FTD Family Living Committee Meeting Minutes

February 12, 2014 USDA Office 5 :00 p.m.

Present: Lisa Adams, Chris Barden, Barb Brewster, Sherry Daniels, Jackie Feltz, Jackie Hintz, Brett Lesniak, Jean Schwirtz,Christy Worzalla, Laina Zakrzewski and Family Living intern Brianna Miller.

1. Executive Committee Updates:Sherry will e-mail the Executive committee January minutes and February agenda when they are available. (They were forwarded on Friday, Feb. 14.) Next Executive meeting will be February 17 beginning at 6:00 p.m. Sherry had the logo OK’ed that Lisa designed. It does need to have the FTD Logo added to it though. A part-time person will be hired in April to schedule the volunteers for the show. They will be hired until the end of the show.

2. Updates from Committee Chairs:

Field to Table Video:(Barb B. reported) Still busy organizing all the pictures.

Pioneering Women:(Barb B. reported) No applications yet. Barb will need to check with the Publicity and Promotions committee: Melissa Sabel and Jami Gebert to see if the press release went out. No one has seen it.

Family Living Booth/Stage: Brett reported that their application deadline was Feb. 1. They feel they have enough applications and are pleased with the results. Laurel and Brett will be meeting on Wednesday, Feb. 19 at 4:00 p.m. at SPASH to start making phone calls to the applicants, and setting up the schedule. Mad Dog and Merrill would like to do a presentation each day. They will do this “in-kind” in exchange for 3 booth tables to sell their spices, etc.

Family Mercantile:(Barb B. reported) Application deadline is February 15. Still need more applicants. Dianne will be returning from vacation this next week. She will start going over the forms. Brett and Laurel will share their “thank-you and no-thank-you” forms with Dianne.

Opening Ceremony:Jackie Feltz reported that LeAnn Shulfer from Shulfer Landscaping and Garden Center said we can use whatever has not sold for decorations and then just return them after the show.

Discussed some food ideas for the Opening Ceremony reception.

Theme and Decorations:Lisashared the logo that she has designed for the Family Living Tent. Staples is interested in helping in some way. Lisa will see if they can do some of our signage. Lisa presented a design to “Ultra Cut and Care” for the bark placement for our booth. The Master Gardeners are feeling completely over-whelmed by all they are being asked to do. They are committed to our tent though. Marlene Vertz has some “Barn Quilts” for our display. Lisa does not think there will be an issue concerning glare for the screen for the Field to Table presentation. Lisa will help the two host families with their decorations for their booths. There are only 4 signs for the FL Tent from last year. We have requested to see them so we can decide if they can be re-used. New signs need to be ordered by June 1.

Fundraising—Calendar: Sales are VERY slow.

Treasurer: Christy will help with the tracking of the calendars, but Rich Wilcox, FTD Treasurer, will keep track of income and expenses.

Secretary:Jean discussed the gifts for the host families. They can receive an inside or outside bench, some type of office furniture, an Ariel photo, or a combination of both. Jackie F., Jackie H. and Laina will discuss this with their families and report back to us.

Barb will check with the Publicity Committee to see if they are having anyone take Ariel photos. Next meeting will be Wednesday, March 12 from 5 to 6:30. Agenda reports due, Wednesday, March 5.

Chair:Barb reports that we should start recruiting our own volunteers. She handed out forms to give to people, or they can get them on-line. Each volunteer will receive a t-shirt to wear. The XS and the XL sizes have limited quantities. All volunteers need to register for insurance purposes. Next all committee meeting will be on March 4 from 6 to 8 p.m. Meeting will be at the Annex building. Committee members are invited to attend.

Meeting adjourned at 6:30 pm.

E-mail addresses:

Chris Barden:

Jackie Hintz:

Christy Worzalla:


Updated Family Living Committee members list

(Please check it over and see if I have all the information right)

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