IEP-at-a-glance rubric

Revised 2008 Barthold

August 08

Points / 0 / 1 / 2
IEP Objectives / ·  Confidentiality is not protected
·  One benchmark is selected / ·  Goals are selected instead of benchmarks
·  Only two goals/objectives selected / ·  At least 3 benchmarks selected
·  Initials are used in lieu of names
Social, Communication, and Friendship Skills / ·  No supports are identified
·  Supports selected are too intrusive or intense
·  Focus is on “weaknesses” of the child / ·  Less than three supports are identified
·  Social skills only supported during either planned activities OR unplanned activities / ·  At least three supports for social skills are identified
·  Strengths are listed
·  Social skills are supported during planned and unstructured activities
·  Peers are used as supports to the greatest extent possible
Level/types of supports / ·  No supports listed
·  Focus is on “weaknesses” of the child
·  Supports are described so that they could not be implemented without further information / ·  Support discussion is somewhat vague
·  Supports focus only on either planned activities OR unplanned activities / ·  At least one specific support is listed
·  Student strengths are listed to help with facilitation
·  Supports focus on both planned and unstructured activities
Physical, Safety, and Health Concerns / ·  No supports listed
·  Justification not provided or no evidence that supports were discussed with co-op / ·  Only in-school or only home concerns are addressed
·  Concerns do not offer solutions or accommodations
·  Justification provides some evidence that supports were discussed with co-op / ·  Both in-school and home physical concerns are addressed
·  Solutions or accommodations are suggested
·  If no supports are listed, justification provides clear evidence that in-school and home supports were discussed with co-op
Behavior Supports / ·  Behavior supports are not listed
·  Supports are inappropriate
·  Supports are too restrictive
·  Supports are not based upon discussion with co-op or FBA / ·  Suggestions are vague and difficult to follow
·  Supports address either outbursts OR withdrawal
·  Discussion with co-op or FBA not clear / ·  Specific suggestions on how to handle behavior problems are provided
·  Supports address both outbursts AND withdrawal
·  Supports allow child to participate to the greatest extent possible OR are clearly based on an existing FBA
Communication / ·  Supports are targeted towards only one facet of communication
·  Supports are inappropriate and do not relate to the IEP / ·  Supports only address two to three areas of communication
·  Supports are somewhat vague and difficult to understand / ·  Supports address oral, written, receptive and nonverbal communication
·  Supports are described in enough detail for implementation
Data Collection / ·  No person selected to implement data collection
·  No data collection procedures are suggested / ·  Data collection procedures consist of only anecdotal notes
·  It would be very difficult to implement data collection procedures described / ·  Data collection procedures are objective and empirical
·  Data collection procedures are appropriate to the classroom environment
·  Person responsible for data collection is described
Home Communication / ·  Frequency of communication is inappropriate
·  Only barriers to communication are listed AND no preferred mode of communication is stated / ·  No preferred mode of communication is stated OR
·  Barriers to communication are listed but no solutions are suggested
·  No “point person” is suggested
·  Frequency of communication might be somewhat inappropriate / ·  Preferred mode of communication is stated
·  Barriers to communication are addressed
·  “Point person/s” for communication are identified or discussed
·  Frequency of communication is appropriate for the setting and the child
Transitions / ·  Transitions are not addressed
·  Suggestions or inappropriate or cannot be carried out in a classroom environment / ·  Only transitions OR unexpected events are addressed
·  Suggestion is either age-appropriate or developmentally appropriate, but not both / ·  Both transitions and unexpected events are addressed
·  Suggestion is both age-appropriate and developmentally appropriate
Participation in Planned Activities / ·  Adaptations are inappropriate for the classroom
·  Adaptations would routinely lead to exclusion of the targeted child
·  Peers are not included in adaptations / ·  Adaptations are somewhat intrusive
·  Adaptations might lead to exclusion if not implemented correctly
·  Adaptations are vague and not easily understood / ·  Specific instructions are listed as to how to either adapt, augment, or alter activities
·  Adaptations allow for access to general education curriculum
·  Adaptations are peer mediated whenever possible
Total Points (20)