Andrew D. Reichert

P.O. Box 7630, College Station, TX77844

Phone: 979.575.4971 Email:


2005 – PresentTexasA&MUniversity College Station, TX

PhD Counseling Psychology (APA accredited), expected graduation date 2010

  • Research interests: GLBT identity and career development.
  • Theoretical orientation: Generally, cognitive-or insight-oriented with a Rogerian style, depending on the client’s needs and goals.

December 2006TexasA&MUniversity College Station, TX

Master of Science in Educational Psychology

May 1995DukeUniversity Durham, NC

Master of Divinity

  • Resident Advisor and Area Coordinator for Department of Residence Life.
  • Clinical Pastoral Education, JohnUmsteadStateHospital, Butner, NC.

May 1990TexasA&MUniversity College Station, TX

Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting

  • Corps of Cadets, Aggie Band Executive Officer, and Ross Volunteer.


2005 – Present TexasA&MUniversity College Station, TX

Graduate Hall Director, Department of Residence Life

  • Responsible for administrative, judicial, and counseling needs of approximately 300 member residence hall.
  • Supervise staff of five Resident Advisors and serve as official University advisor to the elected undergraduate Hall Council.
  • Counseling-related experiences include: Suicidal ideation/attempts, drug/ alcohol abuse, roommate conflicts, girlfriend/boyfriend break-ups, racial/ sexist attitudes, weapons in the hall, academic planning, and mentoring.
  • University Back on Track Program: Serve as weekly “coach” forstudents who have been suspended (usually for drug/alcohol violations) and are currently in an intensive accountability probationary program.

2001 – 2005 Project Transitions, Inc. Austin, TX

Volunteer Coordinator for nonprofit HIV/AIDS hospice

  • Responsibilities included recruiting, training, and coordinating volunteers for regular housing and hospice programs and special events.
  • Event planning responsibilities included recruiting and coordinating over 100 volunteers for quarterly fundraising events, each typically with 1,000 or more attendees.
  • Includes four-month pastorate at St. Mark’s UnitedMethodistChurch, a predominantly Chinese-American “Reconciling Congregation,” Stockton, California (August, 2002 – December, 2002).

Employment Continued

1998 – 2001 First United MethodistChurch Bastrop, TX

Senior Pastor

  • Led large, historic 400 member congregation with weekly preaching, teaching, budget, renovation, children/youth, and outreach responsibilities, including licensed daycare center and mother’s day out program.
  • Supervised seven full- and half-time staff members, along with numerous church volunteers and committee members.
  • Ministered to church members in times of crisis, including grief and loss, hospitalizations (including ICU), divorce, and litigation concerns.

1995 – 1998First United MethodistChurch Menard, TX


  • Led small, rural 150 member congregation with weekly preaching, teaching, budget, children/youth, and outreach responsibilities.
  • Led congregation in planning, fundraising, and construction of new $250,000 fellowship hall from ground breaking to ribbon cutting.
  • Ministered to church members in times of crisis, including grief and loss, incarceration, ICU disconnection of life support, CPS reporting of child abuse, and domestic abuse/homicide incident.
  • Served as deanof week-long conference summer camp for junior high youth (1996, 1997, 1998).

1991 – 1992Mercy Ships, Inc. Ivory Coast, Africa

Volunteered with international, interdenominational relief organization

  • Sailed aboard the Anastasis, a hospital/relief vessel from Europe to Africa.
  • Assisted with church-related construction projects in the Ivory Coast.

1990 – 1991Arthur Andersen & Company San Antonio, TX

Staff Auditor

  • Conducted external audits, primarily with oil and gas clients.

Practicum Experience

Fall, 2007Clinical Geropsychology Practicum Bryan, TX

Practicum Student

  • Anticipating approximately 35-40 direct client contact hours.
  • Counseling older adults in nursing home and assisted living facilities with various issues, including dementia, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Diseases.
  • Designing and co-facilitating life review/reminiscence therapy group.

