(Raichur Thermal Power Station)
TENDER NOTIFICATION No: KPCL/2015-16/EL/WORK_INDENT 3810 dated 18-09-2015
1. Name of the work : Providing Timer Control to ESP, Transformer Yard illumination system and various Street light circuits and High Masts.
2. Cost of the bid document : As per e-proc portal
3. Contents of the : 1) Eligibility Criteria (PQR)
Specification 2) Declaration of method of payment of service Tax
3) Instructions to Bidders
4) Form of Guarantee Bond towards security deposit
5) Form of Agreement
6) Form of Bid
7) Technical Bid Criteria
a) Section –I- General Conditions
b) Section –II- Special Conditions
c) Schedule-B
d) Annexure-I – Safety conditions
4. Last date and time : As per e- portal
of submission of tender
(Part – I & Part – II)
in E-procurement portal
5. Date and time of opening: As per e- portal
of Part – I of tender
6. Date and time of opening: As per e- portal
of Part – II of tender
7. Compulsory EMD to be paid: Rs.9500.00
The intending bidder shall have adequate financial resources, past experience for executing the similar works in RTPS/Process industries/Power stations/Municipality/ Corporation across the country and shall satisfy the following minimum qualifying requirements and produce documentary evidences as indicated below, the fulfillment of which is a pre-requisite for opening of Part –II (PRICE BID).
1. The bidder shall be a Class-II and above Electrical Licensed contractor. As a proof of this Copy of the valid license shall be furnished.
2. The bidder shall have achieved, in his name, an average annual turnover of Rs.3.75 Lakhs in at least TWO financial years, in preceding Five financial years (2013-14, 2012-13, 2011-12, 2010-11, 2009-10). As a proof of this, the bidder shall furnish Balance sheet and profit & loss account statements duly certified by a Chartered Accountant for the corresponding years.
a. The tender is of TWO COVER SYSTEM.
b. Rates shall be quoted in Tender Price Schedule (Financial Bid) in the e-portal itself.
c. Financial Bids will be opened For those tenderers whose Technical bids satisfy the eligibility criteria and who have furnished all the necessary documents,.
d. Further details of the work can be obtained in the office of the Superintending Engineer (EM-2), Raichur Thermal Power Station, Karnataka Power Corporation Ltd., Shakthinagar-584170 during office hours.
e. The tender Notification along with Blank Tender Form will be accessible in the e-procurement website (www.eproc.karnataka.gov.in)
f. Aspiring Bidders/Contractors who have not obtained the user ID and Password for participating in e-procurement in Karnataka Power Corporation Limited may now obtain the same from the website www.eproc.karnataka.gov.in
g. Corrigendum/modification/corrections, if any, will be published in the website only. For any clarification on e-procurement the bidder can contact the Superintending Engineer (EM)-2, RTPS, Shaktinagar-584170 or office phone +91-9449596529 or HP HELPDESK – 080-25501216/25501227.
Tender No. Date :
Karnataka Power Corporation Ltd.,
(Address of Unit)
Bidder’s name and address
Declaration of Method of Payment of Service Tax
1.0 We are constituted as:
a. Proprietary concern
b. Hindu Undivided family
c. Partnership firm
d. Private/Public Limited Company.
e. Co=operative Society / Society.
2.0 The prices quoted are inclusive of service tax payable by us. The obligation to pay the said tax lies with us.
The services provided or to be provided by us are not liable to service tax. (Give reasons for non-taxability. Separate sheets may be added.)
3.0 We are not liable to pay service tax as the total value of taxable service for the year 2012-13 is not expected to exceed Rs.10 lakhs.
We are registered as a Service tax Assesse. Our service tax registration number is______
4.0 We are paying service tax under one of the following schemes:
4.1 Paying service tax on the gross amount of the contract after deducting the actual value of goods transferred in execution of work contract and the VAT/CST payable thereon.
4.2 Paying Service tax on 40% of the total value charged on execution of “original works”1
4.3 For maintenance, repair, restoration, recondition etc., of goods we are paying service tax on 70% of the total value charged for the works contract.
