Hubbard Run Condominium Association

Board of Directors

October 26, 2011

I. Present: Sandra Rodrigue, Mandi Garfield, Stephanie Askelind, , Sheila Persky, Kristi Mallett

KP Management: Carrie

II.Mary Ellen Sias, unit owner 18,attended meeting to express concerns regarding communication with unit owners, building a stronger sense of community. To that end, Mary Ellen suggested a quarterly newsletter to be distributed to unit owners. The idea of the formation of subcommittees was also raised. Mary Ellen expressed concerns regarding repairs throughout the complex, the damage sustained by the hurricane, and the loss of many plants and trees. The repairs suggested by Mary Ellen are on the list of necessary repairs kept by the board, but it was explained that the repairs and needs of the association must be prioritized in keeping with the budget approved by the association at the annual meeting. The possible need for an assessment, as a result of the unanticipated high cost of snow removal last season, in addition to the hurricane damage sustained, was discussed, in addition to a potential increase in monthly common fees.

III.Old Business

  • Unit owner 15 will attend the November board meeting to be heard regarding the rules violations directed to her
  • The vines behind unit #14 have been trimmed
  • The trees behind unit #27 have been cut; the drain behind that unit needs to be re-designed. The drain issue will be addressed in the spring.
  • The damaged shingle on #27 has been repaired and caulking has been done.
  • The hatchways will be in next week and will be installed on units #1,3,9 by Tom Radikan; further hatchway replacements will be assessed in the spring to be contemplated for the next budget.
  • The gutter behind #17 that was causing interior leaking will be replaced
  • Grass seeding has been completed
  • The tree stumps between units 38 and 39 have not been ground because the stump grinder broke in the middle of the process. Will recommence asap.
  • The hurricane damage to unit #38 has been addressed. Both the lower and upper parts of their kitchen window are to be replaced and are on order.
  • Rock salt to be distributed to unit owners asap

IV.New Business

  • The cost to remove the two large trees on the center island is $3000. This issue should be addressed at the annual meeting in terms of safety and as part of an upcoming assessment. This would also be a good topic to be addressed by the formation of a landscape committee, in addition to other new plantings.
  • The board discussed ideas regarding a potential assessment, which must be further discussed at the upcoming budget preparation meetings for approval by the association. The reserves must be replenished for the high cost of snow removal, in addition to hurricane damage, perhaps removing the two large trees on the center island to avoid further tree damage, to replace those trees with more appropriate plantings and, perhaps, to replace hatchways as they seem to be deteriorating at a rate faster than which we can keep up.
  • Siding over #19 to be fixed asap
  • Sprinklers will be assessed in the spring
  • One notice for rule violation to be sent to unit #40
  • Dead shrub in center island to be removed