There are a number of bridge terms that it is helpful to be aware of. While some are not used at Swans, they may be used by visitors, or when playing in competitions.

Bridge Systems / Acol
Acol Variations
Standard American
Alerts / Opening Bids
During Auction
Bidding Conventions / Stayman
Weak Twos
Weak Threes
Multi Twos
2 Suited Hands
RCO Rank Colour Odd
2 over 1
Bidding over Opposition bids / Take Out Doubles
Michaels Cue Bid
Negative Doubles
Slam Bidding / Gerber - 4Clubs
Roman Key Card - RCB


Acolis widely used in other parts of the world". It is basically a natural system usingfour-card majorsand, most commonly, aweak no trump. In its pure form, all openings at the two level are strong -8 playing tricks


Normally any system using a weak no trump is considered an Acol system. So there can be 5 card Spade suit, 5 card majors, weak twos, multi twos associated with Acol.

Standard American

It is a natural bidding system based onfive-card majorsand a strong notrump; players may add conventions and refine the meanings of bids through partnership agreements summarized in theirconvention card.

Precision Bidding System

The central feature of the Precision system is that an opening bid of one club is used for any hand with 16 or morehigh card points(HCP), regardless of distribution. An opening bid of one of a major suit signifies a five-card suit and 11-15 HCP. A one notrump opening bid signifies a balanced hand (no five-card major suit) and 13-15 HCP.

Moscito (Major Oriented Strong Club — Intermediate Two Openings, sometimes Major Oriented Strong Club, Intrepid Two Openings)

In all variations of Moscito, 1♣is used for strong hands, hence they arestrong club systemslike theprecision club. Usually the MAFIA (Majors First Always) principle is followed, such that a 4-card or longer major suit holding is always opened ahead of any minor suit however long or strong, but this has been slightly relaxed in later variants. Older versions typically have a special opening bid that shows both majors, while later versions use transfer bids in the openings.



Alerts are used to ensure that partners bids do not have secret meanings that their opponents may not be privy to. At the end of an auction, after tabling their lead face down, the opponents can ask for an explanation of the bidding.

Alerts – Opening Bids

Any opening bid that does not necessarily reflect the suit bid, or may have multiple meanings should be alerted verbally by describing their meaning. The major openings in this category are 1♣ , 1Nt, 2♣ and multi twos

Alerts – During Auction

During the Auction any bid with a special meaning should be alerted with the “Alert:

Card. No comment needs to be made unless the LHO asks or subsequently at his turn, the RHO asks.



A conventional bid of 2♣that calls for a 1NTopening bidderto bid a four-card major, if one is held, and (usually) 2♦otherwise. Many continuations have been devised. Using strong 1NT some players use 2♣ to ask for the strength of the hand ( Openbers responses indicate strength, 2♦ = 15HCP, 2♥ = 16HCP etc)



A bid over 1NT that conventionally shows length in a suit other than the one bid. It requests partner to make a bid in the suit immediately above the one bid. The responder should have at least 5 cards in the suit nominated. With strong support the opener may jump a level. (eg 1NT - 2♦ -2♥ shows weak and two or three hearts, while 1NT - 2♦ -3♥would show 4♥ and top od NT range hand)


Weak Twos

An opening of 2♦♥♠ shows a 6 card suit and 6-11 HCP depending upon vulnerability.
It attempts to reduce the opponents bidding space while describing the hand.’

Weak Threes

An opening of 3♣♦♥♠ shows a 7 card suit and 6-9 HCP depending upon vulnerability.
Openers using Multi 2s may use this with 6 card club or diamond suits. It attempts to reduce the opponents bidding space while describing the hand.

Multi Twos

.Multi Twos have become a popular as they muddy the waters with a number of options to the suite of two level openings. Not allpairs play the multi twos with the same meaning. –Should be alerted

The convention uses a 2♦ opening to indicate one of three possibilities –

  1. Hand with 6♥ and 6-11 HCP
  2. Hand with 6♠ and 6 – 11 HCP
  3. Hand with 19+ HCP (Mostly 20-22HCP)

The response is 2♥ , asking partner to pass (weak Heart hand) or correct by bidding 2♠ (weak spade hand) or 2NT (strong hand). Alternatively with a strong hand the response can be 2NT asking opener to describe his/her hand.