Summer 2007 Duke University Talent & Identification Program College Station, TX

Psychological Counselor for gifted and talented 7th – 10th graders

  • Approximately 36 direct client contact hours.
  • Counseled junior and senior high school gifted and talented youth and adult staff on a variety of issues, including cutting,ADHD, anger management, sexuality concerns, homesickness, and Asperger Syndrome.
  • Led groups on coping with peer pressure and divorced parents.

Practicum Experience Continued

2006 – 2007Counseling and Assessment Clinic Bryan, TX

Practicum Student

  • Approximately 153 direct client contact hours.
  • Counseled a variety of clients, including older, younger, and college age adults from different multicultural/SES backgrounds, including African American, Hispanic, Caucasian, GLBT, and International.
  • Presenting problems included depression, anxiety, grief and loss, court-mandated anger management, childhood sexual abuse, HIV/AIDS (with co-morbidities), and relationship issues (including couples counseling).
  • Assessments included Myers-Briggs and Beck Depression Inventory.

2006 – 2007 Gear-up Grant for At Risk Youth College Station, TX

Online Counselor for at risk junior and senior high youth

  • Approximately 25 online direct client contact hours with at risk youth.
  • Counseling issues included depression, academic/career/college planning, peer pressure, home/family stress, and relationship problems with parents, girlfriends/boyfriends, and teachers.
  • Consulted with supervisor on reporting possible child abuse to state CPS.


Reichert, A.D. (in press). Gender differences. In N.J. Salkind (Ed.), Encyclopedia of

Educational Psychology. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE.

Reichert, A.D. (in press). Sexual orientation. In N.J. Salkind (Ed.), Encyclopedia of

Educational Psychology.Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE.

Reichert, A.D. (2007). Going back to school: A midlife career change. Manuscript

submitted for publication.

Reichert, A.D. (2006). Bewitched by Abercrombie and Fitch: Finding GLBT identity

development in the advertising photos of Abercrombie and Fitch. Unpublished manuscript.

Reichert, A.D. (1998). The failed gudgeon. Telltales, 17(9), 7-9.

Reichert, A.D. (1997/1998). Earthrise: A call to prayer, a call for creation. The United

Methodist Quarterly Review(winter issue), 395-406.


Reichert, A.D. (2007, November; forthcoming). Christian privilege. Invited presentation

to a Resident Advisor class, TexasA&MUniversity, College Station, TX.

Davenport, D., Pipes, R., Duffy, M., Hetzel, R., & Reichert, A.D. (2007, August).

Forgiveness reconsidered: Exploring underlying constructs and their application in psychotherapy. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.

Presentations Continued

Boulos, S.A., Collins, A.B., Reichert, A.D., Yu, J., Leinberger, K., & Duffy, M. (2007,

August). Religious and developmental issues in psychotherapy with GLBT clients. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.

Collins, A.B., Reichert, A.D., Boulos, S., Haedge, K., Yu, J., Pezent, G., & Leinberger,

K. (2007, January). Developmental and religious issues for GLBT clients, therapists, and educators. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the Educational & Research Exchange, TexasA&MUniversity, College Station, TX.

Duffy, M., Haedge, K., Reichert, A.D., Boulos, S., Yu, J., Leinberger, K., Collins, A.,

Perez, F., & Pezent, G.(2006, November). Religious and developmental issues in psychotherapy with GLBT clients. Symposium conducted at the annual meeting of the Texas Psychological Association, Dallas, TX.

Davenport, D.S., Collins, A., Boulos, S., Leinberger, K., Olds, G., Reichert, A.D., Sikes,

V., & Tonn, M. (2005, November). Personal effects of creative prayer. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the Texas Psychological Association, Houston, TX.

Reichert, A.D. (2005, April). Jonathan and David: Finding biblical support for GLBT

people. Invited presentation, HarborMetropolitanCommunityChurch, Galveston, TX.