4.4 For maintenance and repair not covered by 4© above and finishing services such as glazing, plastering, floor and wall tilling, installation of electrical fittings of an immovable property, we are paying service tax on 60% of the total value charged for the works contract.
5.0 We declare that the foregoing details disclosed by us and options chosen by us are true and correct.
Place: Signature……………………………………
Dated: Name of Signatory :…………………………
Name of the contractor firm:…………………………
Note : strike out whichever provision is inapplicable to you.
1.01 Karnataka Power Corporation Ltd., (KPCL) herein after called the ‘Corporation’ has invited tenders (Bids) for the scope of work detailed in this accompanying specification.
1.02 The Superintending Engineer (EM)-2, Karnataka Power Corporation Ltd.,(KPCL) hereinafter called as’ Engineer’ or his authorized representative will receive tenders(bids) in respect of equipment to be supplied and erected at site as set forth in the accompanying specification. All tenders (Bids) shall be prepared and submitted in accordance with the tender instruction.
1.03 Tenders (Bids) will not be accepted after the time and date fixed for receipt as set forth in the tender notification or subsequent extension.
1.04 The “Engineer” at his discretion may extend dead line for the submission of tenders (bids) and / or may amend the bidding documents in such case all rights and obligation of KPCL and ‘Bidders’ previously subject to the dead line will thereafter be subject to the dead line extended.
1.05 The Tenderers (Bidders) shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and delivery of its Bids and KPCL in no case be responsible or liable for these costs.
1.06 No document will be considered which is not in the printed form and does not bear the signature, address and company seal at the bottom of each page of the bid including the schedule in which the rates are entered.
1.07 The ‘Engineer’ does not bind himself to accept the lowest or any tender and reserves the right to select from any tender, only such equipment and services as may be considered expedient to accept.
1.08 The Bidder is required to supply the quantities that are finally required to make the system complete in all respects. In case during execution additional quantity of supply is found required, Bidder/Contractor shall supply the additional requirement at the quoted unit price. In case of reduction in quantities required to complete the system, contractor shall have no claim to insist for purchase of complete quantity or for enhancement of rates. In case of reduction in quantities required to complete the system, unit rate shall be considered for the cost deduction purposes.
1.09 If any material/equipment ordered, required to be supplied earlier the contractor shall comply with such direction issued by the ‘Engineer’
1.10 No enhancement of rates once accepted will be considered during the currency of contract,
1.11 In the matter of dispute regarding the conformity of supplies with the approved quality and/or the performance of the contract, the decision of the ‘Engineer’ is final.
1.12 The ‘Engineer’ reserves the right to accept any or reject any/or all the tenders. However reasons for rejection will be recorded as per KTPP act.
1.13 ‘Incomplete’ Bids and/or bids not accompanied by Bid Guarantee (EMD) will not be accepted.
1.0 The Bidder shall satisfy all the pre - qualification requirement as stipulated in the Notice inviting tender and/or Brief tender notice issued by the ‘Engineer’.
2.0 ‘Engineer’ reserves the right to request for additional information and also reserves the right to reject the proposal of any bidders, if in his opinion the qualification data is incomplete.
3.0 Bidder is expected to examine all instructions, forms, terms and specification in the Bid Document. In the view of the ‘Engineer’, Failure to furnish all information required in the Bid document or submission of Bid not substantially responsive to the requirement in the Bid document may result in the rejection of bid.
4.0 Clarification of bidding document: Prospective bidders requiring any further information or clarification of the bidding documents may notify on or before the date specified for the receipt of such request for clarification as indicated in the Brief Bid notification. The bidders are requested to submit their questions/queries in advance to the e-procurement cell, Government of Karnataka mentioning the page number, clause and paragraph of the bid document. KPCL’s response/Clarification will be posted in e-portal. These response/clarification furnished by KPCL will form a part of bidding document.