2 Suited Hands

The most used convention for two suited hands with 6-10HCP uses bids at the two level.

BID / Meaning / Response
2♥ / 5♥& five of another suit / 2♠ I am weak, what is other suit or 2NT I am strong what is other suit
2♠ / 5♠ five of a minor / 2♣ I am weak, what is other suit or 2NT I am strong what is other suit
2NT / 5♣ and 5♦

RCO – Rank Colour Odd

This is a variation for weak 2-suiter Opening bids of 6-10 HCPsand at least a 5-5 shape. Most of the high cards should be located in the long suits and the hand typically contains 6 losers. Occasionally the hand may have only 5 losers, but never more than 7 (and then only when not vulnerable).

2♥= 2 suits of same rank (majors or Minors

2♠= 2 suits of same colour (red or Black)

2NT = Odd suits (Spades & Diamonds or Hearts & Clubs)Return

2 Over1 game forcing

(Two-over-one game forcing) is abidding systemin moderncontract bridgestructured around the following responses to a one-level opening bid:

  1. a non-jump response in a new suit at the one-level is constructive and forcing for one round,
  2. a non-jump response in a new suit at the two-level is forcing to game, and
  3. a 1NT response is forcing for one round and indicates insufficient values to immediately commit to game or bid a suit at the one-level.[1]

The 2/1 game force does not apply to responses by a passed hand, or if there is an intervening call by an opponent. Other responses are as per Standard Americanmethods in accordance with partnership agreement.

Take Out Doubles

A take out double is used in preference to a suit or no trumps when the doubler has a minimum of 12 HCP, and support for the unbid suits. It requests partner to bid his own best suit:

  1. It is made at the first opportunity
  2. When the doubler has not missed an opportunity to bid
  3. The doubler’s partner has not bid, other the pass


Michaels Cue Bid

A cue bid of opponents' 1 level opening bid, indicates a two-suited hand, usually less than 10 HCP.

1♣ -2♣ or 1♦ -2♦ shows Hearts & Spades.
1♥ - 2♥ Hearts & a minor. 1♠ - 2♠ Spades & a minor


The range for Cappelletti overcalls is 9-14 points. Over the 1NT opening, the intervening opponent in either second or fourth position makes one of the following artificial overcalls to show a one-suited or a two-suited hand

2♣ indicates 6 card suit. 2♦ = both majors, 2♥ = Hearts & a Minor
2♠ = Spades & a minor. 2Nt = Both Minors

Negative Doubles

Is used after partner has opened the bidding, and RHO has bid. Bid shows 6-9 HCP and support for unbid major, or balanced hand. May have cover in RHOs suit.



Lebensohl is a bidding convention used when the opponents interfere over 1NT. After partner opens 1NT and the next opponent doubles or bids up to 2, a 2NT bid is an artificial relay bid asking partner to bid 3. Responder then clarifies his hand with his second bid. A double is for penalties.
A suit bid above RHO’s suit shows 5 card suit non forcing
A jump suit bid over RHO’s suit is forcing to game
Cue Bid of opponents suit is used as Stayman, showing at least one 4 card major, it denies a stopper in opponents suit.

Gerber - 4Clubs

This used with partner agreement to ask for Aces.

4♦ = No Aces, 4♥.. 1 Ace, 4 = 2 Aces, 4♠ = 3 Aces


Similar to Gerber, except 4Nt asks for Aces
5♣ = No Aces, 5♦.. 1 Ace, 5♥ = 2 Aces, 5♠ = 3 Aces

Roman Key Card -RCB

Roman key card uses the agreed trump suit to recognise 5 key cards (the 4 aces and king of trumps). The responses are:
5♣.. 0 or 3 Key cards, 5♦ 1 or 4 Key cards, 5♥ 2 or 5 Key cards, 5♠ 2 key cards and Queen of trumps



Used after an interfering bid by RHO after an Ace ask.
Double for None, Pass for one (D=0,P=1)