Reichert, A.D. (2005, February). Religious perspectives on HIV/AIDS. Invited in-service

presentation, Project Transitions, Inc., Austin, TX.

Reichert, A.D. (2004, April). Spirituality and HIV/AIDS. Invited in-service presentation,

Project Transitions, Inc., Austin, TX.

Grant Activity

  • August, 2007. Research and Presentation Grant Program. Funded proposal ($250) from the Office of Graduate Studies, TexasA&MUniversity, College Station, TX to attend and present at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association in San Francisco, CA.
  • May, 2005. St. Edward’s University/HEB Community Internship Program. Funded proposal ($1,500) for student intern to develop eBay selling program for Top Drawer Thrift Store, Project Transitions, Inc., Austin, TX.
  • March, 2005. The Junior League of Austin. Unfunded request for volunteer assistance to paint exterior portions of Top Drawer Thrift Store, Project Transitions, Inc., Austin, TX.
  • February, 2004. Wells Fargo, Inc. Unfunded request for new intercom system for Doug’s House, the HIV/AIDS hospice of Project Transitions, Inc., Austin, TX.

Professional Memberships

  • American Psychological Association (Student Affiliate Member since 2005).
  • American Psychological Association Division 44 for the Psychological Study of “LGB” Issues (Student Affiliate Member since 2005).
  • Texas Psychological Association (Student Affiliate Member since 2006).
  • Texas A&M Educational Psychology Student Organization (Student Member since 2005).
  • Southwest Texas Conference of The United Methodist Church (Ordained clergy and full member since 1997; probationary member 1994-1997).
  • MetropolitanCommunityChurch (United Methodist ordination affirmed in 2003).

Honors & Awards

  • Kappa Delta Pi International Honor Society (2006).
  • Graduate Student of the Year Diversity Award, Department of Multicultural Services, TexasA&MUniversity (2006).
  • Pinnacle National Honor Society for Non-Traditional Students (2006).
  • Hall Director of the Month, Department of Residence Life, TexasA&MUniversity (2006, January).
  • Graduate Merit Fellowship, TexasA&MUniversity (2005).
  • Volunteer Manager of the Year Award, presented by the Directors of Volunteers in Austin, TX (2005).

Volunteer & Personal Interests

  • QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer) Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper (2005-Present).
  • Aggie Ally and Facilitator for GLBT Students and “Guess Who’s Gay Panels,” TexasA&MUniversity (2005-Present).
  • Student Counseling Crisis Helpline Volunteer, TexasA&MUniversity (2006).
  • TexasA&MUniversity Triathlon Club Team (2006).
  • Rider and fundraiser (approximately $10,000 total), Hill Country Ride for AIDS (2003-2005).
  • Elected President, Allendale Condominium Homeowner’s Association, Austin, TX (2003-2005).
  • Elected Vice President, Shadowridge Condominium Homeowner’s Association, Austin, TX (2001-2002).
  • Eagle Scout, Reading, Writing, Personal Fitness, Sailing, and Photography.

Academic References

Additional work-related and personal references are available.

Donna S. Davenport, PhD

(Master’s and Doctoral Committee Chair)

Associate Professor

Department of Educational Psychology


College Station, TX77843-4225

(979) 845-0285 (work)

Michael Duffy, PhD

(Master’s and Doctoral Committee Member)


Department of Educational Psychology


College Station, TX77843-4225

(979) 845-1845 (work)

Patrick Slattery, PhD

(Master’s and Doctoral Committee Member)

Associate Professor

Department of Educational Curriculum and Instruction


College Station, TX77843-4232

(512) 657-7043

Brett Parker Webb-Mitchell, PhD

(Former Duke University Assistant Professor)

Founder and Director

School of the Pilgrim, Inc.

2031 Hamlet’s Chapel Road

Pittsboro, NC27312

(919) 545-5561 (home)