Hertfordshire County Council
Children, Schools & Families
Southfield School
Job Description
Job Title: Deputy Headteacher Reports to Headteacher
Salary Range L11 - 15
  • To work with the Headteacher to provide professional leadership which furthers the aims of the school.
  • To work with the Headteacher to ensure the vision, mission, values and core purpose of the school are communicated and clarified.
  • To work with the Headteacher to ensure that the aims, values and objectives of the school are achieved through an effective School Improvement Plan.
  • To take lead responsibility for designated key projects to secure the continued successful development of the school community.
  • To work with the Headteacher to ensure that the leadership and management of the school secures high quality teaching and learning for all pupils; that pupils are safe and happy at school and are enabled to be successful learners who achieve high standards.
  • To work with theHeadteacher to provide quality assurance in all the school’s activities.
  • To provide for the Headteacher an overview of major school issues through a wide ranging awareness and contact with staff, pupils, parents and other stakeholders.
  • To deputise for the Headteacher and to undertake in their absence all the professional duties of the role.
Responsibilities and Role
Supporting Strategic Direction and Development of the school
  • To work with the Headteacher to identify school needs through an effective process of school self-review.
  • To work with the Headteacher to analyse performance and standards, to inform school improvement and the setting of school targets for consideration by the Governing body.
  • To co-ordinate, facilitate and monitor Continuing Professional Development throughout the school in line with identified school improvement priorities.
  • To attend enrichment, fundraising and family social events and to support the wider life of the Southfield School Community.
  • To have responsibility with the Headteacher for the safety, behaviour, welfare and wellbeing of all pupils.
  • To work with the Headteacher to develop systems within the school that support positive behaviour and ensure that school staff maintain the capacity to support behaviour effectively and safely in the context of Hertfordshire Steps.
  • To undertake the role of Deputy Designated Senior Person for Safeguarding, and when suitably experienced and qualified, the role of Designated Senior Person.
  • To support pupils by ensuring that the needs and priorities of individuals are widely disseminated.
Developing Teaching and Learning
  • To work with the Leadership Team to create and maintain an environment which promotes and secures good teaching, effective learning, high standards of achievement, and good behaviour. Including the monitoring of planning, IEPs and individual pupil targets.
  • To ensure the smooth day to day running of the school, having oversight of the work of the Phase Leaders.
  • To chair a proportion of Annual Review meetings.
  • To monitor and evaluate the content and effectiveness of the school curriculum with the Leadership Team and Subject Co-ordinators.
  • To ensure the moderation of assessments throughout the school both in school and in partnership with other schools at a local/regional/national level.
  • To provide whole school strategic leadership in an identified area of the curriculum and other aspects of school provision.
Staff Development and Staffing
  • To work with the Headteacher to support and promote the well-being of all staff.
  • To work with the Headteacher to lead and manage all staff and to act as a role model to ensure the highest standards are delivered at all times.
  • To be a team leader in the appraisal of teaching and support staff.
  • To ensure that appropriate support systems are in place for NQT.
  • To co-ordinate the work of, and deliver training to lunchtime staff.
  • To co-ordinate cover for absent staff in partnership with the school Office Manager.
  • To assist the Headteacher in the recruitment and deployment of staff.
  • To ensure appropriate opportunities for induction and to work with the Assistant Headteacher to ensure opportunities for continuing professional development are in place and are linked to staff appraisal and whole school development priorities.
  • To work with the Headteacher to ensure individual staff accountabilities are clearly defined, understood and agreed and are subject to rigorous review and evaluation.
  • To acknowledge, share and promote excellence and develop effective team working.
Learning Partners
  • To work with the Headteacher, to provide guidance, advice, counselling and support to parents and carers in the school.To co-ordinate services for parents and carers; providing supervision to the Family Support Worker to organise workshops and
training programmes delivered by school staff or other services.
  • To be responsible for the school’s outreach provision.
  • To lead and be responsible for the development of partnership working with other special schools and mainstream partners and to lead for the school’s work in developing in-reach and inclusion opportunities.
  • To lead and to facilitate multi-agency working in school including overview of SLAs.
  • To attend meetings of the Governing Body and any relevant sub committees.
  • To manage and organise volunteers, students, supply staff and work experience placements.
Personal Development
  • To take a full and active part in professional development activities.
  • To regularly attend any relevant training and development activities both within and outside school and to attend relevant meetings.
  • To keep up to date with the requirements of the DfES, QCA and LA, and to engage in research as needed to fulfil the demands of the role.

Conditions of Service

All teachers work within the statutory conditions of employment set out in the current School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document.
The post is otherwise subject to locally agreed conditions of employment to the extent that they are incorporated in the post holder’s individual contract of employment. Copies of the relevant documents are available for inspection inschool.
The postholder will be expected to carry out their duties in line with the current Teachers Standards. Staff are expected to comply with any reasonable request from the Headteacher to undertake work of a similar level that is not specified in this job description. The duties listed are not an exhaustive list of what is required.
This job description is current at the date shown, but in consultation with the postholder, may be changed to reflect or anticipate changes in the job commensurate with the job title, purpose and grade. The job description will be reviewed annually as part of the formal appraisal process, and to reflect the priorities of the School Improvement Plan.

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