Caha Board Meeting 7:07 pm

August 16th, 2009

Present- Mike A, Brian M, Dean K, Steve martin,Mark Lindholm

Absent –Thom Pertler, Pat N,Kevin Kangas, Darryl Niemi


Approval o f Minutes by email July 24th, 2009

Pictures – Jerry Daveau came to present his program for taking pictures. Discussion about the all team photo and getting the mandatory for the teams to be in the all team photo. Board gives support to hire Jerry for the team photos for 2009-2010 season.

Mites – u10’s playing during High School team

School Contract – Discussion – Mike A discussed with Ken Scrarbrough and Tom Lenarz regarding the that Cloquet Hockey will only allow people Steve motion 2nd by Brian. Discussion Motion Carried. School Contract motion my Mark L to accept the contract as written 2nd by Brian M. Discussion. Motion Carried.

Pepsi Contract – Pepsi contract is void. Motion to approve Raffy taking over the vending and concession supply for pop subject to his paying off the Scoreboard with Pepsi and bringing in the vending and coolers. 2nd by Steve. Discussion. Motion carried.

Weight Room Contract – next meeting will have a valid contract now the decision

New Business –

Committee meetings -

Open to the Membership

FinanceCommittee Meeting at 6:06pm SeniorCenter–Gambling - Gambling- – Rick & Chris presented the report. Discussion Motion to accept the July report by Dean 2nd by Mike A Motion carried. Motion to accept the Allowable Expenses for Aug. 16, 2009 to Sept 20, 2009 up to 22,200.00 made by Mike A. Raffy 2nd. Motion carried.

Closed to the Membership

Finance recommends to the that the concession purchase cash registers up to 2000.00 Brian make the motion to accept Steve Martin 2nd . Money will be provided by the Walmart grant being received on Wednesday August 19, 2009. Finance committee recommends

Finance recommends that we explain to the women’s auxiliary the line item of for the inventory they took over from CAHA motion from Mark 2nd by Steve Discussion and Motion carried.

Newletter/Tournaments – Newsletter went out last week. Another one will go out in a month with Player development info. Tournament report how many we have registered and paid.

Coach and Player Development – Discussion –Coaches and Level Directors Motion made by Dean to accept the level directors 2nd Mark. Discussion motion carried. Motion to accept Corey Ketola as a U12 coach if we have a 2nd team motion made by Steve 2nd by Mark. Discussion. Motion carried.

Coaches at the Peewee B and Squirt B Motion to accept by Mark L. 2nd by Steve Motion carried.

Mike requests a policy regarding if a player registers at the Bantam level they go to tryouts and if the make the A team and then they tryout at the High School level..

USA Hockey called Steve Martin.

Motion to adjourn by Brian2ndMark. Motion Carries.

Next Meeting Aug 16, 2009 7pm at the SeniorCenter