Guidance Notes for Line Managers


Following the implementation of the revised Promotion and Contribution Award Procedures for Support Staff in June 2013, it was agreed that Line Managers may benefit from the development of Guidance Notes to provide additional support in submitting applications received from members of staff in their area of responsibility.

2.Job Families and Role Descriptors

The two Job Families have been created to cover all roles within the University at Grades 1-4 level. The Role Descriptors within each Job Family outline the increasing expectations for postholders at each Grade within the University in terms of responsibility, complexity, contribution and achievement for staff in Grades 3 and 4. It is recognised that the majority of roles at Grade 1 and 2 level are defined within formal training programmes or within standard job descriptions (e.g. those agreed at the implementation of the Framework Agreement or in line with local protocols and procedures). Therefore, additional Role Descriptors have not been created for members of staff in these positions.

The creation of Job Families and associated Role Descriptors assist us in fulfilling our statutory obligations in remunerating staff fairly and in accordance with the principle of ‘equal pay for work of equal value’.

The criteria outlined within each of the Descriptors reflect different types and levels of expectation within and across the Elements. The overall level of responsibility, achievement, contribution, competency, knowledge, complexity and/or esteem is broadly equal, although the activity may be reflected in different proportions across the 14 Elements for different applicants.


The procedure for submitting an application is outlined in the Promotion Procedure and Procedure for Recognising Support Staff Contribution.

The Procedures clarify that the criteria for promotion are different to the criteria for Contribution Awards. In general, promotion is an appropriate reward for levels of contribution, whereas Contribution Awards recognise the volume or range of contribution and such applications are matched against a range of specified criteria. Contribution Awards are not, therefore, a consolation prize for those who narrowly missed promotion.

In preparing applications for both promotion and contribution awards, Line Managers are reminded of the need to discuss applications with appropriate individual(s) within the managerial/supervisory structure of the postholder’s area of responsibility e.g. Head of School/Section, Technical Resources Manager.

The Role Descriptors are understood to be representative, typical and sufficient, rather than definitive or mandatory. There are no absolute rankings between them and no requirement to cite evidence for every bullet point. Applicants may cite alternative types of evidence, which will be judged for their equivalence to the suggested criteria.


4.1The Matching Process

The HR Adviser will make an assessment of the applicant’s most appropriate match against the Role Descriptors based on the information provided within the application form. An individual will be expected to achieve a match at the higher level in at least 11 out of the 14 Elements for the application to be successful.

Where the HR Adviser is unclear about information provided or believes that there is insufficient evidence on which to reach a decision, s/he will contact the Line Manager for additional clarification.

Individuals considering applications will work closely with the HR Section to ensure that consistency in decision-making processes is achieved across the University. This will include the regular cross-checking of decisions.

It is anticipated that the vast majority of posts within the University will fall within the Job Families and Role Descriptors as defined. However, in the exceptional circumstances where it is deemed that a role cannot be matched using the Descriptors, the standard job evaluation process (as utilised for new posts which are created) using the Higher Education Role Analysis (HERA) scoring system will be undertaken instead.


Feedback to unsuccessful applicants for promotion will make clear recommendations for role enhancement, explicitly referencing the Role Descriptor criteria, to guide development towards a future, successful application for promotion.


Applications can be made for :

  • An additional increment
  • A non-consolidated Payment

Applications must be submitted by the Line Manager, following discussion with the individual.

Line Managers expected to regularly consider the contribution of all members of their team and submit applications which meet the criteria as appropriate.

Applications will be considered by the appropriate Head of School/Section. Applications which are received from individuals employed within the Schools who are not within the direct line management structure of the Head of School will be considered by the Technical Resources Manager or Registrar (as appropriate).

As decisions in relation to applications for recognition are discretionary, there is no right of appeal. However, constructive feedback will be provided to applicants by the Line Manager.