Health Research Board: Funding Opportunities for 2010

The Health Research Board (HRB) plays a key role in strengthening the evidence base in health and social care in Ireland and in developing research capacity in these areas. The HRB is now focusing resources in areas which offer the most potential for translation into impacts and benefits for health. As a result, HRB funding will be awarded to projects, programmes and fellowships which address patient-oriented research, health services research and population health sciences research.

1. Health Research Awards 2010:

This scheme aims to fund individual researchers and research teams to conduct internationally competitive and innovative research that will create new knowledge and evidence of benefit to health through patient-oriented research, population health sciences research and health services research. The assessment criteria and committee structure for applications has been revised to reflect this focus.

Who should apply? Principal investigators holding a post in a recognised research institution in the Republic of Ireland.

What does the award include? The award will provide funding for personnel costs, running costs, dissemination costs and a contribution to overheads.

Deadline: The closing date for applications under this scheme will depend on the Grant Selection Committee chosen by the applicant, but will be within the dates 17 to 20 November 2009(12pm).

2. Research Training Fellowships for the Health Professionals 2010:

This scheme has the objective to provide funding to health and social care professionals who wish to undertake training in research in a recognized research institution on the island of Ireland, leading to a PhD (or in exceptional cases and where suitably justified a Masters degree by research).Applications are invited from any of the health and social care professionals working in patient-oriented, health service and population health sciences research

Who should apply? Medical practitioners, dentists, nurses, midwives, pharmacists and those professional groups recognized under the Health and Social Care Professionals Act 2005.

What does the award include? Three years’ full-time funding for salary and related costs, student fees, running costs, dissemination costs, a training and development allowance and a travel grantto gain research experience abroad.

Deadline: 01 December 2009 (12pm).

3. HRB/Marie Curie Post-doctoral Mobility Fellowships 2010:

This scheme is a Marie Curie co-funded initiative under the Seventh Framework Programme and the main objective is to enable researchers to develop their research careers at an advanced and more independent level by undertaking research in a leading research institute abroad for two years followed by one year mandatory reintegration phase in Ireland. Applications are invited from researchers working on patient-oriented, health service and population health sciences research.

Who should apply?Researchers with a PhD or equivalent research experience working in Ireland.

What does the award include? This scheme will provide three year’s full-time funding for salary and salary-related costs, running costs, dissemination costs, training and development allowance, health insurance contribution, contribution to relocation costs and travel grant.

Deadline: 08 January 2010 (12pm)

For important additional information on eligibility requirements, scheme guidelines etc: [CLICK HERE].

Due to the anticipated high number of applications, and in order to ensure adequate review, it is requested that your application is submitted to UCC Research Office (with a completed Appendix A form) at least five working days before the relevant HRB deadline.

Please send your application/Appendix A to Lucy Wallis ().