Edgar Allan Poe Internet Scavenger Hunt

English 9B Name ______Period _____

Objective: to learn more about the life and writings of Edgar Allan Poe

and how his writing was affected by his life events.


Ø  From the desktop, click on the internet explorer icon.

Ø  In the address box at the top you will type in the website addresses

provided to research Poe and answer the following questions.

First website: Edgar Allan Poe Society of Baltimore http://www.eapoe.org/

- Click on General Topics about Edgar Allan Poe.

- Click on Chronology of the Life of Edgar Allan Poe.

1.  When and where was Poe born? ______

2.  What did his parents, David & Elizabeth, do for a living? (hint: look under 1806)


3.  Which of Poe’s family members died in 1811, and approximately how old was Edgar?

4.  In November, 1824, when Poe was just 15, he wrote his first 2-line poem. Write the 2 lines here:

In your own words, interpret the 2 lines – what do you think he’s feeling?

5.  Name the famous military school Poe entered in 1830 (June); then tell how he got out in 1831.

6.  Which of Poe’s family members died in August, 1831? ______

7.  Who did Poe marry in 1836 and how old was she? ______

8.  Poe’s short story, “Murders in the Rue Morgue,” was published in April, 1841. It was the first modern story of what genre (for instance mystery, romance, drama, etc.)? ______

9.  Which family member died in 1847 & how old was she? ______

10.  Date Edgar Allan Poe died: ______How old was he? ______

Second website: - The Poe Decoder http://www.poedecoder.com/

- Click on The Cask of Amontillado on the left, under The Tales list.

1. The story begins on an evening during Carnival in what city? (hint: Setting)

Circle answer: * New Orleans, LA * an unnamed European City * City of Skulls

2. Who are the two main characters?

3. When they meet, how is Fortunato dressed?

4. Skim the section under Style and Interpretation. What is given for the definition of dramatic irony?

5. Skim the Theme section. What does the Latin phrase Nemo me impune lacessit mean?

Third website: - The Academy of American Poets http://www.poets.org/

Under Find a Poem or Poet type in Edgar Allan Poe and hit return.

Click on Poe’s poem, Alone, and read it, filling in the missing words:

From childhood's hour I have not been, As others were--I have not seen

As others saw--I could not bring, My passions from a common spring --

From the same source I have not taken, My ______--I could not awaken

My heart to joy at the same tone-- And all I lov'd--I lov'd alone--

Then--in my ______--in the dawn Of a most ______life--was drawn

From ev'ry depth of good and ill The ______which binds me still--

From the torrent, or the fountain-- From the red cliff of the mountain--

From the sun that 'round me roll'd In its autumn tint of gold--

From the ______in the sky As it pass'd me flying by--

From the , and the storm-- And the that took the form

(When the rest of Heaven was blue) Of a ______in my view—

Make an inference. Think about what you’ve learned about Poe and his writings, including the words that were deleted from the above poem.

How would you characterize Poe’s life? In other words, was his life filled with a lot of joy? Anger? Fear? etc.

How would you characterize Poe’s writings?

What would you say is the connection between his life events and his writings?

- Turn over for final task -

Fourth website: - Dictionary.com http://dictionary.reference.com/

-  Jot down brief definitions to the following 9 words, which you will need to know when we read “The Cask of Amontillado.”

-  Finish at home tonight with your dictionary if you don’t finish today.

1.  Connoisseur (n)______

2.  Carnival (n)______

3.  Abscond (v)______

4.  Niter (n)______

5.  Medoc (n) ______

6.  Fetter (v)______

7.  Niche (n) ______

8.  Assail (v)______

9.  Impunity (n)______

10. Nemo me impune lacessit is the motto of Montressor’s coat of arms. Look back at what you wrote for #5, on page 2. Now that you know the meanings of the words assail and impunity, interpret the Latin phrase. What do you think the phrase Nemo me impune lacessit means?