality vendors at the Ottawa-Glandorf High School, 630 Glendale Avenue, Ottawa, Ohio, along with lunch and a bake sale. For more information, email or phone Judy at 419-659-5478. Proceeds benefit all locations of the Putnam County District Library.

THE OTTOVILLE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS COUNCIL is sponsoring a bus trip to Firekeepers Casino in Battle Creek, Michigan on Sunday, October 29th. Cost is $30.00 per person and you will receive $20 slot play and $5.00 towards food. The bus will depart from the Ottoville Church/Parish Center parking lot at 8:00 a.m. and will leave the casino at 4:30 p.m. For more information or to reserve a seat, call (419) 453-3055 after 5:00 p.m. All proceeds from this event will help defer Parish expenses.

BULLETIN SPONSOR OF THE WEEK: BOB RUHE AG SERVICE: Call about our aerial applications of seeds, fertilizer and chemicals. Reasonable rates. Call 419-943-3352