5.0 Pre–Bid meeting: A pre bid meeting may be arranged by the ‘Engineer’ at his discretion. The purpose of the pre-bid meeting is to clarify the Commercial and Technical Conditions of the bids if any. The clarification as sought by the bidders on e-portal and the clarification issued by the Corporation shall form a part of ‘Bid document’. The clarifications or questions raised in the bid meeting and the answer or clarifications issued by the ‘Corporation’ shall also be included in the pre-bid meeting recordings that form a part of bid document.
6.0 Verbal clarification and information given by the ‘Engineer’ or his employees or his representatives shall not in any way be binding on KPCL.
7.0 It must be understood and agreed that all factors which may have an effect on the execution of the scope of work, have been properly investigated and considered while submitting the proposals. No claim for financial adjustment to the contract awarded under this specification and document will be permitted by Corporation. Neither any change in time schedule of the contract nor any financial adjustment arising thereof shall be permitted by the Corporation, which are based on the lack of such clear information or its effect on the cost of supply and erection to the tenderer.
8.0 The successful bidder shall furnish contract performance guarantee (Security Deposit) in the form of BG / FDR / DD from a Nationalized/ scheduled bank towards , equivalent to 5% (Five percent) of the Contract value for due and faithful performance of the contract, with an appropriate validity period ( including guarantee period of Six months in addition to the completion period of the work envisaged) at the time of entering into contract agreement. The B.G. furnished shall be through a Nationalized / Scheduled Bank on a non-judicial stamp paper of 200/- only. The Bank guarantee shall be strictly as per the format enclosed and should be furnished within 10 days after the issue of letter of award. The Bank guarantee shall be valid for the entire period of the contract till the end of guarantee period.
9.0 The performance guarantee will be returned to the ‘Contractor’ on successful performance of the contract after the expiry of guarantee period.
2.10 No interest is payable on the contract performance guarantee.
3.01 The Corporation will initially open , Technical Bid including (PQR Qualifying Documents) at prescribed time and date in the e-procurement portal, in the presence of the Tenderers who wish to attend at the office of the Superintending Engineer (EM)-2, KPCL, RTPS,Shaktinagar-584170.
3.02 Documents furnished in Technical Bid (PQR Qualifying Documents) will be scrutinized to determine the bidders qualifying criteria. Financial Bid of only those bidders who are found qualified will be opened thereafter. The qualified bidders will be intimated in advance to be present for witnessing the opening of Financial Bid.
3.03 If the bid opening day turns out to be a holiday for some reason, the bids will be opened on the following working day at the same time and location address.
4.01 The Corporation will examine the bids to determine whether they are complete, whether any computational errors have been made, whether required Securities have been furnished, whether the documents have been properly uploaded and whether the bids are generally in order.
4.02 Arithmetical errors will be rectified on the following basis.
a) If there is discrepancy between the unit price and the total price that is obtained by multiplying the unit price and quantity, unit price shall prevail and the total price shall be corrected.
b) If there is discrepancy between the total bid amount and the sum total price of items forming the total bid amount, the sum total price of items shall prevail.
c) If there is any discrepancy between the amount indicated in figures and that indicated in words, lower of the two shall be considered.
4.03 Prior to the detailed evaluation, the Corporation will determine the substantial responsiveness of each bid to the bidding document. The substantial responsiveness will be in terms of the Karnataka Transparency in Public Procurement Act and incomplete bids are liable to be rejected. The tenders will be evaluated vertically, based on the Lowest (L1) total bid amount and not on the item wise lowest (L1) price only.
Bids shall be deemed to be under consideration immediately after they are opened and until such time official intimation of award/ rejection is made by the Corporation to the Bidders. While the Bids are under consideration, Bidders and/or their representatives or other interested parties are advised to refrain from contacting by any means, the Corporation and/ or its employees on matters related to the bids under consideration. The Corporation, if necessary will obtain clarifications on the bids by requesting such information from any or all the bidders as may be necessary.
6.01 The submission of any bid connected with these documents and specifications shall constitute an agreement that, the Bidder shall have no cause of action or claim against the Corporation for rejection of his Bid. The Corporation shall always be at liberty to reject or accept any Bid or all the Bids at its sole discretion and any action will not be called in to question and the bidder shall have no claim in this regard against Corporation.